Monday, November 7, 2011

You know what happens when you assume...right?

Yadda, yadda, ass out of 'U' and me...yadda, yadda...



Mr. Jenny and I took a teensy little trip up to Winslow, Arizona over the weekend.

Yes, that Winslow.

And yes, we stood on the corner and looked for the girl in the flat bed Ford. And were all kinds of impressed with the mural there. See the eagle on the left?


On the way back, I was blathering away as I occasionally do about something or other...

And I said, "Well, I just have to assume..."

And Mr. Jenny replied, " know what happens when you assume, right?"

And I said, "You know that is a really dumb people use that remark for other words that end in 'ume'?" and Mr. Jenny said, 'Huh?'.

And I said, "Well, okay, let's see...hmmm... hmmm...for instance! If someone uses the word 'consume' do people say, 'yeah, yeah, that makes a cons out of 'U' and me?"

And Mr. Jenny said, "That doesn't even make any sense!"

And I said, "What about the words 'costume, exhume and legume'? Do people say that makes a cost or an ex or a leg out of 'U' and me? I think not!"

And Mr. Jenny said, "I have no idea what the heck you're talking about. Maybe you should just look out the window for a little while."

And I said, "What about the words 'perfume, presume and volume'? Have you ever heard anyone say that makes a perf or a pres or a vol out of 'U' and me?"

And Mr. Jenny just sighed.

And sighed again.

Sometimes I think Mr. Jenny just doesn't 'get' me, you know?

I closed my eyes and wracked and wracked my brain but I couldn't think of another word that ended in 'ume'.

And then Mr. Jenny said, "Look! Look! It's snowing!"

As if I would be so easily distracted.


I almost didn't fall for it. We live in Arizona. Snow? Besides, I needed to concentrate really, really hard to think of some more words that ended in 'ume'. You know? So I could continue to irritate him.


When I looked outside it was snowing! And snowing like crazy.

So we stopped and threw snowballs and in the process I forgot all about thinking of other words that ended in 'ume'.

Until now.

Seriously. Now that I'm thinking about it I think Mr. Jenny might have been right.

But don't tell him please.

There is an infinitesimal chance that my thought process might have been flawed.


As if the word legume could make a leg out of 'U' and me.

What a ridiculous idea.



That's what happens when you have a brain that is always totally and completely off on a tangent.

It's a tough job.

But somebody has to do it.




PS. If you're too young to remember the lyrics to the 1972 Eagles song, 'Take it Easy', you're too young to read a post with the word ass in it. Please close your eyes and repeat after me, "I did not read this post, I did not read this post." Thank you.

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  1. Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona...I never stopped to think of that actual possibility and I am so glad you did, even if your tangents threw you off for a bit! And the snow, what a treat!

  2. Eeeeeeek! That was one of my favorite songs....still is too!

    You and Mr. Jenny me up. Period.


  3. JDaniel4 would be glad for snow too. I tend to ramble.

  4. Next time I come to visit I want to stand on the corner too!!!!

  5. I'm with time I'm in Arizona I'm going to Winslow and stand on the corner.

    You are waaaay too cool. xxoo

  6. Too funny Jenny. I should have known where this post was going, but forgot about the song. Glad you all lived it.

  7. Snow? What the heck? I thought that it didn't snow down there...

    Oh wait, there is no Arizona, no Painted Desert, no Sedona. If there was a Grand Canyon, she could fill it up with the...

    tee hee...

  8. One of my favorite songs - The Great Dane and I have sung it at the tops of our voices many times when driving down the highway.
    Jenny, don't ever come off that tangent!

  9. I hate that saying would agree about legume...but then my mind isn't all there these days either. Love those songs and I'm old enough to remember them like Yesterday! Get it?? LOL

    hugs, Linda

  10. Sadly, I am not too young to know this song. I love it. Love the photos. DId it really snow??? Amazing.
    I assume it was a good day after all.
    Uh oh.

  11. Well, I now have another place to add to my bucket list. That is beyond cool. Thank you for sharing! I'm assuming that most of us haven't seen it. wait.. why do I suddenly feel the urge to bray???

  12. Oh tell me you didn't drive to that much snow really, right?! Well, I can only assume, (if I may ha ha) that it's surely a photo from somewhere else! While we were in California the weather was just beautiful, and even in the 80's during the day!

  13. Oh tell me you didn't drive to that much snow really, right?! Well, I can only assume, (if I may ha ha) that it's surely a photo from somewhere else! While we were in California the weather was just beautiful, and even in the 80's during the day!

  14. Oh I have stood on that SAME corner in Winslow Arizona:) I have a t-shirt with that scene on it and wear it a lot! It was sooooo much fun!

    Assume... hmmmmm!

    Enjoy your day my Friend! HUGS!

  15. I'm going to assume you're lying to me about the snow. I'm already an a$$, so it's no problem, I'm used to it.

  16. I wish my mind were off on a tangent...

    because I like the way your brain works!


  17. My brain also goes off on tangents and my Hubs doesn't get it either AND so I finally button my lips in frustration and gaze out the window. Here in Florida, no chance of a fun snowball fight or shutting down the tangents either...LOL !!!


    This is exactly why I like you SO much. Why we are friends. Brains on tangents.

    To the devil with "Take it easy!" And it's arse. Doesn't that have a better ring??? ;-)



  19. How cool is that! Winslow that is ... and yah, I did just make a "coass" out of "u" and "me"

  20. Oh, I'm soooo jealous. You truly did stand on the corner in Winslow, Arizona. Woohoo!!!

    Please tell me ya made like an Eagle and sang your little hearts out. You know I know all the words. I'm sure you would expect nothin' less. Heeehehehe!

    Stand your guns with Mr. Jenny girl!

    God bless and have a beautiful week!!! :o)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "I did not read this post, I did not read this post."

    Snigger! :)

  23. Take it easy Jenny, take it easy...
    don't let the sound of your own
    wheels make you crazy!

    The wheels in your brain are always turning, aren't they! :)

  24. That stupid statement bugs me too. Sorry about your snow. We've gotten it a couple of times already. Dang, winter is almost really here.

  25. I not only remember the words, I have the album! I also can't hear the word "assume" without thinking...well, you know!

  26. Oh LORD! I LOVE this post!! I can picture it all so HILARIOUSLY clear in my head! :)
    ...and I do know the words to almost every Eagles song. Shame it never earned me any money! ha ha

  27. You had me @ Mr.Jenny's picture. He's dreamy. I went ahead and saw the rest. Love the post!

  28. I sang that song the whole few minutes we were in Winslow! Loved the photo of you and the pretty snow!

  29. HAHA, just tell Mr Jenny to take it easy! Rock on Jenny:)

  30. Too funny! That almost sounds like a conversation that Jason and I would have :)

    And snow! In Arizona! I didn't even know that it can snow there!

    And I'm so glad that I'm not too young to know the lyrics to that song!

  31. haha...I'm not that young. And I love stupid words games like that anyway. Our last name is Terry, so we have oft played the game of "what to name the kids"...Sani Terry, Millie Terry, Budge Terry, Digna Terry, etc etc etc. You're not alone... And the photos of the snow: Simply Fab!


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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock