Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Painted Letter Y


I painted something for the letter Y.

I like it!

It's funny in a weird, folk-art sort of way.
This is a big sign, too.  23 1/2" wide and 15 1/2" tall!

And this is a custom sign I painted which I really like.

It does have YELLOW in it, so I'm going to share it as well.

15" x 16"

 Hope you enjoyed my painted letters this week!
Give me a yell if you did!
Signs are hand-painted and available in my Etsy can see the mini link at the top right of my blog or click on any picture for a link!  No designs.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter Y.   To read other Y offerings, just click here.
post signature


  1. The Beatles would be proud...
    : )

  2. I like them both. If I had a tattoo, I would get that one though. Too bad I don't.

  3. I like them both. If I had a tattoo, I would get that one though. Too bad I don't.

  4. Now I have that silly song in my head! LOL!

  5. The Yellow Submarine sign is wonderfully funky!

  6. Very nice and very creative !

  7. I know a bunch of people that would love that tattoo sign! :) Both are lovely and I can say as the recipient of recent signs you do nice work! :)

  8. I think that tattoos are interesting. If I see one I really like I will ask for the story about it. Most people are very happy to share their reasons.

    And, yellow submarine - that is a song that I suddenly start singing lots of times. Why? I haven't a clue, except that I just think it's fun!

  9. Wonderful paintings ~ love the phoenix ~ Wow! such creativity ^_^

  10. They call me mellow yellow....

    oh wait, that was Donovan?

    they are get mixed up together anymore.

    lovely lovely signs...

  11. The last one made me laugh! You have so much imagination, Jenny - love your humor:)

  12. Your yellow submarine sign is awfully cute. I don't have tattoos, but I love the bird on that sign.

  13. Okay, so you probably have us all curious... Do you have a tattoo?

    Beautiful work again, Miss Jennie.

  14. Oh how I love those signs! So cool!

  15. Love them, as always. Oddly enough I especially like the one with the bird even though I'm actually creeped out by a body covered in tattoos...

  16. I did enjoy your pictures today, Jenny. And to boot, I have been humming "Yellow Submarine" all day whenever I'm here on the computer.

  17. These are both very fun!
    "and our friends are all aboard..."

  18. That was one song that would play and replay in your head all day long.

  19. Your signs make my heart glad -- keep up with your art always.

  20. You have so much talent! I especially love the yellow submarine.


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Jenny Matlock