Saturday, June 11, 2011

And the Walls Come Tumbling Down...

The wall was built long ago. Today I will begin tearing it down.

I am afraid that I will not have enough courage, but I cannot hide anymore behind the excuse that my life has been too difficult and it is impossible to find happiness.

I will no longer allow the tragedies that have consumed my emotions for almost two decades to define my emotions.

I will no longer permit my past to pave a sad, grey pathway to my future.

Today I will begin, quietly at first, by chipping a bit of mortar away with the sheer force of my will. Or maybe I will simply shove hard against the rough bricks encasing the broken shards of my long lost hope.

When I see that the wall’s insurmountable presence has been made strong only with the power of my mind, I will work harder. I will scrape against the coarse concrete with the fingernails of my determination, until I see a bit of light streaming through the obstacle I have built in the hopes of protecting a heart broken by torment and misery.

Yes, this wall was built long ago, but today is the day I will begin tearing it down.

Please pray for me.

This little work of fiction is linked to week 58 of Saturday Centus.

The prompt is in bold.

To visit other links, just click here.

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  1. wow. I got goosebumps reading this. Me thinks there is some hidden truth in this.

  2. I was actually thinking the same thing...hope all is well with you Jenny!

  3. whoa Jenny ... that was quite a ride ... i love "with the fingernails of my determination" ... great imagery in this piece! bravo!

  4. Wow! Empowerment. Encouragement. Know that you are in someone's prayers somewhere, and always in mine.
    Go get a mani.

  5. Outstanding Jenny !

    The comparative imagery, the hopeful theme of fighting on and looking for a solution and this: "shove hard against the rough bricks encasing the broken shards of my long lost hope."

    Wow, this story really spoke deeply to me !!!

  6. Thanks for hosting, Jenny. This was really fun! I think you and I were behind similar walls in this exercise, weren't we? Lovely.

  7. Very powerful, Jenny.

    I hope you are having a fantastic weekend.

  8. Wow. Just wow.

    Jenny, this beautiful and raw and brutal piece took my breath away. I reread it twice, just for the visceral effect it had on me.

    I'm going to print it up and tape it to my bathroom mirror. It was as though you were talking to me.

    Let the healing begin.


  9. I feel like I'm right there with you on this one!

  10. This gave me chills. Like Jo, I really like "fingernails of my determination". This is truly empowering. I want to just cheer you/the narrator on!

  11. Wow, Jenny. Just wow! This was such a powerful piece. It really spoke to me. I've missed you sweetie! Kat

  12. Wonderful job, Jenny. I loved the "fingernails of my determination."

    A tour de force, for sure.


  13. Everything you write is simply MOVING. I love that about YOU and your writing, Jenny. I could relate to parts of your fictional work today and wanted to thank you. <3

  14. I just build my walls higher and stronger.

  15. Very visual and very moving.

    This may be fiction but I can relate bit too well to it.

  16. Jenny, if I can do it, you can, too! Wonderful writing!!!

  17. This is me! I felt like you were looking inside me ~ Pondering my meanderings!

  18. This is beautifully narrated..I can sense her determination and her need to put the ghosts of the past to rest with each new line.


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Jenny Matlock