Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I can't tell you how cute our new Grandlittle is...



I haven't seen him yet!

Oh sure, he's beyond adorable in all of his pictures...

Oh sure, he's mighty sweet when he wiggles on skype...(I think if you click that little arrow at the bottom left a little movie will start...I'm a bit challenged loading video still)

Oh sure, he's...




He is in Oregon and I haven't met him yet!

But that's about to change.

Yes!  It's ROAD TRIP time!

And at the end of the road trip, I'm gonna get to hold little Quinn.   And snuggle down into his neck.  And hold his little starfish hand.   And...


You get the idea!

Next week.

Me and Mr. Jenny.

In a car.

For a long time.

Driving, driving, driving north, north, north to see our new Grandlittle!

I'll tell you more about the trip on Friday.

For now I'm just going to close my eyes and dream about cuddling a sweet little boy close to my heart!

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  1. hi Jenny, He is adorable! Enjoy your time with you new little grandbaby! Have a safe trip.

  2. oh have a WONDERFUL time and hug him extra for us!!!

  3. He is adorable! I bet you can't wait to hold him in your arms!

  4. How exciting! I know you'll enjoy every moment of it.

  5. Oh how sweet! Can't wait for you to get there and cuddle with your newest love;). Hugs

  6. Shhhhhh, I'm not here. I'm travelin' incognito but I just had to come see that precious babe!!! 'Had to I tell ya!

    Oh honey, I simply want to hug him, squeeze him and call him George! I'm thrilled your gonna to get to do that in person yourself.

    God bless ya my friend and enjoy this trip to the max.

    BTW: Miss Angel has put on ten pounds. Woohoo...she's up to 90. She was 112 when this all started.

    Give that youngen a squeeze for me. I miss babies! :o)

  7. How cute! Awwwwww! Have a good time, grandma and grandpa!

  8. OMGosh, he's adorable......and looks just like you! Congratulations, have fun, and hopefully I'll see you when you get back.

    Love ya'

  9. It's the best - that new baby smell - the downy head - the tiny hands and feet - the cuddles that go on and on. You will have such a good time!

  10. Oh Yippee! So glad you are hitting the road north to see that precious little guy!

  11. I am SO excited for you. I can just imagine how thrilled I would be to welcome another newborn into the family.

    Did I tell you Karin is going to do IVF later this year? I sure hope something good happens for them!



  12. Cute, cute, have a good trip.

  13. Oh, he is delicious. I am so happy you'll both finally get to snuggle with him.
    Have a safe journey I we don't talk before then!

  14. I know you can hardly wait. I am getting some of that sweet snuggley love this week myself. Nothing better in the world!

  15. Enjoy your roadtrip, and enjoy your new little Grandlittle to bits!!! Drive safe!!!

  16. There is nothing sweeter, I know. Have a glorious time with your grandson! xo Jenny

  17. Oh Jenny! Quinn is absolutely adorable! What a sweet happy laugh and smile he has. Safe travels next week and enjoy every second of grandma snuggle time with your new grandson!

  18. How exciting to be going to meet the little fellow!

  19. My dear Jenny,
    Another little one to lavish all your love and attention on. Quinn is adorable and such a grand name too. Wishing you safe travels for next week...try not to leave the hubby by the roadside when the going gets tough! LOL
    Thanks for sharing.

  20. I can't imagine mine being far away, that has to be SO HARD for you! You'll have to make up for lost time, which I'm sure you'll have no problem with. He's so adorable!

  21. What a little charmer! Looks like Quinn is trying his best to talk!

  22. He sure is so adorable when he tries to talk!

    Congratulation to your family.

  23. He's pretty darn sweet...have a great time snuggling with him!

  24. Congratulations and enjoy your road trip! I can't think of a better reason to gather together as a faily.

  25. There's nothing comparable to snuggling with a fresh little one straight from heaven. I have a 3-week old little girlie that I'm spending as much time as possible with.
    The miles will fly by as you anticipate meeting Quinn. Safe travels, Jenny.

  26. This made me smile grandson will be three soon and yet it seems like yesterday that I was rocking him with him snuggled into my shoulder

    Enjoy every minute : )

    Found this blog by way of Brambleberry, then Whimsical Musings / both new to me and now I'll have yours to read as well :)

  27. Oh my! Your newest, littlest grandlittle advanced! Cute, adorable and amazing! HOw old is he? That he can stick out his tongue when his mommy asks him! Wow!

    Have a wonderful, amazing time together!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  28. Jenny, I would love to meet you!!! I emailed you my phone number but if you did not get it, send me another email!! I am so excited!

  29. What a little cutie. So happy for you!


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Jenny Matlock