Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Memory of a Farmhouse

Let me show you something.

Let's walk out the front door of the old farmhouse.

No, no. Do not stop to linger looking at the wavy, old glass or the beautiful honey gold graining of the wide plank old floor.

Grab your mug of coffee and come along!

I want to show you something before the sun gets too high.

Let's go right here. Be careful to walk on these flat stones set down into the grass. Your feet will stay dry that way, but hurry. The sun is going to be too high soon and I don't want you to miss this.

Let's walk past the next little porch that leads to the addition on the farmhouse. I know it looks fun with the checkerboard painted door and the hollyhocks painted on the clapboards there. I know you want to sit on the old stone steps and sip the fragrant, steaming mug of morning in your hand but come along, please.

No, we are not stopping to explore the smokehouse. It is such an intriquing little building, isn't it? Okay, we'll stop just for a second so you can open the door and smell the fragrance of all the bacon and ham that have been prepared here over the past decades. Yes, it makes me hungry, too, but come along please. We'll go back into the house in a little bit and I will make you toast thickly cut from my loaf of yeasty homemade bread spread with black raspberry jelly made from berries picked over in that treeline.

Come along.

I see you looking at that enormous tree by the smokehouse. It is a Buckeye tree. Right now I can't remember the latin name for it but can you tell it is one of the biggest in the area? Do you see that huge branch with the rope swing? I have a story to tell you about that rope swing, but first we need to walk
just a tiny bit further. You can swing later.

Yes. I promise.

Now close your eyes and let me lead you down this little slope. Be careful. It can be slippery. Just hold tightly onto my hand and I won't let you fall.


Now stop.

Open your eyes.



This is my peony garden. Isn't it amazing? See how the early sun makes the dew sparkle like forgotten stars on the petals and leaves? Look! It is a spiderweb totally outlined in old glass glitter.

I see you are astonished. Have you ever seen so many old varieties of peonies in one place like this?

This is the most amazing time of day to come here and see them.

Where did I get that primitive stone pedestal in the center? I found that along a back road lying in a ditch. I about killed myself loading it into my truck and then rolling it down the hill to the garden. It looks perfect, doesn't it?

What is that garden up the hill you wonder? It is my vegetable garden.

And that plowed plot down the hill? That's where I will be planting my mum slips.

Have I told you the story of how I got all the peony bushes? Yes, I'm sure I did. Remember it was some time back, though. I'll tell you about it later, or you can click here to remind yourself of the story.

Well come back in the house. We'll have toast and hot cofee and I'll tell you all about it. And if we have enough time I'll tell you about the ghostly girl in a white dress who swings high through the air from the very branch where my children's swing is now.

Oh. Of course you can pick a huge bouquet of peonies before you go home. Then you can look at them massed in that old brown crock of yours and think of this little bit of time we spent together.

Thank you for coming to share this magic with me. Now take my hand, okay? It is a bit slippery walking back to the house.


This little memory is written in honor of the letter "P". "P" is for peony.

To read other 'P' offerings, just click here.

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  1. Lovely memories. I have several old peonies in my yard, that I just love!

  2. I enjoyed our leisurely stroll from your farmhouse to the peony garden. P for peonies, P for paradise. What a collection you have, and your way with words shined as you described our walk.

  3. One of my very fondest memories id sticking my nose into a huge peony blossom to take in its fragrance. Mmmmm. Spring is on its way!

  4. Just as always I'm captivated by your words... I want to see the farmhouse, smell the smokey bacon cellar, hear the story of the swing... but first I need to remember the peonies headed there now.



  5. Oh thank goodness you didn't let me slip! I am so hungry for that toast too, oh wait, this is really all just a magical once upon a time story from Jenny. Okay, no toast made from your fresh baked loaf, and as for those lovely P flowers, well, you forgot to mention the "A" letter that comes so often in the aid of growing these beautiful flowers. Yes ANTS! in the pants with too many around! Oh how the ants love these flowers too.

  6. I have a couple of peonies and they are such a splash of colour when they flower; vibrant!

  7. Oh, how I love peonies! I love ghostly girls on swings, home made bread and jam and old stone steps, too. Thank you, Jenny! ~ Maureen

  8. I just got home from work, all strung out with stress. Thank you so much for giving me a tour of your rich and historical home. It was a lovely walk, and I am now relaxed and ready to finish out the day.

    You are so very gifted in writing. I am always excited to spend time with you. I wish I lived down the street, or the next farm over. I'd make a complete nuisance of myself just to hang out with you, dear Jenny!

  9. Ghost girl??? I must hear about that!

  10. What wonderful childhood memories you've walked us through today. 'Just charmin' sweetie!

    God bless and enjoy your day!!! :o)

  11. Lovely P word and images to match!

    XOXO Lola:)

    PS Just to let you know, Mrs Matlock, I did my *O* homework last week but not sure you managed to catch it in that huge pile of marking you had and the fact you're so very busy now! :-)

  12. Jenny you write so beautifully! I hope you can come visit soon. Fill me in on your new job. I am looking for a change in jobs and I was thinking your new job sounds great! Come e mail when you can too! Hugs to you and your honey! Anne

  13. Wow Jenny this is my first visit with you and I am captivated. you definitely have a talent for description, I felt like I was there with you . I felt sucked in seduced almost into your farmhouse.

  14. I held on to my "mug of morning" - what a wonderful phrase...and walked with you every step of the way...the peonies are exquisite...and worth the risk of a little slippery slide.

    Oh to sit in your kitchen farmhouse over toast, jam and more "mugs of morning." A delight, Miss Jenny and beautifully written.

  15. Fantastic writing! Great imagery. I really felt like I was walking along with you taking in those sights!

    Now's where's my toast and jam and coffee?

  16. oh my ... what a lovely word picture you painted ... and what wonderful memories you have ... geez, i just want to be there in that moment! beautifully done Jenny!

  17. They're gorgeous. How hard to leave all that!

  18. I love peonies. Great post, like how you put this one together... I felt like I was there:-)

  19. It sounds as if you still are homesick !

  20. Jenny,

    Your peony garden is lovely! Thanks for sharing it...



  21. I just love visiting your farmhouse. What precious memories you have! You make me feel like I'm there with you, really! The peonies are so beautiful, too. I love flowers!

  22. *sigh*

    What a lovely piece, Jenny. You definitely took me with you.


  23. I had peonies in my garden in West Chester. The fragrance is so peaceful and fulfilling. I miss that

  24. This is so awesome Jenny. Here I sit, in my jammies, already for bed and you have just transported me to one of the most fascinating places so vivid with color and texture. I am surely going to be dreaming of this wonderful place tonight. It almost reminds me of my Mamaw Carrie and Papaw Bill's old homestead in Kentucky. Sans the ghost of course. I hope that is another story soon told. ~Ames

  25. Lovely piece--and photos! Peonies always remind me of my grandmother. I am lucky to have two thriving peony bushes in my yard. Love the big, bodacious blooms.

  26. Thank you very much. I enjoyed my visit to the old farmhouse. Thanks for catching me when I almost slipped. The last thing I need is a broken hip. What are mum slips?

  27. I'm guessing that you're wishing for a place like this right now to escape the craziness of your life. Lovely, lovely. :)

  28. I love these stories, and most go back to read about the peonies again.

  29. Oh geez... You are making me hungry!
    those peonies are SO gorgeous! I can smell their lovely scent all the way over here!


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Jenny Matlock