Friday, June 29, 2012

Itching for a Smack Down!

Everything I do is perfect.

I’m a princess through and through.

I walk and eat and dress and act

perfectly. Yes, I do!

Everything I do is wonderful.

I’m amazing through and through.

I blink and smile and laugh and cry

wonderfully. Yes, I do!

Everything I do is fantastic.

I’m entitled through and through.

What I want I want, and I deserve it

RIGHT NOW! Oh, yes, I do!

What I want I want! Don’t roll your eyes!

You’re just jealous I’m so fine.

My Daddy says my pout is adorable!

He says, “It’s an amusing little whine!”

This little poem is linked to week 112 of Saturday Centus.   To read other offerings use the bolded prompt...just click here.

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  1. Wonderful, Wonderful, write.
    and the
    whines go on !
    I love that little pout.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  2. Well done!!
    Of course, my palm is itching!

  3. and I thought you were talking about yourself and just wanted to suggest you to change your name into "Modesty", lol !

  4. I'll bet she can show those girls on Toddlers and Tiaras a thing or two! :)

  5. I bet that won't last too much longer, ha, ha. Very funny.

  6. Haha! So cute. The sad part is I have heard my husband say that about our daughter's whine. So sad yet funny at the same time.


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