Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Centus - Sometimes you bend...

 Jenny Matlock
Welcome to week ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN of Saturday Centus.

PROMPT:  "Sometimes you bend. Sometimes you break." 
WORD COUNT -  Not to exceed 106 (including the prompt)
PICTURES - Any Additional

The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other links, please.

Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.

Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday. post signature


  1. My dearest Jenny...
    Love the prompt. Thank you so much for hosting such an awesome meme!!!!
    Have you a blessed weekend!
    love you with lots of hugs

  2. Jenny, thanks so much for coming up with prompts every week. I know that can't be easy, but you do an excellent job of it. laurie

  3. I need to write this one!

    Love you, my friend.

    I have this for the weekend, and I'm trying to visit around.

    Love you much and appreciate you.



  4. Oh yes, as ships pass in the night, they go bump! I'm in!

  5. Admittedly late, but definitely here!


  6. My link isn't showing up when I use my Safari browser. When I use Firefox, I can see it.

    What the heck? Why doesn't Safari show it as usual??


  7. Jenny do I have to join Facebook
    to link up. I only use blogger. Have a great day.

  8. We're still away on vacation but I'm giving it a try !
    Thanks Jenny !!! :)


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock