Thursday, August 26, 2010

Perfect iambic pentameter to celebrate the color BLUE!

...or not. Ahemmmm......

Used to be, on a hot day of summer,
Or I just might remember it so...
Kid's would play in blue rivers and
lakes...don't you know?

But here in the desert
When it rains it's a treat!
Since no blue water is close
Children play in the streets.

On Tuesday night we had a torrential downpour. Mr. Jenny and I went outside to watch it rain. We could hear kids yelling and screaming in the distance so we walked up the corner and saw these neighbor kids getting cars to splash them!

This little ditty is linked to Rainbow Summer School's color BLUE! Click here to read more odes to this refreshing color.

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  1. Just love the story woven by those gorgeous blue images & rhyming couplets!


  2. The blue in the photos were so gorgeous! How funny how the kids played in the water!

    We've been having Arizona-type heat by me lately. No rain for us though! I would have loved getting splashed like that!

  3. Cute little rhyme, Jenny. Can't imagine wanting to be splashed by water from the street. LOL
    Thanks for sharing the fun! ~ Sarah

  4. Gimme that old time lake swimmin'!


  5. Jenny olease swap for a while I would love some sunshine . We have rain rain and more rain. Did i mention it has rained quite a bit here.
    I am thankful to God thatthe crops have grown and the farmers have harvested in the dry But please God send some sonshine for our last weeks school holiday

  6. wonderful photos, especially the one with the kids on hanging onto the dock! now that looks like my kinda summer!

  7. the heck with iambic pentameter or whatever, this was a perfect ode to the color blue!

  8. There is a lake in Idaho and Utah called Bear Lake. That water is (or's been years since I saw it) the prettiest blue I have ever seen.

    Love the picture of the kids getting splashed. How cool are those people for obliging a childhood indulgence!

  9. I love playing in the rain! I still do it. Oh what happy times. Love the poem.

  10. That looks like SO much fun! And I loved your *perfect* little ditty ;-)

  11. Oh the lake pictures are stunning...but I love the idea of the children playing in the puddles after a downpour!!! I still take the boys out and dance on the rain!!!

    Have a great day!!!

  12. Great pics, Miss Jenny!

    (Gotta say I loved the Gordon Lightfoot tune playing in the background!)

  13. I remember my youth in Georgia, when we'd be out there in the pouring rain, running around gleefully, as long as there was no chain lightning. Of course, here in the San Francisco area, I never see that. It is always way too cold when it rains!

  14. Oh how fun and I can almost hear the giggles:) Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  15. A bar of Ivory soap and I'd be good to go.

  16. Lovely blues! And I could just feel the joy of those kiddos playing in the water. What a treat for them!! -Tammy

  17. What a wonderful word picture! I love the picture too. We get so much rain here. JDaniel gets to hop in puddles often.

  18. What a wonderful word picture! I love the picture too. We get so much rain here. JDaniel gets to hop in puddles often.

  19. I grew up spending all summer at the lake. Oh how I longed for that lake this summer!

  20. fabulous! I can only imagine how good that felt to them!

  21. You gotta find your fun where and when you can!!!

  22. i have family in the phoenix area and all i heard about is the rain this, the rain that! they were rubbing it in, since we are sweltering here in california! great post and thanks for hosting!

  23. I was afraid you were going to get fancy on us using a term like iambic pentameter, but your poem was very cute and down to earth.
    Fun to see the kids playing in the rain.

  24. Beautiful Blue Jenny and Beautiful Children enjoying the rain....blessings...bkm

  25. I love the blue pictures, but I must say the kids look like they are having fun in the street water too.

  26. We need a serious downpour here at school so I can do that.

    These kids are brilliant!

  27. Man that actually looks like fun to me. Your blue water pictures are very pretty.

  28. So much fun. Looks like a great summer was had by all.

    That first shot is awesome.

  29. OH! What fun indeed! That's a lot of rain! We've had some days like that lately!

    Blessings & aloha!
    (oh dear! I am again working on my blue post! and I still need to get over to visit some more green posts!)

  30. Wow that blue is beautiful.. hey I grew up playing in the streeets LOL..... I live in cali :)

  31. I think when you are a kid you find water wherever you can....It is so much fun to play in. I was surrounded by water when I was a girl...The ocean, a couple of creeks, even the streets in the winter when it would flood. I would haul an old tin washtub out and paddle down main street having a great adventure just like Tom sawyer.......

  32. These photos ROCK! They are KEEPERS. :) You should frame that one in the water with their hands on the dock...such a perfect shot.

  33. Love pics & the ditty!

  34. It's so cool to be a kid !

    When do we grow up so much we forget to have fun?

  35. Wish I could share some of our rains with you... been raining almost every night, sometimes with such sound and fury they keep my baby up all night. Have a blessed weekend!

  36. Oh Jenny! How fun is that!! Oh to be young and carefree again! Love the blue this week! Have a great weekend!

  37. Hey, I remember Arizona down pours! Seems it rained toads..really.

    Glad you caught them in the act :)

    Cool BLUE...

  38. Just loving your little ditties! We've had two days of constant rain this week and very little sunshine all summer, perhaps we'll have a better September!

  39. omg that first pic looks so scary. quite the dare devil there haha

  40. Oh my goodness how cute! People in New York take extreme precaution to avoid getting sprayed. These kids are really living it up.

  41. Living in Arizona I can only imagine how refreshing that rain splash was! Thanks for sharing. Anne


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