BUT perhaps the most important thing is...
The dog got a bath yesterday so he is not interrupting my happy morning with weiner dog smelliness.
I'm excited.
Because now, officially, PW has nothing on me because I get to do a giveaway for a Le Creuset pan!

It's not the super-duper heavy ones that feel like you are lifting a pan filled with bricks...but it is awesome AND it comes in great colors.
CSN Stores is an on-line mall with over 200 stores and the sweet lady that e-mailed me said I could pick what caught my eye with my giveaway budget.
She sent me links to quite a few of their great stories including one for for Kids Beds and for some of their kitchen and gardening stores.
Before I started dreaming and drooling over the kitchen stores, I spent quite a bit of time looking at daybeds on Kids Beds site because I have been thinking I need to get one. When our Grands spend the night we don't have enough sleeping space anymore and I think a daybed would be a great choice. They have some really cool looking ones but you probably don't really care about that do you?
You just want to know how to win the pan.
So here's the skinny on the giveaway.
You can earn 3 chances to win a cool 6 quart Le Creuset stock pot in your choice of kiwi (shown), cobalt, black onyx, white, caribbean, cherry, dune or dijon. Click here to see all the color choices.
Chance number 1. You must be a follower of this blog. Just tell me you are!
Chance number 2. Please click here and tell me which kids bed you would choose from this great site.
Chance number 3. Show this giveaway in a link on your blog and list the link in a third comment.
Winner will be selected using my friend, Mr. Random Org on Wednesday March 31.
since I've got my giveaway game on there will be two more Easter-ish giveaways on Saturday and Sunday.
But, be warned, there are jokes and riddles involved.
Mwahahahaha! (evil laugh)
And just to get you in the mood...
How does the Easter Bunny keep his coat looking so nice?
ummm.... yea....that would be HARE SPRAY!
I just crack myself up sometimes!
Good luck on the giveaway.
And just because it's Friday...
Oh, and here's another giveaway for some Rachel Ray Pans!
Being a retro blogger, I have to go with the car bed! Even though I'm a girl I've always wanted one. I'll blog about the contest later at Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing
I'm already a follower and just know that Kiwi and Pistachio is my kitchen color - things we picked out for our wedding registry were all that color.
Very cool!
I'm a follower who loves your blog!
Our two year old has the South Shore Newbury Collection Mates Bed Box in Blueberry! We love it!
I choose the Wildon Home Vernon Poster Bed for Kate/Tayah's new BIG bedroom!
and I'm following more and more all the time
I'm a happy follower and would love to be entered.
I'm a follower!!
My kids would totally love the tent beds!
I'd be silly not to follow you Miss Jenny. This is a great giveaway! I need one of those pots to make my popcorn in! I'd totally choose the carribean. I just told my hubby I wanted to redo the kitchen in aqua and red! It would be a nice addition!
If money was no object, I would get my girls the dollhouse bunk bed! How cute is that? They've been asking for a bunk bed. Of course, I know they would fight over who gets to sleep on top!
..and my blog is picking up the pace and I posted about it but I don't know how to link back. sigh.
I'm a follower! I relish your sense of humor. Its much like my own. Bwaaahaahaahaahaa!
It won't be long before we need a toddler bed, and although its kind of high off the ground for a starter bed, I'm really digging the tent beds. How cool are those??
I'm a follower!
I would choose the bookcase headboard bed so the kids can stash all their secret stuff!
I'm pretty sure everything I cook will taste better in the dijon colored pan. Quite sure, actually.
Hey lady! I'm a follower of your blog!
I blogged with a link to that website and wrote about car beds ... look for it tomorrow at Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing
i follow you :D
i like the tent beds :D
I would totally get Reagan the Twin Lake Canopy Bed in White. By day, the most amazing fort a little boy could ask for, by night, a bed in disguise!
I'm a follower and that cobalt is calling my name!
Why of course I am a follower!
oh i am sure whomever wins that pan will love it! that name seems to be heavily used in my beloved's kitchen :)he opted for the blues and reds.
mmm yes a special bed for the grandkids, one must have that!
although i am prone to overdoing for the grand kids...it is hard to spend mega bucks or mini mega bucks on a stylized fun bed and yet those tent beds do look like they have the best of both worlds and can convert to a more "grown up" style as the gkids grow.
i vote for the tent! (well, what muse wouldn't?) lol
South Shore Summer Breeze Mates Bed Box is it for me=- I love all the storage under the bed!
Congratulations to the winner!!!
Husband and 'resident chef' loves the ones he has... Le Creuset I mean.
Hi Jenny, I am a follower of your blog and I would love a cherry one!
I think, if you have any boy grandkids, you should go for the G.I. bed that is like a tent. When I was a kid, I would have liked to snuggle up with a book under the tent. Joni
Have giveaway posted!
Entry #1 - I am a follower (of course) I would never take a chance of missing out on something you have to say even at 3am...er well maybe? closer to 8am and after coffee and...well you get the picture.
I'm a follower! :)
I would love this bed for my son-
South Shore Logik Twin Mates Bed & Bookcase Headboard Set in Sunny Pine - Logik Bedroom Series
I have your button and a link on the right hand side of my blog under my profile. :)
I must say I love trundle beds for the space saving and the ability to sleep two kiddos. My choice the Atlantic Furniture Windsor Trundle bed...very cute. Cause ONE of these days I will be a Grandma!
I'm a follower
Alright, Jenny, I'm a follower . . . (you're not gonna give me any weird KoolAid to drink, are ya?)
I would choose the Wildon Home G.I Bunk Bed With Slide and Tent
I would totally choose a fun tent-bed like this one: http://www.allchildrensfurniture.com/Maxtrix-Kids-Low-Rider-Easy-Rider-MKS1075.html
My kids already have traditional, restful beds. I'd put this one in their playroom, and they would love it to no end.
I blogged about your giveaway here:
I would get number 73 bed! I AM a follower and love you slap to pieces:) That should count for another chance hehe! Have a blessed day my friend!
And I've put a button on my blog: http://oflemonsandhoney.blogspot.com/
Great Morning, Sunshine!
WOW... I am not in California... still in Malaysia now... so... I will wish the WINNER , GOOD LUCK!
You ROCK, Jenny!
I am thrilled that you are not bothered by weiner dog smell. I have boxer dog smell. X2.
I am a follower.
I want kiwi, so I can be just like you.
You have to get the loft bed for the grands.
If not, then you are not cool. :)
Ok, maybe you will still be cool, but if you get the loft bed, you will be Tres' Cool!!!
entry#3 - I put your giveaway on my sidebar with a photo of my Le Creuset pan but I don't mind others drooling over it. http://ljm-alacarte.blogspot.com/
If I was you, I'd get bunk beds (there's nothing like stacking up your Grands) or the Captain's bed if those drawers can be replaced with a trundle bed.
If I was me, I just bought 2 brand new beds.....and that made a heck of a lot of sense.
I follow you....because you keep twisting my arm out of its socket. You can ease up on the grip. Really. Any time now. I promise to keep following you. Honest. I swear on the music of Karen and Richard Carpenter...or was that Judas Priest?
of course I'm a follower Jenny...I'd follow you anywhere!
ummm, did you catch my post on how old my cookware is??
EEWWWW Weiner dog smellies?? Haha..
Just a sample of the reason I follow you! So, I guess that counts as saying I follow you (o:
Now I'll go do the other stuff..
Jenny!! I covet this pan in kiwi and I'm a follower!
Oh, they gotta have that BunkBed with Slide and Tent! Heck, I'll come for a sleepover if you get that one...how FUN!
Yipppeee..........Oh please let me be the girlie doin' the Happy Dance!
Warm blessings,
PS......I am a follower
I love captains beds, so I would pick Tradewins Echo Falls Twin Captain's Bed in Rosewood.
I would pick this bed...just like MR. RANDOM Generator is going to PICK ME to win this giveaway!!
Oh my....there were loads of really cute girlie beds, but since I have a little grandson, I'd better go with something more masculine. I love the Dufur full loft bed in black. He'd LOVE it. His own little office. Perfect.
Warm blessings,
I am a follower!!
I love the sleigh beds. I am doing a GIVEAWAY this week too! Pop over and register.
at MamaBirdNest.com
Ok Jenny. you're *TOP DOG* on this blog...pun intended..
Hare Spray... (o:
this is a gorgeous bed!!...
Wildon Home Alexandria Sleigh Bed with Trundle in White Pearl
I could use that pot....and I am already a follower.
and now you're on my blog!
good luck to me:)
I'm a follower of your fabulous blog! Love the way you write! It makes me smile. :)
I am a following and wanted to tell you that Cindy is in the operating room and the tumor is easily accessible! Will keep you posted!
My favorite bed is:
Lea Jessica McClintock Romance Metal & Wood Poster/Canopy Bed
I'm a follower and I like the bed box with the bookcase headboard. I don't have any little kids left at home but I personally like the idea of a place for books with a headboard.
i follow the blog. thanks for the fun giveaway.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I'd follow you to the ends of the internet.
The Summer Breeze Mates Bed Box is nice because it has the storage under it. I wish it came in a nice wood color, though, and not just white. I am looking at the bunk beds for my own boys.
I shouted your giveaway far and wide.
Well since I find myself here so much I must be a follower.
I think I went to the right place but I narrowed it down to two. The Lea Seaside (my favorite) of Hillsdale Lauren Slegh. I have never really liked Slegh beds but I do like this one.
Hi, I'm a follower. I think I would go for the South Shore Summer Breeze Mates Bed Box .
I am a follower, you know I am....
I like the lea Jessica Mcclintock bed cause I like girly things......
and it is going on my blog right now......sick of me yet? melinda
Ahhhh, you can feel it....Spring is in the air!
God bless and have a glorious weekend!
Good day! I was glad to hear from you! I am glad I am back and LIVE again on my blog. I am a follower and will post on my blog and what was the other thing? I'll do it too.
Ok, What did the hot dog say when it crossed the finish line?
I like the tent bed!
I Fa-la-la-low you!
I think the FBG Kaitlyn Full Size Bed with Frame is just soooo cute!
I'm a new follower of your blog
I like the Lea Austin Low Loft Bed - 618-963 / 618-975
I'm a follower!
I am a follower.
I would choose the convertible bed.
I'm following!
I'd pick the Maxtrix Kids Twin Daybed / Toddler Bed with Top Tent Bedroom Set.
Me follower you Jenny.
I like the Hillsdale bed.
ha! you crack me up! I follow!
muskratholler at gmail dot com
definitely the Wildon Home Twin Lakes Canopy Bed in White! muskratholler at gmail dot com
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny...you can not make me pick a bed and not tell me the motif of the room nor the size of the room? Some of the beds I liked were kind of large. others I felt needed a specific type of decor to go with.
REMEMBER...your talking to a perfectionist here!
If I MUST choose...without knowing more details...I choose the Hillsdale Lindsey bed. It looks old...and I like old things. Hillsdale is the name of my grandparents town and it's near and dear to me. And I know someone named Lindsey...although spelled Lyndsey and she's the cat's meow.
And I'm a dog person!
Oh yes...and I'm a follower. :-)
Hey Jenny: I'm a follower. I love the Enchantment panel bed with trundle (for your grandbabies)...looks like a princess bed!!
Here's my blog link to your giveaway:
I guess I should separate the comments for 3 chances...I am a follower.
Hi Jenny,
I am a follower!
See that cherry heart......
that's me! :-)
Hugz, Dolly
Ohhhhh Jenny, so many sweet beds to chose from!
I think I'd buy the Wildon Home Vermon Post Bed...
because it is sooooooooo romantic and girly!
Perfect for our princess suite!
Hugz, Dolly P.S. the cherry red pot would be perfect in my cherry red kitchen!
Me again..... I added your give away to my blog!
Come peek!
Hugz, Dolly
Thank you
I am now your newest follower. :)
From the website I really love this bed.
Wildon Home Alexandria Sleigh Bed with Trundle in White Pearl
I am a happy, happy follower and ooooooh! There are so many for us to choose from. I'm thinkin' my favorite just might be the NE Kids Woodland White Junior Loft Tent Bed with Princess Tent - 37140-SetSKU #: FBC1099, though. What a marvelous place for a kid to choose the perfect sleeping arrangements.
~ Yaya
Yaya's Changing World
I am a loyal follower, and I like the book case bed....practical too!
I would love to get your pan in cherry. I think having even one cherry pan would be awesome in my kitchen. I think I would leave it out for show.
I am a follower. :+)
I am a faithful follower! :P
I dig the trundle style beds...
The Vernon panel trundle bed! It's too cute, and gives you the option of a trundle for another kid!
I want this damn pot woman.
I follow, you know that.
Justine :o )
I love the Seaside Dreams Bed!
Of course I am a follower of your blog. I love it!
I'm a follower! sandie
I like the captains bed,lots of storage!
I now follow your blog!
I'm a follower to enter your drawing.
shawneeh at yahoo dot com
I follow this blog!! :)
Yep! I'm a follower!
contact me at:
I like the LC Kids Enchantment Sleigh Bed
contact me at:
I love the color of this pot! It would make a nice stock pot.
In the Kids Beds website I'd choose the Da Vinci sleigh toddler bed in oak, as that would be the perfect "next size" for my grandson.
Of course I'm a "follower" --from day one! :-)
♥ Pat
I am a new follower!
Beautiful blog!
I'm a follower, eventhough I keep mising the Thursday Alphabet. :(
I would choose the Lea bed because its so bright and happy.
I posted about your giveaway on my blog. http://ssspyceknits.blogspot.com/2010/03/i-would-love-to-win-this-wouldnt-you.html
Hi! I blogged about the giveaway with link to your site and I blogged about car beds and linked users to the site :)
Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing: If I Were A Boy I'd Demand A Car Bed
PS My email is blurgirlny@yahoo.com
I hope you like the entry!
I am a follower!! My email is nettecan@hotmail.com
It is a good thing I don't still have kids to buy for. I would never be able to decide on a bed! :-D I think I liked Enchantment best, but then there was....Oh, so many...how do you ever decide?!?!
I am a follower
I would choose the Sundance Slat Bed
I became a follower (o:
I wish someone would tell me why that is a benefit
should I be asking people to be a follower?
And I like the Wildon Home Denmark Loft bed. My four granddaughters share two small rooms and someday they will need something like that (o:
i'm a follower! yay!
I'm a follower!
I'd choose the LC Kids Enchantment Panel Bed with Optional Trundle Bed
I am publicly following your blog (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Such a tough decision! I believe my favorite is the Elite Products Locker Collection Captain's Bed.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow your blog.
The pot in Dijon would go best in my kitchen.
Maria Delgado
Opus Designs Jewell Signature Sleigh Bed in White is my fave!
Maria Delgado
i blogged
Maria Delgado
gfc follower
i would definately choose their thomas and friends train bed
I follow via GFC.
My son is a HUGE Thomas & Friends ADDICT, so I'd have to choose the Thomas & Friends Toddler bed:
I'm a follower
I would choose this fun bed
Wildon Home Multi-Color Bunk Bed With Slide and Tent
Yay! I found it! I'm happy to follow. Nice to 'meet' ya! :)
I would love the powell carriage bed to complete a cute princess theme in my lil' girl's room. So cute!!
Hi Jenny, I am a brand new follower of your blog and would like to enter the giveaway! Thanks, ~ Debra
Ok, I would choose the trundle bed because it would work for either girl or boy grandbabies!
Oh!!! Hey, It's Weds and I am here! Hope I'm not too late!
I'm a follower!
Blessings & Aloha!
I would have loved a tent bed as a kid...but the fenton Child's bed with trundle would fit in better with the decor in our spare bedroom :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
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