Thursday, November 15, 2012

Painted Alphabet - Letter Z




Z is a hard letter to paint a sign around.

Here's what I came up with.


And that's all I have for the letter Z.

Although I can maybe stretch my link just a bit by showing you a giant sign I painted for my guest room.   It's quite large (24" x 48") but Mr. Jenny has confiscated it for over the fireplace in the living room.  

I don't have it a wire on the back yet to hang it, but here it is just kind of sitting around.

It was supposed to invoke ZZZZZ's so I guess it kinda/sorta counts!
The zig zag sign is on Etsy.  The big one isn't shippable. 
 No stencils. No stickers. No vinyl.  Handpainted with my own layout.

You can see other signs in this series by clicking on 'Painted
Alphabet' in my sidebar.

Thanks for stopping by!

To visit other links to the letter "Z", just click here.

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  1. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
    My oh my, what a wonderful day!

  2. Oh who needs more- we're all zig zaging in life and are becoming oh so dizzy to read anyway! Are you ready for Thanksgiving?

  3. I love your dream on sign! That is great!

  4. You have such a "zippy" personality whopping up these cool signs!

  5. Happy that Mr. Jenny hasn't confiscated it for IN the fireplace in your the living room :) ! Looks very nice and yes Z besides zzz...zzz...zzz... is not an easy letter !

  6. that's what art is all about! Imagination! Cute! {:-D


  7. Great (as always!). Dream on indeed. Awaiting the next installment of your story, my friend.

  8. Love both these signs. The "dream on" one is way cool.


  9. I think Mr Jenny would be very sad if the big one left home.

    These are both great for Z!
    You've done it--painted signs for every single letter of the alphabet!

  10. Jenny, your signs are ALL awesome!

  11. There are a gaZillion possibilities!~Ames

  12. What a wonderful ZZZZZ!

    Can we make up new words for , X, Y, and Z next round, teacher? :-)


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Jenny Matlock