Wednesday, March 16, 2011

W is for Winsome

Three winsome Grandlittles,
Sitting on a wall...

the little one said,
"I hope that I don't fall.."

The middle one said,
"It's St. Patricks Day!"

The biggest one said,
"Who cares? Let's just play!"

The Grandmother said,
"Don't you move an inch,
'cuz if you're not wearing green,
I will give you all a pinch!"

The three little girls said,
Here is our green...
and we're off now to play!"

This wonderfully winsome rhyme is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "W".

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  1. Very cute "grandlittles" and a whimsical poem!

  2. Wonderful...whitty and wise...

  3. What fun!!!

    God bless and may the luck of the Irish rain on you today!!! :o)

  4. Hi Jenny, Just stopping by to say Hi. Thanks for stopping by Beetle Honey to see me. Very, very sweet grandlittles you have there. Enjoy your week with them. Hope to see ya soon. Tina

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What fun they are! Enjoy your grandlittles!

  7. This winsome AND winning rhyme really got my St. Patty's Day mojo working.


  8. So much fun! They are just adorable!


  9. Want them for my very own! Soon enough, I know!

  10. Very cute, as always! I loved the poem and I loved the pictures!

  11. I loved getting to see all the grandlittles together.

  12. Adorable grandlittles on that wall in their green. Loved the poem. Hugs

  13. You all sure have St Patrick's Day.

  14. Nice girls . It looks so sunny and bright where you live to be dressed up in shorts . I wish .

  15. This is a wonderful and fun poem of your grands, Jenny! Happy St. Patrick's day..

  16. I'm always wearing green, because I have green eyes. Didn't keep the boys from pinching me though! :(
    Three little dolls, sitting on a wall!~Ames

  17. What a cute little gaggle of leprechauns, red hair and all!

    Thanks for the smile today, Jenny!

  18. Can't use my grandson yet for Alphabet thursday, he just is 4 months old today and we don't celebrate St. Patrick's in Belgium.

  19. Oh the wee grandlittles! Slainte!

  20. LOL, love it, Jenny! :-)

    I actually pinched the hostess and the waiter at a restaurant today. It was fun! I didn't pinch hard... some people pinch like crabs... and we got a chuckle.

    I'm here to wish you a very Happy St. Patrick's Day! I took the day off to blog, and while I was looking out my window, our town's own version of a leprechaun (my neighbor) came out dressed as one. I grabbed my camera, and he's on my blog header. LOL! And his name? Why, it's Flynn, of course. A good Irish name for a leprechaun.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, my friend! :-)


    Sheila... who hopes to be back in the not too distant future (as soon as I can get the workmen out of my hair... there are painters and gutter cleaners and yardmen now. At least the tree men are gone bye0bye!)

  21. Ahhhh...very cute and fun! I love their 'green'!

  22. What wonderful grandlittles! What whacky fun you have!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

  23. Oh, love love the poem and such cute girls in their green finery! Thanks for sharing the wonderfulness of 'w'.

  24. "Grandlittles" - what a delightful title for the girls...looks like they are having a great time!

  25. Ha ha, I love it! So cute!!! (Both the kids and your ditty!)

  26. Totally a winning winsome combination. It's refreshing. :-)

  27. Your grand "littles" are such good sports and clever too!

  28. Well, pinch me, but I forgot and wore orange today. I did have a pretty green golf purse, though.

    Those cute little girls!!! I just want to bite their cheeks!!

  29. Your little grands are so cute. I bet you have to buy sunscreen by the gallon with that pretty fair skin and red hair!!

  30. Happy St. Patrick's Day Jenny, may the luck of the Irish be with you all through the year! These girls sure know how to make a day shine!

  31. The grandlittles are growing like crazy.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  32. Perfectly precious in every way!

  33. What a great sentiment and what lovely girls you have there. Their smiles are contagious!


  34. I love their green! It is so cute on them.

  35. They are gorgeous and your poem made me smile!

  36. What sweet little Colleens!
    My grandsons could be related to these three - one is blond and the other is a red head.

  37. very creative and funny play on w.

    bless your grandkids...
    they look smart.
    beautiful greens.

  38. Such a great take on W! That last photo is AWESOME!!!!

  39. Those girls are just sweet as pie! I know I had CHocolate Satin earlier courtesy of my big girl Noelle, the pie queen.

  40. I have to give the teacher a A+ for originality. Winsome is not a word I have heard since my own school days.

    Lovely granddaughters. Makes me a tad envious.
    Your having all those young girls to enjoy. My only grandson is fourteen and just hit the six foot mark with a size fifteen shoe. So his days of being interested in sharing time with his old Granny are rapidly slipping away in favor of more testosterone filled pursuits.

  41. what a cute little story and lovely girls too :)


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Jenny Matlock