Thursday, September 15, 2011

V is for Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is harmless enough, although it is apt to fill a man with wind and self-righteousness.

Sir Robert Hutchison

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter V. To read other offerings for the letter 'V', just click here.

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  1. Jenny, I just heard this from a doctor (gastro) on a day-time talk show that vegans really do have a lot of "air" -- more so than us carnivores!! :-) xo

  2. So true ! I have 2 Vegans and 1 vegetarian in our family...lots of wind and self righteousness !

  3. I love that quote!
    I've never really trusted a vegetarian, they're usually too thin! : )

  4. This is great. I think things are a little more windy around me since I started the green smoothie thing.


  5. So true,fresh veggies can take the wind out of our sails,teehehe.
    Love your V post,and I do love my veggies,but I have to say that I do love my meats also,fish,chicken,beef,pork and of course vinson...hubby is avid hunter not just for the sport but for the foodie.

  6. LOL, I don't know about that cause I know some non-vegetarians that are pretty full of air and self righteous also! LOL

  7. I love that JDaniel loves veggies. He loves meat too.

  8. Oh amen to that quote. I was afraid you might be going to the green on us. I love my vegetables, don't get me wrong, but I hate cooking for vegetarians!

  9. I love vegetables, but still need a little meat now and then..

  10. I love my veggies, but I HAVE to have meat!!! This quote can used on liberal politicans, too. =D

  11. As a reformed vegetarian I can vouch for the wind, but I was never holier-than-thou about it.

  12. All that cabbage, beans, and brussels sprouts can do that to you!!

  13. I am vegetarian, but this still made me laugh. Oh how so very true it is of some people!

  14. Lol at the wind!!!!

    I have a lil' chalkboard sign in my kitchen and I put up little inspirations now and then. A few weeks ago, I wrote: Eat your veggies.
    Linds changed veggies to: Vegetarians.
    Now, that is cannibalism. right?

  15. I have been a Vegetarian for as long as I could remember... only because I just don't like meat. My two older kids learned it from watching me eat and daughter #2 is raising her three young boys totally vegan... I just can't go that far though. I need my cheese, eggs and shrimp.
    Love the quote you posted and am sending it to my daughter...
    I did not have a V to post today but I did enjoy it!

  16. Oh, too funny! We have a few vegetarian friends in Tokyo and when I showed my husband this quote, his reply was "Sounds like the vegetarians we know!" :)

  17. Wow, I'm truly grateful that my husband is not a vegetarian. Yes I am.

  18. I didn't realize eating veges gave you a lot of "air" (or gas, is it?)
    Cute quote! {:-D

  19. Well I can attest to the wind part when Mr.Ames eats cabbage. :( ~Ames

  20. Love this quote! No Vs in this house! I do have a dear cousin who is, but she is humble. She wrote a cookbook of Vegetarian dishes that are meatless that is fun and filled with lots and lots of calories. I like my veggies regardless of "air."

  21. I'm chuckling and can't think of one witty thing to say, not that I usually do.

  22. While we grow lots of veggies in our garden - the overflow is stored in the old frig downstairs. There is a large bumper sticker on the frig door - P.E.T.A. People Eating Tasty Animals. We must have our feet in both worlds :o)

  23. My daughter Hannah is a vegan! Very skinny! Maybe I am on the wrong diet! Ha Ha!
    Great post Jenny!
    Hugs Anne
    P.S. I may be in Phoenix for a few days for a cross country meet in November! I would love to see you!

  24. I'm a strict vegetarian and I'm mortally offended.

    Only kidding :D

  25. I am a veggie by birth or caste should I say (80% Indians contrary to popular belief are meat/sea food eaters)...and yes too much of a good thing ... specially when u limit yourself to beans, sprouts and potatoes can make u bloat and for the "thin veg "comment by one of the ladies...maybe I aught to send her some of my latest pics ;D and you know how modest I am, after all I come from the land of Gandhi (not that it make me non violent either) ;P

  26. My DIL is vegetarian, but she eats fish and eggs and so far I still can stay with her in one room, lol !

  27. As a vegetarian, I'm not sure if I take offense or agree with this. LOL


  28. The wind part is so funny and true. Cute quote!


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