Friday, September 9, 2011

Buh, buh, buh...Pay Attention Grandma!


On Wednesday I picked up our Grandlittles after school.

The littlest Grandlittle gets out of Kindergarten almost ten minutes before the medium and large Grandlittle.

We spent the first five minutes just hugging the stuffing out of each other, and then the next few minutes having this conversation.

Mo: Grandma?

Me: Yes, sweetie pie?

Mo: Grandma? You remember, right?

Me: Remember what?

Mo: You know? Remember?

Me: Mo? I'm sorry but Grandma doesn't know what you mean.

Mo: Oh Grandma. Are you kidding me? You remember right?

Me: Mo? I really don't know what I'm supposed to remember. Can you give me a hint?

Mo: Hint? Oh, yeah. How about this? B! Buh, Buh, Buh! B! That's a good hint. Now do you remember Grandma?

Me: Buh, buh, buh? Buh, buh, buh... sweetie.

Mo: Grandma! Listen! B! Buh, buh, buh! B!

Me: Holy criminy Mo. I think the heat has fried my brains. You're going to just have to tell me, okay?

Mo: (reluctantly and with a very hurt look on her face) Ooookkkaaay...but Grandma, you promised you'd remember. It's my volleyball game tomorrow.

Me: Volleyball? Of course I remember your volleyball game tomorrow. Grandpa and I are both coming, but Mo? Volleyball starts with the letter "V". V is vuh, vuh, vuh NOT buh, buh, buh.

Mo: Grandma! Are you kidding me? That's what I just said!


And since you actually read all that, I thought I'd show you some pictures of her playing... B! Buh, buh, buh! Bolleyball! With her sisters. All three of them are on the same team.


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  1. *Giggle* I'm glad you blog these so you can haunt her with the memories when she's 35...mwahahahaha!

    If you could clone her, she would be wonderfully marketable and you could retire!

    How great that they're all on the same bolley ball team, gwamma! Wait until they are in different sports on different nights and they want you to be at every game. Rest up..... :)

  2. Oh Jenny, that is soooo precious. I love the pictures of her with her little hands out to catch and looking in the opposite direction.

    You must be so proud of the three of them.

  3. It's so nice they can all play on the same team. Is mom their coach? The grands can really get me going especially if it was something I was supposed to

  4. do miss that bolly ball game now grandma! what a great story!
    have a great weekend

  5. Mo just kills me! I love all your girls, but she's so mature! I hope you're recording some of her sage advice, so you can just listen to her heart speaking. She won't always be that precious as she ages. We were all cute when we were young, now we're crabby ole' women.

    Just somethin' to look forward to, mwa, mwa, mwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Love ya'

  6. Sweet and with a one-shot deal you get to see all 3 girls lucky!

  7. PJ is sooooooooo right. It's nice that they're all on the same team. It's going to get crazy. Enjoy it while you can.

    And they are soooooooo adorable.

  8. They are so lucky to have you.

  9. Oh, I love conversations with my Grandlittle (love that term!) although they can be frustrating. She's always asking me to guess, too!
    What fun! Your grandkids are so cute!

  10. Love it! You are pretty good at understanding them...Bolly Ball!

  11. I say ha ha ha to all that! Too funny! Lucky you that they are all on the same team. This summer my two grandboys that play soccer were on different (age) teams) playing the same night at the same time but different fields...try making both of those in one night...!

  12. Ha ha! I remember when our Morgan couldn't pronounce "L's". Everything word that started with an "L" was pronounced with a "Y". Such as "I Yuv you" Or "Yet me have some!"

    Kids are so cool!~Ames

  13. Giggles, chuckles, and laughed! That is just funny, and did I tell you I love your conversation with Mo?

  14. That is grandma heaven right there!



  15. Those grandlittles are going to keep you young for a looong time, Jenny! What a great trip your having!!

  16. Actually, I believe the word is bolleyvall.


  17. BBBBBBBBBBeary funny!

    Cute pics too.


  18. That's a young team! It's positively wonderful they all get to play together!

  19. They don't really play on the same team...right?

    Hey, it sounds like you're still getting to see them a lot! Enjoy.

  20. How come you're not playing with the team, Gwamma? It sure looks like fun!

  21. I absolutely love these photos! (...and I agree with last week's underwear should NOT be seen or shared. I feel like going over to these kids and giving them a pair of suspenders - but they probably have never seen them and wouldn't know what to do with them!!)

    Thanks again for your wonderful comments about my watercolors.

    BTW - My Devil's Trumpet is featured on Great Finds! PLEASE VOTE FOR MY PAINTING, if you like it. ...and share it with you FB friends!! Voting ends on Saturday, September 17! Details on my blog. - try this to vote for Barbara Rosenzweig!

    Have a great weekend!

  22. I love talking to little talkers that don't always get the words right. It's kind of sad when they grow out of that.

  23. Love the dialog and thanks for the fun photos.
    It sounds like my sons conversation with me wanting "chicken" for dinner, and then disappointed with the meal...he wanted hamburgers !
    Peace, Siggi in Downeast Maine

  24. Oh Jenny, you should know by now that it's impossible to win in a conversation with kids. They are ALWAYS right, even if they aren't :) That little Mo sure is cute though! I hope they had a lot of fun at their Bolleyball game!

  25. I hope you've remembered you have a bolleyball game to go to today Gwamma! Take many photos :)

  26. Children are such a joy! I love listening to them. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's so nice to be able to visit everyone again.

  27. Oh Jenny, this one is a character! What a cutie pie, and she is ready to hit that ball. Maybe she was saying "B" for ball?? laurie

  28. What a cuteie! And look how awesome she looks playing b-ball! :) Also, the oldest grandlittle looks so professional! They are all darling, you know.

  29. Bolly Boll is the best game ever. :)
    I hope the girls have a great season playing together!!

  30. dont you know grandmas have amazing mind reading powers?


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Jenny Matlock