Friday, November 16, 2012

Zis is not the end...

No, I don't have a cold.

Or a speech impediment.

I have a few other impediments, but we shall not speak of those today.

Today, I just wanted to take a minute and say 'THANK YOU!'

A long, long time ago (January of 2010)  in a galaxy very near to here, I started a little meme called Alphabe-Thursday.

Someday I'll write more about why I started blogging, but I suspect they're the same reasons many of you did:  kids moving on, forcing yourself to keep looking out into the world instead of isolating, chronic ...ummm... things...., and maybe just a need to connect to a community.

At first I wasn't sure if anyone would participate.  

"Okay, fine!" I thought,  "I'll just link myself every week."

But so many of you participated.

At one point it got a little overwhelming (with over 100 entries EACH week) and at one point I feared it might die entirely (30 some entries), but no matter how many of you have linked over the five rounds it remains comfortable and interesting and a place I look forward to visiting each week.

You've made me laugh, made me cry, made me say 'hmmmm...' and made me say 'hmmmm?'.   I've spit my coffee out, scared my dog with laughing, caused Mr. Jenny to come running to see if I'm okay.   You've given me hope and heart and things to think and talk about.  I have been able to impress random people with obscure knowledge on diverse subjects.

You've given me the courage to face past demons in my Farmstead Memories series and to try my little painting business at Etsy with my Painted Alphabet  theme.

You've seen me through some dark times and distracted me in a lot of dark moments.

Bless you for that, my friends.

Bless you for helping make Alphabe-Thursday a 'community'.

Bless you for your patience when it takes me several weeks to catch up.



...tear, tear...

Bless you.

I hope we continue on this little journey through the Alphabet for a lot more rounds.

"Thank you" seems to humble for all you've given me by participating.


In keeping with the Z for this week.

Zis buds for you!

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  1. Zis is such good news!

    Zanx too!

    XOXO Lola:)

  2. It is because you are so incredibly kind and always give me an A+! ;)

  3. I love Alphabe-Thursday, and I love you for starting it up and hosting all of us with so much friendship and good feeling.


  4. I feel exactly the same way about Alpha Thursday. It's the highlight of my week! I've made so many friends, learned so much, grown so much...

    Thanks, Jenny for being the hostess with the mostest...



  5. You are Z you can see, I'm still following. Just don't have time to think up/do a post myself. :(

  6. Zat is wonderful news indeed! Thank YOU, Ms Jenny for hostessing such an awesome meme! I totally agree with all the statements you made about why this meme is such a delight. But there is another reason, too. Yep. definitely another one. The hostess!


  7. You about made me cry! How sweet. I agree that Alphabe-Thursday is a wonderful community of people. Thank you so much for all the work you do with this coming together of people.

  8. alphabe-thursday is a brilliant idea and I like doing it every now and then.

    although I can't remember how many rounds I did alphabe-thursday, it's been a wonderful journey each time that I did, so no complaints just plenty of delights

    thanks for the idea & hosting. have great day.

  9. O! Zay!Zanx! (as so perfectly said by Tina! haha) Zo, zo zo happy that zis is not the end!

    Ms Jenny, I dont even remember how I found you, but boy oh boy! I am sooo happy that I did! And as you can see, if I do manage to get my one post a week up, it is cuz of your wonderful Alphabe-Thursdays! On rare occasions, I have posted more than once a week, but more often than not it is only one and sometimes, that doesnt happen! But I am sooooo blessed and thankful for your blog friendship and the others that I have met through your awesome Alphabe-Thursdays!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  10. Zanx, too Miss. Jenny. You're the Z bezt teachzer. More powerz to you and we all love you very muz!


  11. You're zoking, right? We must zank YOU.

    THANK you dear Jenny.

  12. It's a fantastic meme, Ms. Jenny and I don't plan on stopping any time soon, unless the power is not in my hands.

    Thank you for hosting, and visiting!

  13. No, zank YOU, Jenny! Lately I've just been managing to post once a week and it's always for Alphabe Thursday! I love what you've started with this!

  14. thanks to you, Jenny, for providing a creative outlet and keeping the blogging community on its toez.

  15. You are one unique and awesome person! I really love knowing you and enjoy your shares! You have a tremendous gift for writing and making people feel comfortable!


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock