Thursday, December 2, 2010

J is for Joy

Here is a conversation I found in my journal from November 22, 2004. It was with our oldest Granddaughter, Julia, and I hope it gives you joy! For clarity, when Julia was little she couldn't say her name and called herself YaYa.

Yes, Julia…
Yes, Julia…
Well, sort of Julia. Do you like clowns?
Oh, I’m sorry. Why don’t you like clowns?
I’m sorry Julia but clowns won’t hurt you, they are just people dressed up with make up on.
Yes, Julia
Yes, Julia
Yes, Jules, Grandma likes Winnie the Pooh. Do you like Winnie the Pooh?
Yes, Julia.
Why are you sad Jules?
Well, it was Riley’s birthday and it wasn’t your birthday but I’m sorry you’re sad.
Yes, Julia?
Yes, Julia?

Repeat 43 times and you have an idea of Miss Julia’s concerns for a Monday.

This jubilant Julia post is brought to you by the letter J! To read other J posts, just click here.

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mle said...

What a precious memory of the simple days. I'm sure her list as a teenager is different today... {the scawey clowns are probably still on the list though!}

Theresa said...

Julia is a JOY! I love memories of conversations with the little ones! Have a blessed day dear Jenny! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Happy days! Kids give us so much pleasure don't they. And drive us mad at the same time!

CJ xx

Sue McPeak said...

Joyous special to have this recorded for all time. What a conversation, and it's definately worth repeating at least 43 times.

Thanks for Sharing this Joy! Happy Holiday Card is my Letter J Post!

Catrina said...

So sweet!

Theresa Plas said...

ROFL!!!!! Too cute! That HAS to be your granddaughter!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Oh too cute Jenny!

Pondside said...

That was lovely - brought back memories of similar conversations!

Sue said...

You are a wise woman that you kept a record of such precious words!

Susan Anderson said...

Oh my gosh, that picture is amazing. What a lovely child she is, Jenny!

That beautiful and curly red hair.
Those electric blue eyes.
And her skin tone!!!

Out of this world, Grandma.


PS. The conversation ain't bad, either...

Lourie said...

You were so very smart to right all that down. I need to write stuff down.

PS My oldest (13) doesn't like clowns either.

fredamans said...

Julia the natural jester....

She's funny.

Unknown said...

Yaya's joyful jabbering is jovial indeed!

myletterstoemily said...

ho ho ho! reminds me of the scawey
conversations i have with myself!

Amanda Lee said...

What a joyful post! How lovely that you journaled that special time.

Anonymous said...

YaYa is adorable...
Loved this post :)

Amy said...

What a doll! I love her concerns. So cute!

Terry said...

Awe...makes me wish I'd kept a journal of some of the things my kids said when they were little! Sweet story! :0)

Life in Rehab said...

What an edible little smooshie face! I would have been blowing zerberts on her too much for her to be concerned about anything!

Kat said...

What an adorable little girl, and such a precious memory! The clown bit made me laugh - I'm 51 years old and they still scare the snot out of me! Kat

Jen said...

I can hear it now. So cute! I love that you have that in your journal!

Anonymous said...

We sometimes get stuck in conversation loops at my house too.

Cheryl D. said...

Very cute!

LuLu Kellogg said...

This is SO precious!

That flaming red hair is just to die for!


Deb said...

adorable...I don't like clowns either...they are scawey if you really look at them...

ImagiMeri said...

Hey Girlfriend,

Sounds just like you!!!!!!LOL Just kidding sweetie, I know you don't say gwamma.......snort! Anyhooo, thank you for clearing up the confusion over the gifts. I shall be fiendishly crafting away for the next week or two. I shall get those that live farther away done first. Maybe you should jog on over here for a check in anyway. Talk to ya later gater!

Love ya'

Vicki/Jake said...

Just full of Jiggles laughing at this conversation...doncha love them at that age...ok, at any age :)

Pat said...

Have to say I go with your Julia on this...clowns can be scary! What a sweet moment you shared, even if there were a few repetitions.

Judie said...

These are the conversations we carry in our hearts all our lives! Thanks, Jenny, for sharing one of yours. What a beautiful "J"!!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great tribute! It takes me back to when my son was young and full of all those questions.


Serline said...

Journal... great idea! I'm a little lazy, so I will use the video recording function on my camera to do some of the work instead ;-)


Oh....that is so funny and so typical. My two year old granddaughter talks non stop and she stutters (a new development) so.....not only is she a chatter box but it takes forever to say it. Her voice is so high pitched and so adorable. We are hoping the stuttering is temporary. Great post!

Stef said...

I'm starting to get dizzy. Ha

Annesphamily said...

Precious! I have a video about JOY! Come see me soon! Julia is just delightful! Anne

Anonymous said...

How do you spell p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s- ?

Moore Minutes said...

JOYFUL post. :) But my favorite part of this post was the fact that you keep a journal of these treasured moments. That is PERFECT.

Holly Lefevre said...

I love that you journal those sweet moments. I need to be better about that...they things little ones say and do are so natural and uncensored and when you look back on them, just perfect.

Lola said...

Julia is so beautiful!

XOXO Lola & Nora:)

jfb57 said...

As a fellow 'Julia' I just want to say 'Gweat'!

Gattina said...

Lol ! I am looking forward to these kind of conversation, but I have to wait a little, my little grandson is just 2 weeks old !

Mary said...

Repeat 43 times, LOL! Julia was adorable, then & now...Jealous of that hair :-)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my goodness...that is so funny.
I hardly know anyone (young or old) that like clowns.
Pooh on the other hand is awesome!

Ames said...

Oh Jenny that is just too cute. Good thing you wrote that one down. You'll have it forever. It seems that Yaya really needs to know that she has gwamma's undivided attention! Precious!! ~Ames

Su-sieee! Mac said...

YaYa was right on. Clowns are scary. They still make me shudder. And, I still walk the other way at carnivals and fairs when I see one coming. Though I suppose creepy is really the operative word. I definitely enjoyed your entry. Merry Christmas!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Hilarious...more so after 43 times.

Clowns are too scary! I never thought so as a kid, but the older I get, the scarier they get. For real. Pinkie swear.

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Ahh! Wonderful post of dear YaYa. I also love knowing that some of the very things that tire you out as a mother bring such joy as a grandmother. I'm not there yet but am looking forward to the day! This is so sweet!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

That was a cute conversation, and you have the patience of a saint :-)

Jo said...

I love that you have these little conversations recorded ... your grands are going to love these memories that you preserve for them ... you are one heck of a grandma!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

AW!!!! Love it, love it, love it!!!! That is exactly want I have to, absolutely need to remember to do!!! Buy a journal and write every dog-gone cute convo I have with my future grandbabies!!!!!! (I wish that I had done that when our children were little!)

Julia and both are Just J-lightful! (in honor of the letter "J", I took the liberty to use "J" in lieu of "de".

Blessings & Aloha!

Unknown said...

That is the cutest conversation ever! Awww, Julia sounds so cute that I can totally imagine the exchange happening :) It's one of the things I look forward to with E.