Friday, May 17, 2013

Painted Alphabet Letter Z

Zippety doo dah!

Zippety day!

I painted something for the letter Z!


I like this in a weird, folk-art sort of way.  This sign really takes me back to the days my kids were young.
 16" x 9"

Zis was fun to paint!
I hope you enjoyed looking at it.
Signs are hand-painted and available in my Etsy can see the mini link at the top right of my blog or click on any picture for a link!  No designs.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter Z.   To read other Z offerings, just click here.
post signature


  1. oooo...I like! the color, too! very fun!

  2. What a cute sign!

  3. Super colour!

    And thanks for hosting such a super meme too!

    Looking forward to the next round ...!

  4. darling, as ever (though I could see the literal in children seeing this and believing this).
    thanks for the alphabet ride.

  5. Oh goodness I love all your cool signs! This one reminds me of my kids when they were young too. But we never outgrew the zoo! LOL! In fact, we need to go to the Zoo! Have a great weekend! I visited all the participates of ALphabe Thursday except two that would not take me there! :-(

  6. We're going to the zoo zoo zoo,
    How about you you you,
    You can come too too too...
    Can't you just hear Raffi singing right now?
    CUTE sign!

  7. I really like this! Very cute...

  8. love the sign, love this song.. the kids love it too.. and hopefully, mommy can take the kids to the zoo tomorrow

  9. Your signs are whimsically delightful, Jenny. The color on this one really caught my eye. And of course...I really like giraffes.

  10. We sure love all of our signs, Jenny. They hand in every home of my family...and even some of my extended family!


  11. This is a cute sign, Jenny. "Z" waz fun and you made if more fun with this.

    I hope you had a good time at the ZOO and got to see a lot of ZEBRA'S.

    Thank you too for doing the Alpahabe for us. I will get a late start for next time and may not make it at all we are doing some traveling but have to get ready first.


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Jenny Matlock