Friday, October 28, 2011

How To Plant a Story Seed

This little poem is linked to week 77 of Saturday Centus. The prompt is in bold. To read other little stories, just click here.

I clasped my hands loosely
Ah loosely…just so
It’s so hard not to clench them too tight
And I shut my eyes closely
Ah closely…just so
It’s so hard to not reach toward the light
In the quiet of this moment
In the quiet of the dark
I saved all the moments
I was sure to forget
I saved all the words
Even ones not said yet
I waited and waited until words outweighed need
Then I planted a little story seed
Will it grow?
I don’t know.
But I clasp my hands loosely
Ah loosely…just so.

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  1. Well I'm impressed and rightly so, cause you are the queen of telling stories don't ya know.

  2. Love this...both your Centus and the comment from Ames!


  3. Your story seeds are always fruitful!

  4. What I like about visiting you is that I never know what to expect! I love this. I loved my mail today too...thank you and Happy Halloween!

  5. Oh my goodness! A story seed is one of the very BEST kinds of seeds to plant!

  6. Hi Jenny! Nice one (as always). I hope you are doing well...

  7. Nicely done. Hope you're feeling better cuz we don't want you being too mean to us with the Saturday Centus this week if you're still under the weather... ;)

  8. You planted a wonderful post sweetie.

    I just wanted to let ya know that a sweet little package arrived for Angel yesterday and a lovely little card just for me! Thanks Hon...

    I'll see that Angel get's it hopefully tomorrow! :o)

  9. Loved this! laurie @

  10. really, i mean really wonderful post Jenny ...


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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock