Thursday, September 22, 2011

W is for What a Wonderful World

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

Bob Thiele and George David Weiss

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter W. To read other offerings for the letter W, just click here.

PS. Happy Birthday to a wonderful silvery-gold friend! (You know who you are!)
and a Happy little shout out to the amazingly sweet blogger I met at my neighbors garage sale! You were exactly like I thought you'd be AND it was a pleasure to meet beautiful you and your beautiful little daughter!

post signature


  1. I spent the evening with Granddaughter Alivia and she sang 'It's a Wonderful World' most of the time. She says they sing it everyday at school.

  2. It is a wonderful world isnt it!
    have a great day

  3. I know that's right!!

  4. We are truly blessed to live in a wonderful world.

  5. It truly is a wonderful world we live in :)

  6. I was singing that song to myself too when I visited Pondside's lovely blog earlier today!

    XOXO Lola:)

  7. When I hear Louis singing this song, it brings tears to my eyes!!!
    You ran into a blogger at a garage sale??? What a SMALL world this is.

  8. For so many reasons - it's a wonderful world!

  9. We sang this at my mom's memorial service.

    Pssst...I heard that birthday is 6 months away.

  10. Great quote! I like "It's a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong, too. Now, I'm going to be humming that song in my head this morning! ;)

    Playing Alphabe-Thursday with you,

    Wedding Bells to Wedding Galore!!!

  11. Thanks for the positive thought Jenny. I'll be humming that song all day now.

  12. Thanks for the reminder! I've been a little down because I'm just not ready to deal with winter yet, but without the winter snow, we can't have the summer blooms!



  13. That's one of my go-to songs when I'm in a bad mood. Always makes me feel better!

  14. Oh yes, and what a ...WONDERFUL world it is! This is great, and I just joined in on your Thursday posts as well!...although I am just learning...but hey, you have to begin somewhere right?!!!!

  15. With all the turmoil in the world, we really need to stop and see all GREAT things we have. It truly is a wonderful world, it's God's creation! !

  16. yeah,

    what a wondrous and wonderful world for you and me,
    stay happy.

  17. Have Louis Armstrong's rendition on my iPod and listen to it frequently - a great song and something we need reminding all the time.

  18. W is for "well". After yesterday, I hope all is well.

  19. It really is wonderful, isn't it? xo

  20. what a wonderful song! It makes me want to sing! Thanks for sharing that, and the beautiful photo! {:-D

  21. What a wonderful wirld. I love that song sang by Louis Armstrong.
    Happy AT

  22. Love the words to that song. They are so positive. :)

  23. My daughter-in-law danced with her father to this song at my son's wedding is such a beautiful classic!

  24. Hello there Jenny!
    A wonderful world created for us!

  25. Well, I will have that earworm in my head now, but it isn't a bad song to have there! You got to meet a blogger...lucky you!

  26. Love the picture. Earth is a beautiful planet. Too bad we don't treat it as the delicate and fragile jewel that it is.~Ames

  27. love that song almost as much as I love you are my sunshine

  28. What a wonderful world and a wonderful song! :-)


  29. Oh, I love that song!

    I've missed you, although I've been keep up with you for the most part I just haven't been commenting... you see I forward your post to my work email and enjoy them while I'm "working" but then don't always find the time to comment.

    I love everything you write though Jenny. You always make me smile and a lot of time laugh out loud!

  30. We do live in a truly wonderful world. Great W post! I like the quote too! Hugs Anne

  31. We do live in a truly wonderful world. Great W post! I like the quote too! Hugs Anne

  32. I repeat the others : I love this song too !

  33. Oh dear! I never thought it would happen but I missed the deadline for posting on W Day! Come see my post anyway: W is for Wagging Tail!
    Sending WISHES for a beautiful Friday!

  34. I want a world without rattlesnakes!

    A lovely post, Jenny!!

  35. AAh...Love those words!
    How fun that you met a blogger!


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I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock