Thursday, July 28, 2011

O is for Opportunity

Opportunities are seldom labeled.

John H. Shield

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter O. To read other "O" links, just click here.

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Pondside said...

Too true.
They don't drop in one's lap either - but they are all around to see if one is alert.
I hope I'm forgiven for having got the letter wrong this week!

My name is Riet said...

I like this word Opportunity,and the saying,

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I hope I'm not watching reruns on tv when opportunity knocks on my door...

lissa said...

it's certainly hard to see even with your eyes open.

Anonymous said...

They are wonderful when they arise.

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Very true. In fact, Opportunity seems to go around wearing one of those fake Groucho Marx glasses/nose/mustache things.

Tina´s PicStory said...

Nice opportunity :)

Ms. A said...

I'm sure it doesn't hurt if you get off your butt and look for them, although I rarely do. (get off my butt)

from my wicked ways to turning a phrase said...

very astute quote.

Dazee Dreamer said...

so so true. And thank you for the opportunity to let my brain have to think.

Sue said...

Ouch...I'm not used to having to think about anything. I have the summer blahs, now I will have to ponder your quote.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful quote! It certainly is true.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful quote! It certainly is true.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It's a good thing they aren't labeled as my eyes would have to get up close and squint to read! I'd much rather have them come knocking on my door.

I'm in a silly mood tonight...tee hee! :0)

Cheryl D. said...

Very true! I wish opportunities were labeled. It would make life so much easier!

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

love the quote

Ames said...

That must be why some people have such a hard time recognizing them.~Ames

taylorsoutback said...

So true - if I had been more aware of many I just didn't recognize.

Ingrid said...

True ! in fact I can't remember to have seen a labelled opportunity !

Cathy Kennedy said...

What a true statement! You have to look closely to see that an opportunity has presented itself most often, usually if it announces itself then I'm usually like this is too good to be true kind of thing, you know. lol.

By the way, be sure to check out my very first post link. I've passed something on to you....=D

Did You Know I’m Sweet?
O is for Otters

Happy blog hopping,
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Susan Anderson said...

So true! We have to really keep our eyes open for them.


Betty said...

Definitely something to think about.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Love your quote you shared on opportunity and everyone's comments on opportunity too. I have an opportunity that's presented itself to I have to decide if I run with it :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Unknown said...

Very true! That's why we need to keep our eyes open so we don't miss any :)

The Poet said...

Hello Miss Jenny.
Truth indeed. Perfect quote.