Friday, December 21, 2012

Santa Grump

I wish I had a nickel

For every time I’ve heard that song

They play it on the radio

And they play it all day long

Five golden rings and la, la, la

Lords a leaping and all that stuff.

Christmas carols since November 1

Is really a little much

I wish I had a nickel

For every time I’ve heard them play

‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’

‘cuz then I’d be on my way.

To Jamaica or Hawaii,

Or someplace really fine

On the thirteenth day of Christmas

A zillion dollars in nickels would be mine!
Yes, this is a grumpy prompt interpretation. 

I've been babysitting 3 sick Grandlittles all week. 
Tonight I have taken a 10 year old Christmas shopping for a dog, cat, Mom, Dad and two siblings.  Said shopping trip involved three stores, all the while repeating approximately 213 times, i AM NOT MADE OF MONEY. In addition to the aforementioned trip, there was also a trip with a 6 year old which involved two stores and the great desire for valium.   For myself.  Valium for myself.   She as too excited about wanted to buy weird things for everyone on her list.

I'm not gonna tell you stories (cuz Santa might overhear and cut me off, but after Christmas...I'll be able to go into more detail.   Mwahahahahahahaha!

To read other less grumpy posts,  click here.
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  1. fabulous entry ... it was an interesting read ... I almost wish i had some valium to send you ... lol!

  2. Sounds like you have been shopping with my kids. :) Littles can be very entertaining, can't they. :)

  3. I got tired just reading the post ! This year, my annual wish for peace and quiet is coming shopping...sent money instead, everyone this year lives out of state and my big "do" is an hour or so at a birthday party for Jesus...birthday cake and all !

    Wishing you and your family a Happy Holiday season...a Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Years.

  4. You volunteer to take someone shopping this time of year? Different someones? I can hardly even force myself to go! I keep reminding myself, it's almost over.

  5. Ok Jenny, I have to take a moment to one up you. The second graders at our school PERFORMED the 12 days of christmas at the holiday sing along and well since I have a second grader I got to hear it on the radio ALL day long and then LISTEN TO AND WATCH her practice every night for a week over and over and over and over again,

    And well. It was cute.

    Cant wait to hear more about your shopping trips and holidays in general!

  6. Yes, I bet it wasn't easy having 3 sick grand kids!!!! But you know only grandchild just left yesterday to move across the country to Texas!! I am so sad...and wish he could be in my arms sick and all.
    Hope your Christmas is a lovely one.

  7. hahaha it's almost over, jenny. :P

    just imagine christmas eve/day with the family.

  8. haha

    I am not fond of the 12 days of Christmas either.

    Nor of shopping ad nauseam.


  9. I had a wonderful Christmas so I never tire of any of it! I just keep the true meaning of it all in focus. I could care less what the retailers or the world thinks! I know the truth and one day the truth will set me free! I just keep it all in mind and enjoy the holidays! Plus I have two ornies on my tree that are form the 12 days of Chrismtas!


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Jenny Matlock