A seriously genius, I tell ya.
You know how there's all kind of trendy, exclusive restaurants now that serve things like only grilled cheese or only things with chocolate in them?
Pay attention.
I see you trying to close my blog so you can google "restaurants serving only chocolate".
As I was saying...
My middle Grandlittle is absolutely insisting I have a restaurant serving...

Toast, toast and only toast.
Apparently, I make the best toast in the world.
Apparently, she thinks not only would it be a big hit in a restaurant, but we could also make a bunch of toast every morning and sell it door to door!
I gently suggested that the menu might be a bit limiting to customers.
"Grandma!" she exclaimed.
(obviously disgusted by my lack of business accumen)
"We can serve all KINDS of toast. Cinnamon sugar toast! Peanut butter toast! Plain toast! Toast with jelly!"
I feel kind of embarrassed to be so short-sided.
Now that I realize all the possibilities...
My new restaurant is going to be the toast of the town!

Add gingerale to your toast menu and every sick person in the country will flock there! You know, "I've had the flu so I'm off to Grandmas Toast Place." "Never mind, she'll bring it to me!". ~ Maureen
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! Seriously. How rude. I thought you had grill cheese with chocolate going on...over here! Anyway- love it. Toast is Us...yeah! SHe rocks. ANd well, of course you too...but you're just a little slower that's all! ;) Love , hugs and I'll have mine with tomato and cream cheese please.
ReplyDeleteMake mine French toast, please!
ReplyDeleteWha? oh sorry I forgot what I was gonna say, I was thinking about grilled cheese, chocolate, and now, french toast. hmmm what is there to snack on?
ReplyDeleteShe is right. That is some seriouly good lookin toast. She is adorable.
ReplyDeleteblessings to you.
If you bring cinnamon toast to my door I will buy it!! Hugs, Linda
ReplyDeleteCinnamon Texas toast! Oh my gosh, the possibilities are endless. She is a genius. She's also adorable (she looks like Grandma!).
ReplyDeleteI raise a "toast" to you grandlittle for her excellent idea.
ReplyDeleteYour grandkids are too adorable and yes, very very smart!
ReplyDeleteWhy stop there? You could open up a B.R.A.T. restaurant. ...You know....Bananas,Rice, Applesauce, and Toast reastaurant? Cater to all the sick shut ins. Hey! You can deliver on your new bike!!
ReplyDeleteRedheads. Aren't we just plain smart!! :)
Love it! I have fond memories of eating cinnamon toast at my Grandma's house -- and my grandkids also love cinnamon toast for breakfast when they sleep over.
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, and be sure to bring out the peanut butter okay!
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwe ... what a sweetie ... now git to the kitchen and start making the bread for the toast!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Great Dane gets packages of chocolate from Denmark - they are specially made paper-think slices made especially for putting on hot toast. I am willing to take on the task of sole importer of said chocolate for Toast Is Us.
ReplyDeleteIt's always nice to have a favorite restaurant nearby. Greetings.
ReplyDeletelove a child with business sense (and appreciative taste buds).
ReplyDeleteI think you are right. She IS a genius!!!!! So, will you be open 24/7 for those who crave toast in the middle of the night?
ReplyDeleteYou can take your basket of toast to the business district every morning, so everyone who forgot to eat breakfast will buy some!
ReplyDeleteSo cute!
ReplyDeleteAlthough, seriously, I can see myself coughing up a buck or so for some great cinnamon or pbj toast!!
Can I buy a 'Toast Is Us' franchise?
ReplyDeleteI'm totally addicted to carbs, and I promise, I'd eat there everyday! I LOVE toast...
ReplyDeleteToast is such a flexible base and, unlike pizza, it can go savoury or sweet. That's got to be a hit!
ReplyDeleteLOL This cracked me up. Grandkids are wonderful! :)
ReplyDeleteShe's adorable!