Friday, November 4, 2011

Hey! Keep your hands to yourself, buster!

Here is my offering for week 78 of Saturday Centus. This is a 25 word micro-mini prompt based on this picture. To see other offerings using this weeks prompt, just click here.


What the ... ????!!!!



Great luck!!! Stuck in the powerless elevator with three pervy co-worker's on the day I wear my micro-mini!

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  1. I've been stuck in a powerless elevator, but only with my young kid and groceries.

  2. naughty naughty. hee hee... I hope it wasn't Herman Cain in there with you... (sorry, I just couldn't resist)

  3. Now that would be a total nightmare for me.

  4. LOL! I hate it when that happens!

  5. LOL! Thanks for the Saturday morning chuckle! Cute take on the study in black!

  6. A micro mini on me would be a floor length ball gown for you! This was a funny one!

  7. Oh, those pervy co-workers will get you every time! Very funny!

  8. Yeow, what an icky situation, very funny too !!!

  9. smiling with a chuckle ans smirk!
    I like this!

  10. You never fail to make my day!

    Love you to pieces!


    Sheila :-)


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Jenny Matlock