Friday, December 21, 2012

E is for Easy Peasy Quilts.

Yes, huh.

Peasy is a real word.

I'll look it up in the dictionary later to prove it.

So there.

Because I am alphabetically challenged I actually painted some "F's" for this week.   Then, alas, I realized that E actually comes after D.  

I thought briefly of writing one of those strange rules... know, like...

I before E except after C (weird, right?)...

...but frankly...

I'm too busy trying to be elf-like here at the Matlock house.


I give you pictures of four easy-peasy quilts. 

The first two are pinwale corduroy.   The last two are flannel.


Sorry about the sideways but they pretty much look the same from all angles - ha!

I have three more in the 'to finish' pile but that's gonna happen this weekend.

Hope things are feeling pretty Merry and Bright at your house.

And I hope that you know that E comes after D in the alphabet.


This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter E.   To read other E offerings, just click here.

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  1. Love the last one...but they are all beautiful! Hope you have a lovely holiday!

  2. Easy? Hmmmm - for the sewing-challenged among us it looks gorgeous but maybe a little challenging. I love the last one

  3. You said easy, but there are no instructions!!!! Beautiful! My goal (someday, in my fantasies) is to have a Christmas quilt on every bed! I don't do much bigger than a lap quilt now, so it will be quite the undertaking!
    Merry Christmas Jenny!

  4. Very fun quilts, Miss Jenny! Seems like those of us who sew are always ultra busy on the days leading up to Christmas...Pressure is our middle name, right?

    Have a beautiful Christmas and wishing you and yours all that is good in 2013.

  5. Love the last one too,

    Happy Holidays!

  6. I LOVE quilts. All the traditional quilters in my family have passed on.

  7. Those are lovely quilts. It sounds like you've been very busy.

  8. You are one busy lady!!! Looks like some super grand Christmas presents!! PRETTY!!

  9. I particularly like the flannel ones. They look sooooo cozy!!

  10. I have yet to make an easy peasy -- I'm due. Happy Christmasing over by you.

  11. The quilts are all very pretty.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jenny!

  12. I admire all you talented quilters! Love to you and your pretty quilts!


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Jenny Matlock