Friday, May 17, 2013

Dried up fountain of youth?

This little one-sided conversation takes place according to the bolded prompt.  It's a SC link.   To read other offerings using this prompt, just click here.

 “Holy Shirley Temple! 

You’re NOT going to card me?



Lookie here, you little dork.

I’ve lost fifty … ummm… I mean… a lot of pounds…

I dumped my husband.

I got this new two-toned choppy hair style…


I would show you my new tat…

But then, I’d have to kill you.


You don’t want to card me?

I’ve been lipoed, botoxed, lifted and tucked…

And you don’t want to frickin’ card me?

Okay, fine.

So listen up you brat.   Here’s what I want to drink…

You put the lime in the coconut.

Don’t look at me like that!  Of course it’s a drink!!!”
post signature


  1. I LOL'ed, Dahling. Out loud, even!
    At 47 years of age, I have strikingly few wrinkles. But my gray hair, which I make no effort to disguise, often has little teenage hostesses at diners presenting me with the senior menu. When I tell them I'd like the regular one, they look at me with baffled eyes.

  2. That's really cute, Jenny. You made me smile.


  3. How do you come up with this stuff, Jenny?! LOL

    Have you ever done stand up comedy? What does your family think about you - or do you just let it out for us, the bloggers? :)

    Thanks for the laugh. :)

  4. I remember those days when I was carded and I was older. Unfortunately not anymore. I wish it still happened now.

  5. Last time I got carded I was 30, so not too bad. However- today I had someone say to me, "you know, we (looking me up and down) women of a certain age, sometimes have these problems." She meant hot flashes as I was fanning myself , sweat dripped the mascara off my thinning eyelashes. They say wisdom comes with age. But age is a bitch. Great and poetic post by the way!

  6. I don't even get carded when I ask for the senior discount!

  7. Carded? I hate being taken for granted--by some sweet young thing. "I gave you the senior's discount as today is senior's day."

    Which level of senior would that be? 55? 60? 65? 90?

    You sure have a way around a story, Jenny! A terrific, funny way.

  8. You are so darn funny! That was really good.
    For a good portion of my life, I looked much younger than my age. Then out of the blue, it all changed. It seemed like it happened overnight.

  9. OMG! That's so funny! Good one!! :):)

  10. LOL so funny....but now I will be singing that song ALL day!!!!! XO

  11. hahaha


    And I love the song, too.



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Jenny Matlock