Friday, August 31, 2012

Gosh! All kinds of stuff!

Today when I was out running errands, I thought of all kinds of things to write about.

"Oh, yeah," I thought.  "This will be a great story!"

"Oh, hmmm," I thought.  "This will be fun to write about!"

And, now...

Here it is...Thursday night and I can't think of one of those things.

All I'm left to share today is this...

Taxi anyone?  Sweet little Quinn is ready to call one for you anytime!

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  1. Adorable! I know what you mean about "that would make a great story" and then when it comes to putting it into words...well, it wasn't meant to be.

    Have a great Friday!

  2. I can't get into my own blog to write my post!!! There's nothing up in the right-hand corner for me to click on!!! And I had such a good "O" word, too!!! Waaaaaa!!!!

  3. Precious:) Have a blessed day dear Jenny, HUGS!

  4. Aww, a little girl who will go far and already knows how to get there.

  5. What beautiful eyes! I love the two little fingers in the mouth - that photo is a keeper!

  6. "Okey, dokey!" I was finally able to publish my post! Now I can tell you what a sweet photo that is!!!

  7. Quinn is just adorable!

  8. Hi Jenny. Long time, no homework submitted. I've been studying you via correspondance course instead! I see that this week brings us to O. I might be feeling recharged enough for the next semester, if there's room for a small one at the back of class??

  9. I was just sitting here trying to recall the smashing idea I had for a post! I must have holes in my brain!

  10. Glad he is doing well with his inner city training. Just in case, you know? One can never be street wise too early. And I doubt any cabby could resist those innocent eyes and gushy cheeks! Adorable.

    As for forgetting things, I hear it is something in the water. You are far too young for it to be anything else.

  11. who needs a story when you have a cute photo like that!! what a doll!!!


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Jenny Matlock