Friday, April 1, 2011

An epic poem in honor of April Fool's Day!


I’m not going out there,
Oh man, there’s no way…
My fly might be down…
Or so someone might say…

Watch out for the spider!
There’s one in your hair!
It’s just so exhausting,
But nobody cares.

My desk might be adorned
With fake nail polish or poo

And I hate when you tell me
I’ve got TP on my shoe…

I’m not going out there.
Oh man, there’s no way!
No, I’m not a chicken
It’s just April Fool’s Day!


...and hey, yes I'll give you my autograph when this epic poem is published.

You're welcome.

This post is linked to Saturday Centus and the prompt is in bold (and, yes, Centusians, I know there's not supposed to be any pictures!) To read other SC links, just click here!

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  1. I wouldn't look in a beautifully wrapped packages either. They may contain a fake finger or something worse.

  2. Love hate the nail polish and has done this on me I will stay in today also!!!

    Have a great one sweet friend!!!

  3. Thanks for the clever reminder. Is it really April 1st already?

  4. Love the poem, hate being the victim of April Fool's pranks! You're smart to stay home and avoid them at all costs!

  5. Love the poem! Though I could have done without the spider pic! Everyone who knows me, knows they'd better not tease me about something as serious as a spider! I'm such an Arachnophobe!

  6. Good one Jenny:) My ex sent me to the store for a jar of screw threads once... and my kids always put a rubber band on the spray thingy on the sink so when I turned the water on I got sprayed. And it happened every year! I'm such a doofus :)
    Have a fun April Oneth!

  7. That is great Jenny.
    Um...the spider photo gave me the willies. Thanks for that. :)

  8. Well, I am glad for the reminder! Now I have the perfect excuse to go back to bed and stay there!!

  9. Aw gosh Jenny, I forgot about the Saturday Centus prompt and you sucked me right in. Excellent!!Happy April Fools Day!~Ames

  10. That spider picture is a little creepy!!
    Cute poem Jenny. :)

  11. I am so lame when it comes to April Fool's Day. Seriously. I never do anything. Sigh.

  12. My kindergarten-aged daughter tried to play the "there's a spider in your hair" card yesterday. The things she's learning at school! (Shakes head)
    I got her back today while brushing her hair this morning when I informed her that she had a huge rat's nest in her hair and I needed to cut it out with a scissors.

  13. This cracked me up! I hope no one tricks you today, Jenny. :)

  14. Jenny you make me think of Renee, my daughter she was always in fun shops lookin for plastic fried eggs, peanuts and dog poop. The thing was Renee did it most the year not just April fools..


  15. Jenny you make me think of Renee, my daughter she was always in fun shops lookin for plastic fried eggs, peanuts and dog poop. The thing was Renee did it most the year not just April fools..


  16. Oh if only the two trees down in our yard were not an April Fool's joke on me. We got nailed yesterday, but thankfully, they didn't fall on the house. Storms are not my friend.


    Sheila :-)

  17. Love it! It should definitely be published!
    Now, you have me thinking twice about running those errands this afternoon...will it be safe to go outside??

  18. I'm steerin' clear of my DIL, The Latin Lovin' Hillbilly, 'cause today is her favorite holiday.

    God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend sweetie!!!

  19. Excellent blend of Centus and holiday.


  20. geez, i forgot all about it ... duh ... and no one has played jokes on me today ... weird ... eggcellent chicken post there chickie!

  21. I'm giving away one million dollars on my blog today!

    (Happy April Fool's Day!)

  22. That was really funny Jenny. Have a fun day and don't let anyone trick you.

  23. Oh, very clever and funny!

    For the record, I once came out of the ladies room and all my co-workers immediately fell over, laughing hysterically. I had the seat cover dragging from the back of my pants!!!!

    If only it had been April Fools Day...

  24. Oh my gravy, this is how my whole day has been. I guess I can blame it on April FOOLS and not on my sleep deprivation. SCORE!

  25. Brilliant Jenny!
    I dislike April Fool's day - really dislike it.

  26. I love it. Luckily I didn't fall for any April Fools jokes today other than my roommate telling me a coupon we had been saving expired. Not the funniest or most edgy fool but I did believe her. haha.

  27. Very funny! All Fools' Day was a groaner when I was teaching young children . . .

  28. Your autograph will go for big bucks on eBay.

  29. hahahaha! you said poo and epic! Epic POO!

  30. I like it! Now if you'll excuse me I have to head over to Pat's blog:@)

  31. Brilliant Jenny and a good laugh for us ! I love it that you added photos too !


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Jenny Matlock