Thursday, December 30, 2010

As the year winds down...

I count my blessings. There are so many.

Living in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

A roof over my head that keeps me warm and dry and safe.

Granddaughters that are the joy of my heart.

A lovely garden, and the ability to walk to it and see the growth and change every single day.

Food, electricity, warmth.

The ability to dream.

The unlimited riches of words...the umlimited horizons that words offer to me.

Friends, old and new. Friends, silver and gold.

Kind words on a sad day.


A husband who loves me in spite of everything.

Loving myself in spite of everything.

The wealth of possibilities.

The potential of tomorrow.

Living my life every single day.

Facing down fear.

Choosing beauty.

Choosing hope.

Choosing to look up at the sky and find a smile.

Choosing joy.

This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's New Years linky. To visit other posts, just click here.

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  1. Happy New Year, Jenny. With a list of blessings like this, can you imagine what treasures 2011 will bring? I'm looking forward to an exciting and fulfilling year. Woo-hoo! La

  2. Seeing your list of blessings reminds me of all the small and wonderful things that I often take for granted.

    Looking forward to another wonderful year of stories and surprises with JM!

  3. Land of the free? I'm confused. Don't you live in Arizona?

    HAHAHA--couldn't resist!

    Have a VERY Happy New Year!

  4. I love your list. You're right. We have a lot to be thankful for....and it's easy to forget that when we're grumpy or sad or just down.

    This coming year, I'm going to try to keep my focus on the positives....

    Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year to you, dear Jenny! I pray that 2011 is all you want it to be! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

  6. Happy New Year Jenny! Wishing you many more blessings in 2011~

  7. I'm in full agreement with all your sentiments, particularly 'loving yourself in spite of everything'!

    BUT when dd you move to Australia....'the land of the free and the home of the brave?'

    Sorry! I couldn't resist it:-0

  8. Jenny,
    What a lovely positive list; my kind! Most of us definitely have a lot to look forward to and a lot to be thankful for; it's all in the attitude!
    Thanks for the reminder...

  9. Very nice, I love the things you are thankful for.
    Happy New Year to you also, may your 2011 be full of new friends, new foods, and new funnies.

  10. Jenny -- looking forward to a new year and reading your posts. God Bless!

  11. We are blessed indeed! Happy New Year my friend!

  12. Good blessings.
    Good choices.

    Happy New Year, Jenny!


  13. I like that you appreciate and express that gratitude and happiness are largely a matter of one's choosing...

    Happy New Year and Happy AThursday!

  14. Ditto! You and me both Jenny!!!
    Happy new year to you and your family.

  15. Happy New Year Jenny
    Thanks for hosting your fun parties all year long.

    Do like that line of 'loving yourself in spite of everything' think many of us could use that more often.

  16. Happy New Year! I love that you choose to be optimistic.


  17. I love you dear cousin. And I am so blessed to not only have you as my cousin, but my friend. Blessed I am.

  18. Jenny, there is something to be said for Cheryl D's comment.

    I am still glad we live here, though, aren't you??

  19. Happy New Year Jenny! I'm so glad I found Alphabe-Thursday and you and everyone you've attracted with your wit and generosity of spirit. I love your list, especially the parts that include the words 'I choose' - I'll take that on too!

  20. I am with you. I love your list. I hope all is okay with you. Is it? Just wondering. Sending a prayer up for my friend, Jen!

  21. I can only agree with you ! I feel the same except that I am not living in "the land of the free and the home of the brave". Free is right but I doubt that everybody is brave, lol !

  22. God Bless you Jenny !

    Happy New Year!

  23. Choice; that's often the crux of it. Some things we need to choose to see.

    Happy New Year, Jenny. I hope these things continue to blessings to you for a long time to come.

  24. it is amazing just how blessed we are .... have a wonderful New Years! hugs, Jo

  25. Love you, my dear sweet friend, and I'm wishing you a WONDERFUL 2011! Blessings abundant be yours...


    Sheila :-)

  26. Such a beautiful list. I'm thankful for you Ms. Jenny!

  27. What a truly blessed people we are. And how sad that some people choose sorrow or disappointment in place of that Joy that is so eagerly awaiting us. Thank you for this post.

  28. lovely use of words there mate and very positive. heres to an even better 2011. cheers!



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Jenny Matlock