Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday Centus - Safety in location!

This little story is written for week 93 of Saturday Centus. To read other offerings, just click here. The prompt this week is in red!

We loved our dad, but you just couldn’t trust the guy.

My sister fretted.

How could she get married without him walking her down the aisle?

It sucked being the oldest. Since Mom died, dad’s little ‘problem’ had gotten worse and I was stuck in the middle trying to make everyone happy.

“Calm down, sis. Calm down. I’ll think of something!”

Her big brown eyes looked at me expectantly.

“Ummm…ummm…I’ve got it!” I cried, “If the wedding was at the firehouse THEY could manage if his pyro tendencies came out!”

My sister agreed, “But just in case, let’s not get engraved matchbooks for the tables…”

EXACTLY 105 WORDS AND my sister, indeed, is getting married today at a firestation...but not because our dad is a pyromaniac!

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  1. Pyro tendencies! Well, the firehouse is the perfect spot! And if the kiss at the alter gets a little too hot, someone can turn the hose on the enthusiastic couple as well!!

    Hope you're restin' today, Miss Jenny!!

  2. Ha ha! I read about a groom setting the wedding reception hall on fire.

    Never temp a pyro!~Ames

  3. So fun!! And congrats to your sis and her hot hubby!! Or maybe it's your hot sis and her cool hubby...oh, whatever!

  4. You have such an interesting family!

  5. Better safe than sorry!

    Hope the wedding went great!

  6. Love it ! HA ! Set the fire house on fire if you had matches. Love it.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  7. This was fun, and getting married in a firehouse is fun, too! Congrats to your sis...


  8. LOL! that was all kinds of funny! I can just imagine the sisters trying to manage dad's habit!

  9. Pyro tendencies??? Now, that's my kinda guy!!! I just love a good fire but love this better!

    Heeehehehehe, ya sure give is a good laugh girl.

    Enjoy your day!!! :o)


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