Wednesday, December 8, 2010

On the 18th Day Before Christmas ... (giveaway)

Jenny Matlock...Off on a Tanget gave to me,
Seven straight days of giveaways...
For things I can put 'neath my Holiday tree!

To thank you all for being such wonderful, supportive, kind and patient readers I am doing seven giveaways in a row!

It's going to work the same for all days so I'll tell you what I'm thinking.

1. You must be a follower of this blog.
2. I must be able to get hold of you easily. If your e-mail addy is not linked to your blog please provide it in your comment.
3. Regular blog programming will proceed so there may be two posts in one day. All giveaways will be linked AND you can find them by clicking on the words "Christmas Giveaway" at the bottom right of my blog.
4. You can enter each giveaway 7 times - once each day. I will put links to all drawings on each giveaway to make your life easier!
5. All drawings will be conducted with Mr. Random Integer generator on Wednesday evening, December 15th. Winners will have 48 hours to claim their prize or I will re-draw a name.
6. Anyone can enter. If you live far away, though, you might not get your box before Christmas but I'll try really, really hard.

So...without further ado...

Giveaway number 1:

A 25 dollar Amazon Gift Card.

Good luck!

PS. If you have any questions please e-mail me...e-mail link is at the top right of my blog!

post signature


mle said...

Hi Jenny!
Thanks for offering this giveaway!
If you only knew the irony of this...
made me smile today : )
happy wednesday!

Cheryl said...

Oooo to the Ahhhh!

Unknown said...

Oooooh! Not only are you sweet and kind hearted, you are generous too! Love you! (I'm game!)

Theresa Plas said...

Great idea Jen! Would love to win! Thanks!

Sherri said...

Jenny, what an awesome thing for you to do. Thanks for your kind heart and Merry CHRISTMAS!!

Kat said...

Yippee! Jenny, you are too generous! This would be a great way to restock my Kindle.
Good luck everyone! Kat

Curling up by the Fire said...

Thanks for this one!

icewoman96 at gmail dot com

I'm an old follower.

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

How sweet Jenny! you are like 'santa's little helper' !!
Count me in!

Terra said...

Jenny, you are going to make some new best friends this December! THis is quite awesome you know, wish I'd have thought of it! And let me just say, I have a love hate relationship with amazon but when it comes to ease of shopping, I love them!

myletterstoemily said...

dear jenny,

sorry about the 'no email' policy. i am not
entering your extremely gracious give away,
but i did want to tell you that you men a lot
to me.

your posts are either entertaining or insightful,
two qualities lacking in mine. :) under neath
many of your humorous pieces lays a big old
fat nugget of TRUTH. and better than that
is a pretty heft helping of kindness.

now that there kindness isn't fancy or flashly,
but it get the job done for me. usually it gets
me doing a job who for the one who was kind.

anyway, i sure like your ole' blog, jenny.

Unknown said...

Wow, how generous of you! Good thing for random number generators or you'll have a lot of entries to sort through :)

Jocelyn said...

Look at make me smile!!!

Wishing you a wonderful day!!!

La said...

You are so sweet, Jenny. Thank you for your generosity!

I'm a follower. La

Jeanie said...

If I was really clever I'd come up with a "Seven Giveaways of Christmas" song, but I think it is too early in the morning for clever.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Jenny, aren't you the sweetest. I could sure use an Amazon card. I am a follower as you know.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny what a fun and generous giveaway. I always enjoy shopping Amazon, so count me in! Of course I'm a follower!! hugs, Linda

lissa said...

7 giveaways? love it!

now who doesn't like a gift certificate from amazon?

happy holidays to you!


I am an avid following fan! I can't stay off Amazon so my husband would appreciate it if I would win some giveaways. Woohoo!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Yippe Yippe Yippe!!!

Marlene said...

Holy crapoli.....generosity has invaded Jenny's head. :)


My Grama's Soul said...

Hey.....count me in neighbor.



Amy said...

me likey Christmas give-a-ways! You know I'm a follower Jenny...I'd follow you ANYWHERE! Enter me babe! :)

Carol said...

Well....hotdog! Thanks for opportunity! I am a follower! Have been for years!!

Mami2jcn said...

I'm a follower.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Judie said...

Am I doing this right? I have been brain-dead since Monday when the last of the artists picked up their work. All I saw at the bottom of your blog is your playlist. In any case, I hope I win! Of course we all hope we win.

Jackie said...

Omg Jenny I'm falling asleep at the computer here lol I was dreaming that you were having giveaways for the next week or so lol . Sign me up ! I can use that amazon gift card :D

email : jackiebriere at shaw dot ca.

Thanks and Merry Christmas !

Susan Anderson said...

Wow, that's a GREAT thing!

And of course, I'm a follower. Isn't everyone?


Michele T said...

I subscribed to your newsletters, hope this counts because the Follow button is invisible. This is an awesome giveaway - thanks!

Dawn said...

Hey Jenny!! You know I would follow you anywhere!! You can make laugh and cry all in the same day sometimes! Love you! Enter me please!


Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Your blog is always the one that makes me laugh, regardless of how rough my day is. Thanks! I'm excited to see what those other goodies are. :)

Theresa said...

Yipppeeeeeddddeeeeedoooodahhhh! Thanks! Of course I am a follower and you KNOW you can reach me:) Hugs!

Jo said...

good gracious, you are just the sweetest, kindest bloggy friend to us all .... and generous ... did i mention generous!

Dee said...

Sounds like fun and I am feeling lucky.♥

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Count me in... rocks!

Cheryl D. said...

Wow! Who couldn't use this? Thanks!

Sue said...

Oh how fun! I can't imagine not following you:) I'm also way too easy to find...I really should get a life!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Thanks Jenny! Jenerosity must be your formal name. :-)
Merry Christmas!
Su-sieee! Mac

Ei8ht Beach Street said...

I KNEW there was a reason I liked you so much! Thanks so much.

Gina said...

Yay for Giveaways! Yay for Jenny!!! I can't wait to win - heeheeeheeee :) I will be entering every day!

meeyeehere said...

Awesome! Thanks! Hey,I follow you too so yay for me! Thanks so much!

Jackie said...

I posted about your giveaway cause everyone else does it that way yo .

Jackie said...

On the 18th Day before Christmas (giveaway)

Pondside said...

Who doesn't love to read?? I'm a follower, and I'd love to be entered.

gautami tripathy said...

I have always followed you via google reader.

Count me in, too!


Deb said...

aren't you a sweetie pie....

The Words Crafter said...

You're amazing, seven?!!!!! Maybe slightly mental, too, but who's judging? Not me!

Thanks much for the opportunity!

Slamdunk said...

Why am I not a follower?

Duh, had to correct that one.

Kathy B. said...

I just found your fascinating blog, became a follower, and added you to my "favorites" list! I think I solely support Amazon some days, and my husband occasionally reminds me, "It's not the library, you know--you have to pay for all those books!" Guess I could use a gift card!

kathy.bruner at hotmail dot com

Sue McPeak said...

Yep, I'm a Follower! What a nice Gift and how very generous! Thank-you for the opportunity!


Anonymous said...

I guess you are pretty tired by now of hearing how fabulous you are, and you already know how I feel about you!

You also know how to get in touch with me.

Miss you! But, I know how busy you are. Let's get together sometime soon (after the madness subsides).

Aunt lodi said...

Who wouldn't love that. You are most kind and generous.

Vicki/Jake said...

Aww Miss Jenny, you are quite the bearer of awesome gifts, and I've been one of the lucky recipients already. But if I can grace the outstanding whateverness of the Random dude again...whattheheck :)

Anonymous said...

Been so long since I have been in blogland- I come to say hi and see your having a giveaway! How fun!!

Ingrid said...

I am afraid I really live too far away and in case I win the postage would cost more then the content of the parcel ! I know it because I sent Christmas parcels to my American uncle in the past. I would be too expensive (hehehe) for such a good idea ! Americans living here in Waterloo are always complaining about the postage fee ! They spend more for that than for the Belgian chocolate which they send every year !

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

If Canadians are welcome... I'm in : )

a moderate life said...

Hi Jenny! This is a wonderful thing you are doing for your readers! Awesomeness! I have something coming up as well, but I would love to share your 7 days of giveaways on my thoughts on friday at a moderate life so folks who do follow your blog but might not come every day will know all about it! Wonderful prize! All the best, Alex

Cheryl said...

Oh to the Em to the Gee!

Unknown said...

Yes please!

Amethystmoon said...

Nice giveaway! I'd love to win!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Hi Jenny! I am back for my 2nd entry for the Amazon gift card! Yippee!

Bookie said...

Oh, who wouldn't want to win access to more books!!! I would!!
bookwoman1015 at sbcglobal dot net

MrsJenB said...

Yaaaaay Jenny! What a great giveaway! Thank you for being so generous!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Amy said...

Squeal! If I could have an IV line directly to Amazon, I could live quite happily. I am that much of a junkie.

Unknown said...

What a sweeite you are, Jenny! :)

Unknown said...

This is awesome!

Amy said...

I'm back to enter for day 2! ;)

Sue said...

I'm are you going to keep this straight. I have a hard time with one giveaway at a time. You are a miracle woman!

Lola said...

So generous, Jenny!

I'm a follower (who isn't?!), and I'd love to be entered.

XOXO Lola:)

Lola said...

Dear Mrs Matlock,

Oops! Only just read your instructions properly & so missed day 1!That will teach me to be more attentive in class in future!

Have a great weekend!

XOXO Lola:)

H said...

Isn't it amazing how many comments a giveaway generates :D

La said...

Hi Jenny! I'm going to throw my name in the hat again for this giveaway. Thanks! La

paige said...

I love Amazon. SO MUCH.

Red Couch Recipes said...

Hi Jenny, thanks for the fun giveaways. Joni

Cheryl said...

Amazon kicks butt. Love me some books.

Lola said...

Throwing my name back in the hat again for such a generous giveaway!

XOXO Lola:)

Amy said...

Enter me again Babeeee!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Love Cheryl's comments and I have to agree...
Oooo to the Ahhhh! haha

Thanks for this giveaway!

Blessings & Aloha!

Red Couch Recipes said...

I am back to enter again. Joni

Moore Minutes said...

Wow Jenny. Seven days of super fun! Thank you for these. :) Amazon is a favorite so I'm in. I hope you're having a happy Christmastime. <3 I feel blessed to have met YOU! Enjoy your December days...

paige said...

Who doesn't love Amazon? Not me! I need a new book.

Bonnie said...

What a great gift this time of year. Amazon is my go to place, they almost always have what exactly what I'm looking for!

Thank you Jenny

Joanne Lendaro said...

Another entry for me!! Thanks for the extra chances!!

captainliss40 said...

Amazon is great. Thanks for the chance!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Yippee another chance! Who wouldn't love to shop at Amazon!

Splendid Little Stars said...

a fantastic giveaway! Who wouldn't like this goodie!
(You can reach me through my blog.)

biyagko_barbaru said...

I'm from the Philippines and i'm gonna try my luck on this! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway! followed you via GFC

Cheryl said...

I need a telescope to look at the stars.

Wysteria said...

Gee, not sure I have entered this one. AM I going mad???


Amy said...

Love me some Amazon! Please enter me again!

Joanne Lendaro said...

I'm back again today! Thanks for the extra chances!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Another chance for the Amazon gift card!! Whoo Hoo!

Lola said...

I'm back again - here's hoping!!


XOXO Lola:)

Jennifer M said...

From one Jennifer Matlock to another, nice finding your blog. :)

Cheryl said...

Amazon oh Amazon
You make my cheap heart sing
Saving money rocks

Jojo said...

This would be an fantastic win! I'm featuring a giveaway but NOT like this!!! Stop by and enter mine.

Kat said...

Silly me, I forgot we could enter every day. I love Cheryl's comment - and I keep hearing it in my head to the tune of "Galveston" Thanks a million Cheryl LOL Kat

Aunt lodi said...

Trying for this one again. Thanks

Joanne Lendaro said...

and again!!! thanks!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Tis the season to be jolly, Fa lallalalalalla!!! :) lost count of my la la's!

Lola said...

Back again - fantastic!

XOXO Lola:)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This would be wonderful to win! Thank you SO much! ♥

Amy said...

enter me again plz! ;)

Cherloo said...

Amazing thanks girl!!

Splendid Little Stars said...

back again!

Cheryl said...

As you can tell, I'm taking these giveaways very seriously. I've never won anything here and I'm determined to give it my best shot!

Lola said...

I've never won anything before in a drawing so this is exciting!

XOXO Lola:)

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Jenny Sweetie...
Oh my gosh, a gift card to Well that just happens to be one of my favorite places of all to shop. I love it. Please enter me into this drawing. What fun will one of us have shopping for Christmas with this one. Love it.

I am a follower sweetie. You know me. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

nel said...

I love shopping at Amazon!!! awesome giveaway!! Thank you

acouponaddict at charter dot net

Anonymous said...

oooh pick me, pick me!!

Anonymous said...

oooh pick me, pick me!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Me again! Thanks Jenny!

Jackie said...

I love Cheryl don't you? I hope she wins something lol but I really want to get some books on amazon and a few cds . I buy used cause they are cheaper and I can get the books I want :P

Amy said...

my place for books! YAY!

the cape on the corner said...

i get most of my cds from amazon. yep, i said cds. i'm old skool, lol!

shirley said...

Like your blog and Amazon very much.

Malisa said...

Please enter my name in the drawing for the Amazon gift card. That would come in very handy while Christmas shopping for the grandkids!


Joanne Lendaro said...

Hi!! It's me again!! Thanks for the extra chances!!

Red Couch Recipes said...

Hi Jenny -- it's me again for the Amazon card. Hope you are having a great day. Joni

Jackie said...

Thanks Jenny ! you make me smile too :D

Anonymous said...

amazon has great deals on the m*x ! drinks i love!
thank you
tattgiff at centurytel dot net

Curling up by the Fire said...

I love GC. I'm an old follower.

icewoman96 at gmail dot com

Cheryl said...

Back to feed on your blood.

Lola said...

Another day, another great chance!

XOXO Lola & Nora:)

Kat said...

Me again! What Cheryl said LOL Kat

Aunt lodi said...

One more try at this.

Joanne Lendaro said...

are you sick of seeing me yet??? Thanks for the fun!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love to read and Amazon is the place to buy books! Real books that you hold in your offense anyone!

Cherloo said...

Im back :D Love the blog!!

won said...

New follower throwing my hat in the ring.

Thank you.

Red Couch Recipes said...

Hi Jenny -- thanks for the opportunity to win. Joni

paige said...

Thank you for doing so many fun drawings, Jenny!

Cheryl said...

And with a flourish, I put in my truly final entry for this amazaball giveaway. Thanks Jenny.

Liz said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Wish I'd found this last week, but better late than never!

Kat said...

Me again. I really need some new stuff to read. I only have 6 books in back up right now! Kat

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Good morning! I hope you're having a wonderful day! Hugs! ♥

Joanne Lendaro said...

I'm baaaccckkkk!! Now aren't you glad this is over??

Really...thanks for all of the fun stuff!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny one last entry! There are a few of us who have been relentless...see we really love you! hugs, Linda

Aunt lodi said...

Trying once again for this. Hugs

Aunt lodi said...

Trying once again for this. Hugs

Lola said...

This has been such great fun - and so many chances! Many thanks, Jenny!

XOXO Lola:)

Amy said...

One last chance to make me your biggest fan in the whole world. I mean really, I make the best fans... wait... well, symbolically. :)

Judie said...

I am chanting "AMAZON, AMAZON, AMAZON!"

the cape on the corner said...

this is the lucky entry, i just know it! thanks so much jenny!

Julie said...

Thank u for such a great giveaway-I love your upbeat attitude :)

won said...

Happy Wednesday!