Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Warm Heart Wednesday #2

Wild horses...couldn't drag me away...from where we now live.

On our trips from where we live to the big city we drive through scenery of incredible grandeur.

And quite often on this drive through rugged mountains we see wild horses.

Last week was no exception.

There they were.

Trotting across the highway.

Manes and tales flowing with the ripples of velvet-sheened muscles.

As always they took my breath away.

And warmed my heart.


This post is linked to Warm Heart Wednesday #2 for week beginning November 18.  For other heart warming links, please click here.


  1. I like wild horses too and love what Madeleine Pickens does to save them.

  2. Beautiful country and how awesome to see wild horses!

  3. Now, that's living, being able to see wild horses like that.

  4. Ahhh, my horse fix. Thank you.

  5. Beautiful moment!! I hope you're doing well Jenny!

  6. Wow! That's just amazing! They are so beautiful. :)

  7. Horses have the magical ability to transport us another universe. I am fortunate to be able to ride and connect with them every day.

  8. Looks like you live in a very incredible area!

  9. Beautiful share Jenny. I am so happy I am here even if I am a day or two late! Wild horses are magnificent creatures. I am so happy I know you too! Hugs and Blessings, Anne

  10. OMG...that must be quite a site. It's hard to believe that wild horses still exist. It must really be something to see in person.

  11. What an amazing sight!


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Jenny Matlock