Welcome to week seventy-seven of Saturday Centus.
This week we'll do a regular writing prompt challenge. I really liked last weeks challenge but my brain is still tired.

THE PROMPT THIS WEEK IS: I planted a little story seed...
WORD COUNT - Not to exceed 100 words, plus the six words of the prompt. 106 total maximum words.
The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.
Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Good luck!
Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday!

Wow! This English teacher is SO sorry she was traveling and missed last week's prompt! Hope you'll repeat sometime...
This is a sweet prompt but since it's so close to Halloween, I might have to go dark and scary...thanks for the photo inspiration, you know how I love photos whether you provide them or I cheat and do it anyway ...LOL !
I like this one!
Enjoyed this one Jenny. Had some fun with it. Have a great and by the sounds of it, a restful, weekend.
I didn't find this one so easy. Only one bit came to mind and I went with it...rather nasty one really. Hope you enjoy your weekend, Jenny.
Just realized I slightly screwed up the prompt...well, darn. Doesn't changed the story but I did not do it on purpose! Old age minds are the pits!
Oooo, too fun:-)
Hmmmmm! This was way too easy. You must be working up to something really wicked to push the Centusians over the edge.
Don't try to back out, Jenny. You'll have fun, I promise. Write me!!!!!!
Okay, this is fun, although had I not experienced such a crazy motorcyclist today I would have written something more poetic, and dreamy, I know you were probably looking for dreamy. But my mind was on a man who just may never have any more dreams ever, if he keeps driving like he did today! Wow, one stupid silly little slip and he would have been ....lights out. He was like a daredevil man, really! I hope you are catching up on some fun too this weekend!
Okay, this is fun, although had I not experienced such a crazy motorcyclist today I would have written something more poetic, and dreamy, I know you were probably looking for dreamy. But my mind was on a man who just may never have any more dreams ever, if he keeps driving like he did today! Wow, one stupid silly little slip and he would have been ....lights out. He was like a daredevil man, really! I hope you are catching up on some fun too this weekend!
Dear Jenny...you're a funny one. Hope you're also a tolerant one for those of us who just have to bend the rules a teensy weensy bit!
I can not follow!!!
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