Monday, July 21, 2014

I is for I SPY...

I spy...
With my little eye...
And attempt to wink

by a little guy...
...wiggly worms collected
oh me.  Oh my.

...three Grandlittles at Paris Disney
under a raining sky...
This 'I spy' post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter I.   For other interesting reads, just click here.
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  1. Well if that text and pics do not make a reader smile, nothing well. Great stuff Jenny!

  2. Cute picture of the grand-littles:) Have a blessed week ahead, HUGS!

  3. Such darling children--all of them.


  4. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny! Missing those grandlittles, you are! What a great "I" post!

  5. Lovely post! Nice they got to see Disneyland Paris! How cool is that?!

  6. Those Grands just keep growing don't they!!

  7. Ah! Sweet grandlittles--getting bigger every day. :)

  8. The grandlittles are not little anymore, lol ! They must have had fun at Disney Paris !

  9. Cute, cute, cute! I love these pics! And yay for Disneyland Paris! What a fun experience all this travel must be for them!

  10. Such cutie-pies...looks like they are having loads of fun :)

  11. I know you must miss them, but what happy photos :)

  12. Such cute kids! I would have loved to have been there too - in spite of the rain. :)

  13. How cute trying to wink! Looks like the bigger grandlittles are having a good time!

  14. They are just too cute. You must miss them like crazy, but you can tell they are having some neat experiences.



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Jenny Matlock