Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween treat?

Wednesday was Halloween.
And being the thoughtful, considerate and wonderful wife that I am...
...I bought Mr. Jenny some chocolate covered Jelly Bellies.
He loves Jelly Bellies.
(which is handy because I have one of my very own...but that's a whole other subject...)

So when I saw the little package of these, I thought, 'Yum!'
Covering up jelly beans.
( you know that chocolate covered jelly bellies are gluten free?  Just saying...)
Mr. Jenny was not quite as enamored of the whole idea of jelly belly destruction.
He ate a few and kept saying, "No, these aren't Jelly Bellies...they've messed them up.   These aren't really Jelly Bellies."
I sucked the chocolate off a few and offered the Jelly Belly insides to him.
I put myself out there by sucking off the chocolate and he declined my sacrifice.
Some people.
Some people DO NOT appreciate a good Halloween treat when they get it.
So I had to eat the rest of them all by myself.
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  1. how very kind of you to make such an offer, makes perfect sense to me....what's with him???

    I love just about anything and everything chocolate, but not so sure about the jelly beans...

  2. Isn't that just like a man....not to properly appreciate a kind gesture. :)

  3. I have to admit, I LOVE jelly Beans and I LOVE chocolate but I am not enamored with the though of the two of them together either. Guess I am just to plain for that! I also would have had to reject your sucked on beans - but it's the thought that counts right???

  4. The things you do for him:) I would perhaps rather just have the chocolate though! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, thanks for my surprise in the mail! HUGS!

  5. I love them plain. I agree with Mr. Matlock. Why mess with perfection!

  6. I'm amazed by all that you do for family and friends! I'm also thinking the chocolate covered orange Jelly Bellies might be good!

  7. You are too funny... from having your own jelly belly to having your own jelly bellies... I don't know why he wouldn't want to eat them. It's a partnership you have right??? That's true partnership in action! Hope they were good, I've been wanting to give them a try.

  8. Oh I just can't imagine why he wouldn't try it! Ha! Ha! least you found a really awesome home for them!!!!!

  9. I didn't see those! Were they assorted? My favorite Jelly Belly is Tutti Fruitti. They taste just like Juicey Fruit chewing gum. And I can over dose on them. They are like crack to an addict! I even have two Jelly bean dispensers in my home. I have great will power. Not!~Ames :)

  10. What a lucky man Mr. Jenny is for having a wife that will take it upon herself to do good for husbandkind.

  11. I haven't heard of these, however I know all about my kind efforts being rejected. LOL!

  12. Thank you for stopping over and visiting with me. This is just too funny. Didn't know they made chocolate covered ones! Have a nice weekend.

  13. The sacrifices you make! Happy Halloween!

  14. Hmmm. I guess my hubby likes jelly bellies, too.


  15. Oh you poor had to eat them all by yourself??? That must have been awful.

    We had one of the slowest Halloweens on record. Less than 20 kids came to the door. I bought a lot of candy, but I bought what we like just in case. It will take a while, but eventually it will all be gone.


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Jenny Matlock