Friday, September 28, 2012

Fractured Nursery Rhyme

This little rhyme is linked to week 126 of Saturday Centus.   The prompt is in bold.   To read other links, just click here.

Blah, blah, blah, blah black sheep.

Baked in a pie.

My mom packed it my lunch one day.

It made me wonder why.

The teacher said, “Curds and whey are healthier!

Than all that fat and lean!"

It made the children laugh and play.

The teacher was so mean.

Jill and I ran up the hill

To escape the taunting cries.

We ran back down.



After seeing an old lady swallowing flies.

I think the eensy weensy spiders were next.

This whole ordeal makes me perplexed.

Oh me.

Oh my.

Tock tick.   Tick tock.

Now this fractured rhyme must stop.

post signature


  1. Definitely not your average, everyday nursery rhyme! Ha!

  2. So cute and funny....some of those old nursery rhymes are so scary!

  3. Jenny, this made me smile. So clever. Thanks for my morning smile. laurie

  4. Cute and zany.

    Nice work, Jenny!


    PS. I got the signs today. They look great!!

  5. Wonderful. Humorous and entertaining.

    Now you know why I'm not saying, "I'll have whatever she's having."

  6. Hilarious - and very cleverly constructed. Nice one :)

  7. Now these are REAL nursery rhymes! Just my cup of curds and whey!


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Jenny Matlock