You know.
The glass half-full philosophy kind of thing.
I'm working to apply that to all aspects of my life.
Yesterday was my birthday...and even though I didn't get a new Grandson (darn those kids anyway!), I came to an important realization.
My important self discover was about age spots.
You know?
Those brown patches that seem to pop up in new places every day...

You don't have any?
You don't? Really?
Okay...well then... ummm...neither do I.
I am totally and complete age spot-less but I have this ... ummm... FRIEND... yeah, that's it... I have this FRIEND with lots and lots of age spots...
...because I think my ... ummm... FRIEND... used to lay out in the sun for hours and hours with her sister and cover herself in Johnson's Baby oil and Hawaiian Tropics deep tanning oil with no sunscreen...
Hey...don't judge was my ummm... FRIEND ... that did this.
Since, oddly, it was my FRIEND'S birthday yesterday, too, I told her she was thinking about the whole age spot thing WRONG.
I told her the trick to age spots was to buy some Johnson's Baby oil and Hawaiian Tropics deep tanning oil with no sunscreen...
...and to find a secluded, non-viewable-by-living-eyes area of her backyard and to lay out in the sun for hours and hours each day.
Then she would get new age spots AND they would all blend together and it would just look like she had a great tan and...
I can't do this.
I can't lie like this.
It's me. Me with the darned age spots.
None of my friends have age spots. Really.
But I do.
So I'm thinking the laying out in the sun thing might work.
If I get new age spots AND if they fill in around the old age spots, I will just look radiant and tan.
Radiant and tan and age spot-less.
Cool, right?
It's really applying the glass half-full philosophy kind of thing to age spots.

And about seeing the positive side of things.
I may not be blogging much for awhile. I'll be laying out for 4 or 5 hours a day trying to even out my skin.
I just hope it's not too uncomfortable out there when I have a hot flash.
I dont have any... but I have freckles that love to pop out more in the sunshine! I also could seriously grow a beard I think!!
ReplyDeleteaging.. isnt it lovely?
happy friday!!
Crepey skin. That's what I've got. Oh yeah, and a wattle. I think these souviners should be called badges of courage...we a facing the aging process. Here we go!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday!
Paint them with a bright color and start a new fad.
ReplyDeleteWe have the same birthday, Jenny! Happy Belated Birthday!
ReplyDeleteI just turned 41 and I think I may have a couple of brown age spots or moles or something on my hands! I too was a tanaholic who actually used cooking oil to get my tan on! Ugh! So mad at myself for that now.
Happy Birthday a day late! Getting older has good things, age spots NOT one of them:) I have a few myself! I am a glass half full kinda gal and just think they make me look cute:) HAHA... I haven't been cute in years! BUT at almost 58, I will take the spots and the flashes and enjoy another day! Have a blessed day, HUGS!
ReplyDeleteI've been lucky. I don't have age spots. YET! I'm quite sure they will come but I'm fighting them. Apparently I'm supposed to be "thankful" for age spots because they are "awards" for a life well lived and all that hard "mother" work. Well, that's certainly BS. Who thinks up these things. :)
ReplyDeleteI've got age spots on my hands - - - not too many yet 'cause I woke up and smelled the coffee and STOPPED all that lying out in the sun nonsense at a fairly young age and that stopped the RAPID deterioration.
ReplyDeleteWell - - - at least the sun spot deterioration.
I try to NEVER show my whole hands on my blog.
I have them and wish they would go away!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had known that yesterday was your birthday. I would have sent you a singing telegram or something. Happy belated birthday!!
ReplyDeleteI think you're lovely with or without the age spots! I remember that there used to be a product (Porcelana or something like that) that was supposed to remove or fade them. Seems like it would make the skin on your hands lighter than the rest of your body, though, doesn't it? Not sure if that would be a good look.
My sister and I did the same thing and I have the spots to prove it!
ReplyDeleteWe actually crawled out on the roof of our house once in a while (you know, closer to the sun)...
We thought we were too cool for school!
At least I don't have an age spot on the end of my nose - but they seem to have popped up everywhere else.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one with wrinkled knees?
Between the age spots, sags and bags and wrinkles I'm just lovely! But hey better then the alternative (glass 1/2 full right???). Love you Jenny!!
ReplyDeletehugs, Linda
Hey wait a minute! Somebody, somewhere, (I'll have check my little good book) once said, Age spots are a kiss from God. Yes really, and every time you do really, really good, (maybe someone puts in a good word for you) you get another kiss...they're bigger because each one absorbs, oh I don't filled with about a zillion good things, cuz really someone like you Jenny would be one big age spot after awhile, and God wouldn't allow that. Also a great big happy birthday to you...(pretend I'm singing it to you, with a delicious cake in my hands) and please don't cover your ears, my singing isn't that bad! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MANY......MORE! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Miss Jenny and many many more!
ReplyDeleteAnd the age spot thing...just count them like wrinkles...earned everyone!
I've got a solution to removing age spots :-).... its a smidge painful, but really not that bad. Anywho, I use the gel Compound W wart remover. Seriously... it works. If you try it, don't use to much of it because it is meant to take off a thick wart. Just a smidge on the spot, it turns white.... then the next day, it peels off. (some spots need more gel) Easy peasy... you might get a little scab because this stuff "eats away your skin" but that goes away and you have brand new skin in the treated spot. I am doing this on my face... gasp... I know right? I look like I have a little bit of acne because of the little red/scab spots--- but once they heal, its fabulous!!! I guess its like one of those chemical peels--- only one spot at a time ;-) I hope you try it.... just remember, a little tiny bit will do wonders, so DON'T GLOB IT ON!
ReplyDeleteBig hugs,
A very Happy Belated Birthday! My own spots arrived with the delivery of my Medicare card...a guarantee for those who enjoyed baby oil soaked sunshine in their youth. But like those little lines around our eyes - it gives us character, right? Actually am pretty happy in my own skin, spots et al. Well, wish there was a little LESS of the skin.
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend & enjoy an extra piece of birthday cake:o)
I worked my way through college as a lifeguard of all things!!! Yep...I've got 'em but lighten 'em with lemon (ya have plenty of those don't ya) juice of all things.
ReplyDeleteWorks better than any cream I've tried. 'Just sayin'.....
I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday sweetie.
God bless and enjoy your weekend, there will be no layin' out 'round here...I'm buildin' a fire in the fireplace today!!!
oh my, those were the days weren't they. when we didn't wear bicycle helmets and pads, and baby oil was the best way to get a tan.
ReplyDeleteAs a former sun worshiper, I've got more age spots than Carter's got liver pills! I rarely go outside, now, but when I do, I put waterproof stuff on the spots only, to keep them from getting darker. Do you have any idea how long it takes to play connect the dots!!! It takes SO LONG I hardly ever go out!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday yesterday! I made a note for it and with the construction going on, I forgot to look at the note. I'm sorry I'm late.
A few weeks back I looked at the tops of my arms... no age spots... and worst on backs of hands, so I am covering up more, and applying rosehip oil, and it does make a differene, they are very light now... at the end of our hot summer in Australia.
ReplyDeleteHappy late birthday!
ReplyDeleteHope it was wonderful.
Age spots are a sign of maturity.
Warning! Warning! Jenny don't do it. It didn't work when my sister tried the same theory with freckles. All she got were these hideously large freckles that didn't...I repeat DID Not meld together. She had freckles on her lips the size of nickels. Shutter eewwww. We all laughed at her.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday you sweet gal you! I hope you did something fun!~Ames
Oh Jenny! Happy Happy Birthday!!!! Want to compare spots? We can count them! Lived here in AZ as a teenager, with a pool in the back yard and gallons of baby oil....oh yeah, I can relate! How about lunch one day my friend???? Sandy
ReplyDeleteI am one of those women who spent
ReplyDeletea large amount of time in the sun, as a girl. The beach was my friend, or rather, the beach is where my friends were!
The past 5 years I must have bought every brand of "Dark Spot Fading Cream" and I'll admit I have been able to fade them somewhat but they are such a burden to my mind! "I hate them"!!!
Your post just put me into a dark hole (or rather spot) once
Nice post
By the way, yesterday was also my birthday..
ReplyDelete"Happy Birthday to us"!!
This SoCal girl has them, too! But they are hard to see with all the veins popping up on my hands! I like the lemon juice idea suggested above. Think I'll give it a try!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Hope they spoiled you rotten!
Power surges. Jenny.
ReplyDeletePower surges.
As for the baby...micromanager that little one. Wants a day all to himself. Genetics. Preprogrammed leader of the pack.☺♥.
It would have been nice, but now neither of you will have to share your cake.
Siggi in Downeast Maine
Okay, you've got me really curious...Do Black people get age spots? I mean, I'm already brown so wouldn't the brown just blend in with the rest of the brown? Don't bake for too long!
ReplyDeleteI don't have age spots, but my eyesight is definitely telling me I'm getting old.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday for yesterday, wonderful lady :)
Ahh! I can almost smell the Hawaiian Tropics tanning lotion. Loved "laying out" in the sun with my friends as a teenager.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have age spots. Lots and lots of age spots. My grandson calls them owees, but I assured him they don't hurt. I like your "even out the tan" plan. Let me know if it works.
P.S. Belated happy birthday!!
ReplyDeleteAh, the process of aging gracefully! My dermatologist took care of a couple facial age spots. Just FYI♫♪
ReplyDeleteHa!! I've got age spots on my age spots!! All those years as a child and young adult, baking in the deep south sun! Now I am armed with SPF 30 and up (50 on my face, neck, and ears)but the damage is done. I don't have age spots on my heart, though, and I just adore you, birthday girl. We'll have a celebration when you and Steve drive down for dinner.
ReplyDeletemine are on my hands. ick. well, there's gloves, I guess.
ReplyDeleteOne thing's for sure. There are no age spots on your sense of humor!
Then you'll just be One Big Freckle! And I missed your B-Day...My mind is One Big Age Spot!!
ReplyDeleteHappy late birthday! I have been pondering freckles. I have an aunt who now has a gazillion, so much so, my son asked what her disease was called... and then I have been noticing freckles that were not there on me, and am wondering if I am getting that disease. I just need to tell her your theory, and she could be cured! So genius.
ReplyDeleteHahaa, hot flashes in the son, love ot! I have some age spots, they're not very dark, though, but then I never was one to sit in the sun anyway. Oh and a belated Happy Birthday to you! Mine was on the 9th. (Judee from WordPress write tuit)
ReplyDeleteUsing lotion for going to an occasion.
ReplyDeleteage spots