Good morning class. Before we begin this weeks Meme, there are two announcements I would like to make.
Our friend, Jen, at Hamster Central is living the crisis in Japan as I write this. So many of us have visited her through the year we've been doing this meme. Please take a moment to visit her most current link and offer your supportive words to her and her family. In such a time of devastation, it is nice to know that other's care. Please click here to read Jen's W link for this week. Thank you, friends.
And so many of you also participated in sending cards to Betty's son, Reid, during his hospitalization. Betty was a long-time participating in AT as well and stopped to care for her son. For those of you that sent a card, I wanted you to know, they matter. Reid was touched and comforted by the outpouring of support. Thank you for doing this. Reid is holding his own and I know that tangible support combined with prayers and create miracles. Long posts I will share with you all on another day. If you missed the post about Reid and are able to add a prayer or a card to your daily routine, I'd like to share it again with you. Just click here.
And now, with no further ado, welcome to Alphabe-Thursday. Today we will be talking about the wonderful letter:

Please link directly to your Alphabe-Thursday URL (if you don't know how to do this let me know!) and please continue to visit the five links before and after your link and leave a comment. Minimum of 10 links visited please. You can visit more if you like, of course.
I also want to let you know that each week I visit every blog. If it appears I haven't visited your blog by Wednesday evening, please let me know!
If you have any difficulties with your link, please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find you easily otherwise.
If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you as quickly as I can.
The McLinkey will be live from 1:00 pm MST time Wednesday afternoon in an effort to assist our lovely "friends across the pond" and continue through 10:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog, PG posts only, and try to visit the 5 students before and after your post at minimum. The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
Please wander over to the linky to share your post now. Class is dismissed.
Glad to hear that the cards made a difference to Betty's son. I so hope that he does well.
I will go check out Jen's post, too.
Still praying for Reid and hoping he makes wonderful progress and gets much better real soon. Hugs
I too continue prayer for Reid and sweet Betty also.
I'm checkin' out Jen W's link. I can't imagine what they are goin' through!
God bless you dear Jenny! :o)
OOps!!! Your card for Angel arrived in the mail today.
She had a little chemo break and began her treatments again yesterday.
I'm not pleased with her progress. I'm seein' some cognitive delay thought to speech processing. It's also not unusual for her to fall as of late. You are a ray of sunshine in her life.
Reid is still in my prayers.
Thank you for the link, I will go there next.
Prayers and blessings. Love your wagon full of toys!
About to connect to Japan...so tragic.
Hi Jenny,
Oh gosh, I hope that Reid got my card...and I hope he is improving from day to day.
And I will go visit your blogger friend from Japan...It is so awful what's happening there that I know a little comfort from all of us would be really positive right now.
Big (((hugs))) from me, dear Jenny,
I hope that Reid is improving!
Have a nice Thursday, Jenny!
Hi, Jenny! Thanks for hosting! I really look forward to this linkie each week! Talking about herbal wines and a few other pleasant tasting herbal remedies.
Just stopping by to WISH you a WONDERFUL W Day!
Hey Jenny, I planted a tree in a National forest for Reid, and sent him the "give-a-tree-card", the family is in my prayers and thoughts.
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Just came back from reading Betty's last post...Thank you for sharing that again, since I missed your post the first time. Heading over to get a card for him today.
And thankyou for featuring Jen's link too. I am going over there next.
And I am very late...to link up...I didnt want to miss this week, so I tried it out and did a repost. Kinda fudged by changing and highlighting the appropriate letter "W" this week...hope you dont mind, but I think it "w"orked pretty "w"ell.
Blessings & Aloha!
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