Friday, August 31, 2012

A girl can dream, right?

This little free-form poem is linked to an A - Z alphabet challenge for week number 121 of Saturday Centus.

I used EXACTLY 100 words and the letters of the alphabet in order.



Although I will admit that writing this made me hungry.

To read other SC offerings, just click here.


I’m hungry.
I’m fantasizing.
What do I dream of?
Get out of my way…
I want…
Almond Joy, Baby Ruth, Cheetohs, Doritos!
Extra Bars, Fritos, Good and Plenty and Heath Bars!
Ice cream and jelly beans, Kit Kats if you please.
Lemon Drops, Mars Bars, Now and Later, Oh Henry.
Popcorn and Quince, Reeses Pieces and Snickers.
Twix Bars!   And Uno bars!
And a Velamint please.
Whatchamcallit and Xylitol gum,
York Peppermint Patties.
Oh me and oh my.
I want sugar and salt.
No wonder my diets
Never quite work.
But! Hey!
Pass me a Zagnut
And no-one gets hurt.

post signature


  1. Hahaha... leave it to you! You forgot to highlight the "S".

  2. Wow! That's awesome. A post after my own heart. or stomach. No matter...I'm hungry now!

  3. I love zagnuts. I never see them anymore.

  4. Way to go, Mrs. Jenny!! Excuse me, though, I must go find something sweet to munch on...

  5. Good one! How about Whoppers? White chocolate?

  6. This is great :D Now I am hungry... XD

  7. Jenny, I'm on Nutrisystem right now. Don't torture me.


  8. Wow....I'm craving sugar and salt now too! great job Jenny.

  9. ii couldn't come up with that much candy. wow. i'm a health food nut! that's amazing you can do that.

  10. Really good Jenny! Whimsical!
    Sugar and salt is what it's all about for me. I guess that's why my favorite thing to snack on, is a Payday candy bar.


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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock