Thursday, May 9, 2013

No pockets... problem.
We had our Grandlittle's over after school yesterday.  
The weather is still quite lovely here (ssssshhhh...don't tell the Arizona triple digit demons) and we decided to take the three bubbly little girls to the park.
"Oh my gosh, I don't have any pockets," the middle Grandlittle shouted in dismay.
"Why do you need pockets?   We're just going to the park!" I told her.
"Grandma!   You DON'T UNderSTanD!   I need pockets!"
She thought for a second and I actually saw a light bulb go off on her face.
She ran down the hall towards my office and I herded everyone else toward their scooters.
When we got to the park, the middle girl had a very mischievious look on her face.

Apparently she needed pockets to transport a 'park-size' supply of Werthers candies.
Mr. Jenny and I laughed so hard!
They say necessity is the mother of invention...I can see how candy is a compelling need for our nine year old sweetie!
The other two girls didn't disappoint in the creative streak either.
Mo and Grandpa made a monogram out of those little plastic BB's...
After the oldest one hung upside down for awhile, she found a piece of cardboard.
I almost fell off the bench, though, when she announced loudly,
"Look!   Look!  I am a prairie schooner!"
Fun days at our house.
And it will be an even funner day today
We are going back to the proving grounds.
Our contact there told us that we are now allowed to pick through and fire hydrants AND that he found a bunch of Harley Davidson signs that we might like.
Apparently HD did a lot of development on those test grounds!
I'll update you tomorrow on what we find today! 
Unless we get cancelled on again!
Happy Thursday!
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  1. That's one clever grandlittle, but I'm sure they're all brilliant. I hope you have fun scavenging.


  2. They are darling girls! And lucky you on the Harley Davidson signs!!


  3. Ok, now I am jealous. I would love love love a HD sign for my bar...

  4. Sounds like your granddaughters are just as creative as their grandma. You taught them well...

  5. The girls are so precious and adorable. Can't believe how creative she was. Have to have your candy for the park!

  6. life is so beautiful with your littles .... and good luck today!!!

  7. For get the granddaughter being clever think I will try that when I need a sneaky snack

  8. that is just adorable! such a clever little darling

  9. Ha! Taped Werthers! I love it. At first glance, I thought she had stitches, but she looked too happy. Then as I looked more closely, I saw the makeshift "pocket". I'm still laughing.

  10. They are sure growing... and I see the "arm" is working just fine.

  11. Your grandlittles are so cute! and SO creative!

  12. The weather here has been wonderful too. I'm getting spoiled.

    Creative grandma...creative grandlittle!

  13. Candy is dandy, but handy candy is even dandier. That little cutie is one smart cookie.

  14. Those grand littles are beautiful! such an innovative lil gal! My son-in-law has a Harley. He would love those signs! HeeHee!

  15. I love your Grandgirls!So cute and funny! Oh I hope you found lots of goodies!!


  16. What a lot of fun you have with those girls!
    If I come down, will you take me with you to the Proving Grounds? Shhhh - just don't tell The Great Dane.

  17. Oh what a fun day:) I love the candy invention! We keep those in our candy dish ALL the time! Have a blessed day, can't wait to see what you find! HUGS!

  18. I cracked up over the taped candies. They are so funny and creative; I know where they get it from.
    Best of luck on your pillaging today!!!! XOXOX

  19. Such imaginative girls, your 'grandlittles' (love when you call them that).

    Have fun scavenging.

  20. Clever and smart girls! :)
    Prairie schooner cracked me up!
    Hope you get your browsing wish!! :)

  21. Jenny, it's Judie. I have sent you an email. Please read it and get back to me.


  22. Children are ingenious when they want to be, but come up with a zillion excuses when we want them to be. he he

  23. What a clever little girl! So funny. I did begin to crave Werther's after reading this. The power of suggestion. :)

  24. I sounds like all of you had a good day.
    Yum, Werthers!


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Jenny Matlock