Monday, October 29, 2012

Don't waste your time taking fashion advice from a six year old...

On Friday I wrote  about my youngest Grandlittle giving me some fashion advice.


When I went to the elementary school to pick up my Grandlittles on Friday, I went all out.

Dug a shirt out of my closet that was an entirely different color and style from my 'usual' uniform.

Broke out the khaki shorts...instead of the jean shorts I wear every day.

Put on make-up.


...prepare yourself...

...eyeshadow, eyebrow pencil AND mascara.

I put a swipe of black honey near lipstick on.


I looked different.

Mr. Jenny said to me, "Wow, you look so different."

And I did.

I'm telling ya, true, it gave me some serious pep in my step.

I waited at the school all excited for the bell to ring.

I saw my blond-haired fashion diva swept to the gate in a tsunami of little kids.

I crossed at the crosswalk and gave her a hug.

She was happy.

She didn't notice.

We waited for her sister.

She didn't notice.

We got in the car.

She didn't notice.

We drove home.

She didn't notice.

Finally I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Mo?   Do you notice anything different about me?"

She squinted at me from the back seat.

", Grandma.  I love you!"

We got out of the car at my house.

I tried again.  "Mo?   Do you notice anything different about me?"

She squinted at me again.

She looked at me carefully.

"Oh Grandma!   I see!   You need to get those gray hair things fixed.   Right?   Right?  Is that what you meant?   You wanted me to remind you, right?"

I paused.

She paused.

Then she opened the door to run into the kitchen.

But before she did,  she said, "You're welcome, Grandma!  Can we have a snack?"




Different shirt.

Different shorts.

Make up.

And near lipstick.

She didn't notice.

And now my whole wash/dry/wear again rotation is all screwed up.

And on top of that.

I need to make an appointment to get my roots colored.


I hate when that happens...
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  1. did you tell her? how funny! She was just too hungry to notice!
    happy monday!

  2. Really Jenny? Did you expect that little diva to remember from week to week that she had an opinion on your choice of clothing? ok, seriously - she pry did notice and just doesn't realize it yet, she will pry bring it up next week!!!! Brow pencil -wow! I don't even own one!!!

  3. Really Jenny? Did you expect that little diva to remember from week to week that she had an opinion on your choice of clothing? ok, seriously - she pry did notice and just doesn't realize it yet, she will pry bring it up next week!!!! Brow pencil -wow! I don't even own one!!!

  4. Oh how funny:) Gotta love those Grandkids! Enjoy your day and make a hair appt! HUGS!

  5. Maybe you should have held back on giving her an after school treat until she could guess correctly what was different. And of course, just dress the way you want to.

  6. Little ones are so wonderful for those reality checks!

  7. Ha ha ... all your efforts in vain ;-)

  8. She and JDaniel can sure keep us hopping!

  9. You are just cracking me up with this stuff!

    What is better than grandkids for keeping us in our places. Right? And one of the funniest parts is the look(s) they get on their faces while the deliver the bad concerned...



  10. Well that settles it, I'm not putting make up on for my Grand either!!! xo Linda

  11. Oh my, that story just made my day.

  12. This may well be my favorite story ever. LOL

    Love you!



  13. Laughing so hard---I can't comment!

    Oh my.

    M :)

  14. But Mr.Jenny noticed -- that's a good thing.

    My grandkids are concerned about my age spots. I've convinced them they are not "owees"--they don't hurt. I try to wear long-sleeved turtlenecks to cover up most of the offending spots when I'm with them (except in summer, when it is TOO HOT for turtlenecks).

  15. So funny! But if YOU feel better, it may be worth primping a bit. (Is "primping" still a word?)

  16. Ah! Glamour can be lost on the very young--LOL! ;)

  17. least you had to keep prompting her to look for the roots! lol!! thanks for the chuckle!

  18. Oh that little Mo! She is something else!

  19. LOL...all that work! Thanks for making me laugh.


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Jenny Matlock