Thursday, July 5, 2012

Painted G's

Today I have two "G's" to share.

 And gee.   I hope you're enjoying this little journey through the painted alphabet with me!


No stencils.   No stickers.  Handpainted with my own layout.

You can see other signs in this series by clicking on 'Painted
Alphabet' in my sidebar.

Thanks for stopping by.   To visit other links to the letter "G". please click on Alphabe-Thursday in my sidebar.  

post signature

Click here for my Etsy store!


Ms. A said...

Great G's, Jenny!

Anonymous said...

These are both wonderful g's!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
summersundays-jw said...

You're becoming a great sign painter. Love your g's. Hope you're having a good trip. Jan

storybeader said...

very cute. Good quote and very smart-looking! Thanks for your linky list - so much fun! {:-D

Maude Lynn said...

I adore that first one!

Theresa said...

Love the G's:) Have a blessed day dear Jenny, HUGS!

Plumrose Lane said...

These are lovely Jenny ~ there's just nothing better than creating by hand, is there!?

Susan Anderson said...

Two thumbs up, Jenny!


Catherine said...

I'm gushing over how gorgeous they are! ;-)

SarahBeth said...

Great signs! Your penmanship (or maybe that's paintbrushmanship) is another thing we can strive for in addition to learning our letters!!

Jackie McGuinness said...

Grrrreat Gs!!!

Naperville Now said...

awesome! genius, in fact :)

Splendid Little Stars said...

Once again, brilliant!

lissa said...

for some reason, I read genie, oh well....

hope you have a great day.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

These are great.
What are they painted on?
Do you sell them?

Jo said...

gorgeous! wonderful techniques!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Gorgeous "G" signs, Jenny! Hope you are having a good time visiting your grandson and that you had a happy 4th of July!!

Annesphamily said...

Grrreeeeaaaaat G's! I love this an dnearly forget to put up my post! Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's a nice ride through the letters.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Gee, those are good♫♪

Gattina said...

No, no, no ! I don't give what I have I am not generous enough, lol !

Amy said...

What a great creative outlet! And you are so good at it. I remember your tattooed table which was beautiful as well. Now the real question is when are you going to share some of your talent? And by share I don't mean show, I mean let some of the rest of us untalented people have some! I love the genius one. It made me laugh.

The Poet said...

Another fine set of letters. Hope you're having a wonderful time lavishing all your love on your new grandson. Have a wonderful weekend!

Goddess Of Fantasy

Pondside said...

I love the 'g' painting. Find myself waiting for each new one of them!

anitamombanita said...

I'm loving your signs each week! They're GREAT!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Grrreat!!!! It is so fun to see what you've created!

Blessings & Aloha!
Hope you are taking lots of pics of your trip!

H said...

I love the background greens of Genius :)

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

I do enjoy this Alphabet trip :)

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