Anonymous (ummm....geez...okay, it was really me saying that if you must know...blush)
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Jenny Matlock
I TOTALLY agree!
ReplyDeleteU is for "U is CRAZY!" And that's just how I love you! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jenny! Please, please, job applicants out there in cyber space DON'T come for a job interview with visible underwear - even if you think it is part of the outfit!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Pondside! I've had young men and women (bra showing under a see through blouse) show up at my office for an interview with their underwear hanging out!
ReplyDeleteu is for u won't get the job that way sweetie!
Absolutely TRUE WORDS! ;)...blush, blushing on a few of those U posts! Too funny!
ReplyDeletesad that this even has to be stated. And how the hell can that even be comfortable with your pants below your arse?
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! I just abhor this look...
ReplyDeleteI never understood this trend.
ReplyDeleteYou are a sage.
I love it on Cops or shows like that where they run and their pants drop down and trip them up....lol...sorry, I'm weird!
ReplyDeleteThree young guys walked into my Fry's grocery store with no shirts and their pants around their butts, just like this....and do you know the manager did nothing????? Even after one of her cashiers brought it to her attention.... Remember the days of " No shirts, no shoes, no service" ???? No wonder our society is so messed up when this is acceptable in a grocery store??? This cannot be comfortable....I get so steamed when I see this, and my own son did this in high school.....HATE it!!!!!! OK, off my soap box.....LOL
ReplyDeleteIs this ever going to go out of style? I hate it!! When I see people like this, I feel like going up to them and hiking their pants up/or pulling them down lol.
ReplyDeleteNot a big fan of sagging myself... I recently saw something on TV about a (football player, I think) being thrown off a plane -- while on the ground ; ) -- for showing a bit too much!!
ReplyDeleteMakes me sad to see high school kids walking home with their pants sagging. Some even holding their pants up so they just don't fall all the way off! Ridiculous!
Amen and absolutely!! A++ for YOU today!
However, I'm sure you've noticed...these guys must walk with one hand on the waistband of the pants that have fallen nearly to their knees and hang on for dear life. So...who's not having much fun with this fashion? The UNAPANTERS!
ReplyDeleteHappy U Day!
Isn't that a disgusting trend that has long exceeded it's expiration date!
ReplyDeleteCan I get an AMEN!!!
ReplyDeleteTrue, true, true words...I don't know how they walk without falling...:-(
ReplyDeleteYup, I can't say I get the point of this trend. I've always wondered who started the unappealing fashion trend of a wearing a black bra under a white shirt... was that Madonna? Do we all want to look like her? I wouldn't mind having her talent for singing, though, even if her songs don't turn me on. But that's besides the point, I'm off tangent, aren't I? No, no visible underwear for me either. But it's harmless, so I can live and let live. Outside my office.
ReplyDeleteI second, third, fourth and fifth that.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% Great quote
ReplyDeleteHa! If it makes you blush less, you can quote me as saying it! I mean it doesn't even look comfortable...
ReplyDeleteYeah. Thanks for setting that example for my little boys. It takes everything in me to tell them that NO that's NOT okay.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that!
ReplyDeleteHello Jenny.
ReplyDeleteGlad to be back with Alphabe-Thursday.
I totally agree with your post and everyone else by the look of things. I'm from the old school and like to always look smart and coiffed.
Some of these "dressers" would do well to review the old movies where the men always wore shirts, ties & jackets. What they fail to realize is that if they dress like thugs, we'll assume they're thugs (even if they're not).
Under Blinking Stars
I only want to see underwear on myself or in my dryer!!!
I agree!
Catherine :)
I agree! I must say one of the funniest things was having to tell a young high school boy that he should not "sag" and that if he absolutely had to, he should not be wearing whitie tighties.
Couldn't agree more!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFor the life of me I cannot understand why this "fashion statement" has lasted as long as it has. Although, I have heard some of our police say they kind of like it.....thugs can't run while holding up their pants.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree :) I wonder if giving them a surprise wedgie will make them think twice about showing off their underwear :)
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble understanding this concept of showing your underwear. It has no purpose. unless of cause it's a fashion style but I really doubt that.
ReplyDeleteCould never figure it out either - even had a crazy thought that if I could run really fast, wouldn't it be great to tug on those baggy jeans that are halfway off all ready? Yeh - that is a crazy thought...:o)
ReplyDeleteA very good quote Ms. Jenny! I totally agree.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what moron started that fad, anyway!!!
ReplyDeleteThere was a story here a few years back about a young man wearing an outfit of this ilk who, being chased by a policeman, got hung up on a fence. seriously!
Truer words have never been spoken!
ReplyDeleteOne particular kid in my class last year liked to push the boundaries and show 3 or 4 inches of boxer short, so I told him his 'knickers' were showing. He was very embarrassed.
ReplyDeleteTrue ! otherwise it should be overwear !
ReplyDeleteI have wondered and wondered WHO started this ugly style for boys and....even men. It is the ugliest fad I have ever seen. And, if you watch one wearing their pants down almost to their knees, you can see it is so uncomfortable as they are constantly pulling them up.
ReplyDeleteU were smart to come up with this way to use your U. :)
Women tend to be self-critical of hair and fashion styles from their high school and college years. I wonder if young men who embrace this particular fashion statement will one day be embarr**ass**ed when they look at pictures of them dressed like this?
ReplyDeleteI see so much of this everyday at my school! I just want to walk up behind them and pants them! But, it would not be politically correct, and I would lose my job, and probably get sued....but it would make me feel soooooo good!
ReplyDeleteThis fashion statement is so disgusting! You know, the Sheriff in our small town said this originated in prison. It was a way for inmates to advertize that they are sexually available. GROSS!~Ames
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes, I agree! This is what I see everyday and it looks so uncomfortable for walking too.
ReplyDeleteUber Ubnoxious!
ReplyDeletewhere did this fashion start, anyway! Ugh! {:-D
ReplyDeleteI SO agree! Besides being unattractive, it looks soooo uncomfortable. What is the deal? laurie
ReplyDeleteThat guy must be from my former internship. Dress code- white Tshirt & blue jeans. They all sagged, even though they were supposed to keep their pants pulled up. Yep, has to be one of them. Hmm....
Please ask the pants factory to make the crotches of mens britches extra looooong, so the boys can let their pants hang down between their knees and also have the waist and belt up where it belongs... at the waist. (Really? Is that were it goes?) Then we don't have to see more underwear than we want to. Thank you. :-)