Sunday, December 12, 2010

On the 14th Day Before Christmas...(Trader Joes giveaway)

Jenny Matlock...Off on a Tanget gave to me,
Seven straight days of giveaways...
For things I can put 'neath my Holiday tree!

This is the fifth day of the Seven day giveaway. You can enter every contest every day for seven chances to win in each!

So for today, I thought I'd share some holiday treats from Trader Joes and a sweet little red vintage apron.

To enter just leave a comment...any comment below this post. OK. It has to be a nice comment. No mean comments telling me things like "I see London, I see France, I see someone's underpants."

If you missed the 15th Day before Christmas giveaway for a mixed media original piece of art from Studio 48, click here.

If you missed the 16th Day before Christmas giveaway for an ImageMeri shadow box or want to enter that drawing again, click here.

If you missed the 17th Day before Christmas giveaway for a $50.00 gift certificate for a Lisa Leonard creation or want to enter that drawing again, click here.

If you missed the 18th Day before Christmas giveaway for a $25.00 Amazon Gift card, or want to enter that drawing again, click here!

And if you missed the rules of the giveaway, here they are again!

1. You must be a follower of this blog.
2. I must be able to get hold of you easily. If your e-mail addy is not linked to your blog please provide it in your comment.
3. Regular blog programming will proceed so there may be two posts in one day. All giveaways will be linked AND you can find them by clicking on the words "Christmas Giveaway" at the bottom right of my blog.
4. You can enter each giveaway 7 times - once each day. I will put links to all drawings on each giveaway to make your life easier!
5. All drawings will be conducted with Mr. Random Integer generator on Wednesday evening, December 15th. Winners will have 48 hours to claim their prize or I will re-draw a name.
6. Anyone can enter. If you live far away, though, you might not get your box before Christmas but I'll try really, really hard.

post signature


  1. Dear Jenny,
    Yes please!
    Best wishes,
    Please look at your e-mail. I have left a price-list. I will be watching the computer all day today(unless it dies on me, Heaven forbid).

  2. This would be awesome. We don't have a TJs near us. I love me some TJs anything.

  3. Ok ok... got me on the food one. I have been only to a Trader Joes once and loved it. Unfortunately it is far from me. Would I like this prize? Let's hear a "hell ya"


  4. Oh boy, I've heard all about Trader Joe's, but I've never been. You would think as big as Texas is they could find a place to put one measly store, but noooo... So this would be a great way to find out what all the hoopla is about. Plus, I LOVE that apron! Kat

  5. Great treats, the apron catches my attention because I love to cook. No more lonely Christmas with those delecious foodies!

  6. Oh how I would love something from Trader Joes, you have me hooked. We were supposed to go to St.Louis yesterday to find a TJ, but weren't able to go, will have to be an after Christmas trip now. Thanks

  7. I love Trader Joe's, but I have to be in St. Louis to go to one, so I don't get there often. Love this one!

  8. Please enter me in this one too! I don't have a Trader Joes and would love to sample these goodies! Thank you!

  9. Cool Beans!!! Looks like a great package, count me in please!! (and thank you!!)

  10. Sign me up & if you have any pull, please encourage them to put a store in Springfield. We'll see what happens. Jan

  11. I'm always in for 'snacks'! Thanks again for the chance! =)

  12. Dark chocolate stars and gingerbread men,
    Those are some things I'd love to win.

  13. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  14. Love Trader Joe's and make a trip there every other month or so! They have the best stuff!

  15. I've never heard of Trader Joe's (seems like I'm missing out there) but that picture has foooooooood! Droooooooool :p

  16. Hi Jenny! I would love to win some goodies from Trader Joe's. You are too generous! La

  17. You can't go wrong with winning tasty food!

  18. yummy food in cute packaging ... who can resist??? I would love to try some trader joe's ... afterall we share a name ... or part of a name, or at least two letters ...
    yeah ... count me in please! and i promise, no more nasty comments (tee he he)

  19. Man I love trader Joes! We were hoping one would go up here, instead they put an Aldi's which apparently is owned by the same company. Count me in Jenny!

  20. Ooooooo this look like fun.
    We don't have Trders here yet. But Joe is on his way soon.


  21. Gingerbread Men! Dark Chocolate! YESSS! Love it. Jenny you are the BEST!

  22. Dear Jenny, I heart you AND Trader Joe's. So you see, even though I won your super fantastic ZSQ (which I also heart - especially this time of year)... I'm being just a tad greedy here and entering one of your most generous giveaways a total of just one time :) TJ's is just too much for me to resist. This is fab :D Hugs, Tammy

  23. Love Trader Joe's too-unbeatable!

    XOXO Lola:)

  24. Wow! I LOVE TJ products! When I was this was the giveaway, I couldn't post a comment quickly enough. Only, I read some of the comments as I was quickly scrolling down. I noticed my friend, Cheryl, who doesn't even have a TJ near her! So sad. Someone like that should win this giveaway. So if you draw my number...hell ya, I'm going to accept it! I'm greedy that way!

  25. How fabulous...and you make it so easy and FUN! I'll have to remember we can't rhyme though! heeheehee! ♥

  26. I have never been to Trader Joe's though have always wanted to go. And vintage aprons are right up my isle!

  27. I love TJ but there is not one close... Would adore this.

  28. love Trader Joe's. I'm lucky to have one not too far away.

  29. Let me see now...a nice comment. I'll just run through my fairly limited repertoire and see what I can come up with...

    er, no...not that one...

    maybe...naw, too corny...

    how 'bout...? (Oops. somebody already said that one.)

    Guess I'll just have to settle for this: =D
    (Because I always smile when I come here.)

    See what I mean?


  30. I would die and go to heaven with this TJ gift pack. I live at that store! Pick me pick me Mr. Random! :)

  31. Like Sue above, my comment's also :D!

    XOIXO Lola:)

  32. Oh dang nabbit I missed this one and I would really love an apron . that looks sweet !

  33. Jenny you are having such a wonderful giveaway....Santas little helper

  34. Oh I love Trader Joe's...but we do not have one close by!!! I love their teas and do I see Gingerbread men all time favorite!!!

  35. Hi Jenny Sweetie...
    Oh girl, you had me at Trader Joe's. Is there anyone out there that doesn't love, LOVE Trader Joes. I was so sad when they closed the Metro Store closest to me. Now I have to drive to Sun City. Oh I love this package.

    I am a happy follower, please add me to this giveaway. What a treat for any family.

    Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  36. More and more I search through your blog more and more I adore you!!

  37. I've got my fingers crossed on this one! I always hear how great Trader Joe's is, but we don't have one around here. I'd love to win this and find out for myself!

  38. I've heard nothing but good things about Trader Joes's, but don't live near one. Sounds like fun! Merry Christmas!

  39. Love, love, love Trader Joe's (and you!)!!

  40. My best friend lives in California and is always writing about Trader Joe's. We don't have those in Texas! I would love for you to enter my name in the drawing for this wonderful sampling!


  41. fun, fun, fun!! Hi, it's me again!!

    lol!! Thanks!!

  42. I've never been to Trader Joe's so this would be a wonderful sampling of their fab food!

    Wombat Central

  43. I follow on GFC and I LOVE Trader Joes...they have the best goodies, and even more this time of year...

  44. Of course I follow and I love TJ's. Joni

  45. A must have for cookie monsters like me .

  46. TJs makes a mean Mac & Cheese. I miss it. Cookies will help.

  47. We all love TJs!

    XOXO Lola & Nora:)

  48. Trying again for TJ's would love that.

  49. Yum, Yum, Yum, very tasty!! lol!! Add me again, please!! (and thank you!!)

  50. Have NEVER been near a TJ. Sounds wonderful!!!

  51. I was going to make some Trader Joes Apple Bread this morning, but sadly we're out of milk!

  52. I bet you knew the "treats" give away would catch my eye! Please throw my name in the hat for this one!

  53. Apron? My ears perk up at the sound of "apron." It's becoming my new item to think about sewing. The idea of a ready-made one, so cool. And Trader Joe's stuff is super-cool, too. For me, that means a trip out of town. Yay! Merry Christmas, Jenny!

  54. The mac & cheese is in a box but it's a nice quick meal that's wholesome and childlike. Kinda like me.

  55. We miss our TJ's and people who have one nearby are so lucky. Joni

  56. Well, in the past few weeks I've seen both London and France, but I won't tell you about that. :)

    This is so fun!

  57. Love Trader Joe's! Count me in please :)

  58. Trader Joe's please come
    we waste away without you
    our city hearts you

  59. This would be SO much fun to win...all about the holidays! ♥

  60. Yum, yum, yum!! One more for me!!!

  61. jenny you know I would love some Trader joes, do you feel like Santa??

  62. One more golden opportunity!

    XOXO Lola:)

  63. I think you just rated higher than Santa in my book right now. I mean, really. all these awesome giveaways, and all these extra chances to win! When I grow up, I want to be awesome like you!

  64. If I win, I promise to send the Trader Joe's stuff to Joey and Aimee because they miss Trader Joes SOOOO MUCH since they moved away!!

  65. I have never been to Trader Joe's lol-hope I win so I can taste some goodies

  66. oh pick me, pick me!!
