Sunday, March 14, 2010

This, that and possibly the other thing!

Good morning!

It's chaotic, crazy, fun here at my house this weekend and I'll tell you why later...

Since right now I have other more important things to share AND because I am about an hour away from the chaotic, crazy fun starting up again AND I should probably get changed out of my red plaid nightgown, slippers and coke-bottle-bottom glasses...


First of all...

She likes us...she likes us! She really, really likes us! I got this e-mail from Lisa Leonard on Saturday and I have to share it with you!

thank YOU jenny! it was so fun-and you have the absolute sweetest readers! let's plan another giveaway for this summer! customer service will contact your winner monday. xo

I am still grinning over her gracious e-mail AND, did I mention...SHE LIKES US!

Second of all...

Mrs. Matlock is a bit slow this week visiting Alphabe-Thursdays due to present unspecified chaos! But rest assured I will definitely get to everyones post. I am at Link 40 and being wowed, awed and amazed just as I am each week. This is the coolest MEME...but perhaps I am biased...

...which brings up...

Third of all...

I know a lot of you have already finished reading the H links BUT please go back and re-read number 40. Julie somehow linked her post to circle back to my post...I corrected the link this morning and you will be really, really sad if you miss her H!

I ashamedly admit that two people e-mailed on this mistake BUT I am only getting to it now.



And fourth of all...

See how organized I am? Totally organized right? Numbering my little things I need to tell you in this totally organized fashion!!!! Yup, I'm thinking about changing the sub-title of my blog to "off on my organized tangent"!

When you think of I know the first words that pop into your head are organization and razor sharp focus!


Hmmm... I must be going deaf because oddly there was no resounding "hoorahs!" and acknowledgements on that question.


But anyway...

Have a good day....




Oh... ummm...

Number four. Yeah.

So...with no further inane wanderings around the world of words...I give you... ...and some more answers to your questions...

Theresa said...
OK here is my question for Mr. Jenny:) Is Jenny Matlock ALWAYS funny and cute as she appears to be? She makes me bend over double laughing:) and is cute as a button. Is that REAL or does she photoshop to look like that?

Yep! That’s that the real deal.

Note from me! I love Theresa!!!!!!!

Anita said...
Jenny's husband: Are you jealous of her love affair with her blog? :)

No -- I think the blogging is exceptionally cool! Her writing and story-telling talent have always been very strong, and the daily blogging seems to be strengthening that writing ability. Did she ever tell you that she often makes up stories to keep the granddaughters entertained when we are driving them somewhere? Amazing, amazing stories that just flow, spur of the moment narratives that entertain, engross (even me)… that tell tales with meaning, with emotion and passion. I hope we can publish some of them, someday. I’m not sure where her blog is going, but I suspect is it going somewhere special.

Marydon Ford said...DH ~ Does Jenny always look THIS good ALL the time? Is she as organized as she seems?

Oh sure, she’s a cutie! When she smiles and her eyes twinkle, the whole world is smiling with her! (Well, I might be a bit biased.) And yes, she is always well organized.

myletterstoemily said...please ask mr. jenny if he wishes you didn't spend so much time at your computer?

No, writing her blog and other writing activities has given Jenny focus and passion while other not-to-much-fun things have been going on in her life, things that have distracted, have pulled at her life-long values and activies.

w said...well. asking mr. jenny questions should be fun. like. would he want you to invite his ex to the funeral...

No, none of them.

...and I have more answers he wrote but this is getting to be a mighty long post... bye for now!

Hope your day is filled with happy chaos, too!

post signature


Linda @ A La Carte said...

So glad she likes us!!! Enjoy your chaos!!! Talk to you soon and I can see why you love Mr. Jenny!!! Lol.

Sue said...

We like you too! I'm still jumping up and down over winning the Lisa Leonard piece.

Mr. Jenny sounds a bit like Mr. Sue...he likes my blogging and all that goes with it, because I'm happier when I'm doing something I love. He's starting to use words like tablescape and cloche...oh my!

I hope your weekend excitement is the good kind:)


w said...

well ok then, jenny matlock. i got my answer... and so did you.

also. you might want to reconsider the invite if you're looking exceptionally hawt.

and please let mr. jenny know that i thank him greatly for his answer.

Theresa said...

I love you too, Jenny:) It sounds like Mr. Jenny adores you like I do! Loved his sweet "from the heart" answers! I hope you have a special Sunday having fun with whatever it is you are doing!

Susan said...

Very, very cute.
I will write more about my Phoenix trip later. We are busy around here getting things ready to go.
As always, I enjoy your writing. Good job. It keeps a smile on my face.
Have a great Sunday,

gayle said...

That is a great idea making up stories for your granddaughters!! You should get them in book form!!!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

LOVE the past posts with answers from "Mr. Jenny" :o)

Brilliant idea for some posts!

Enjoy your company and happy chaos! My hubby and I loved our bit of choas yesterday, when our son and his 7 college friends arrived from KY for spring break...

Blessings & Aloha!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said... more thing... you really should pursue getting those stories you told to your granddaughters (that your hubby mentioned in the earlier post) published.

Blessings & Aloha!

Vicki/Jake said...

Jenny, you and Mr Jenny are adorable awesome....and I love ya! Thanks for giving us something so fun to share..
Enjoy the chaos and ya, I need to get reading more H's today too..
Keep writing and telling.

Bits-n-Pieces said...

aww! Mr. Jenny is such a cutie and good answers, too. My guy would've been like, "yes." "no" "maybe". lol

Brenda said...

I am glad you are busy and that is why you have not visited my H this week. I was beginning to think I failed H and you did not want to tell me! I am enjoying Mr. Jenny's answers. What a special husband you have!

Julie Harward said...

I just love you hub thinks the blogging thing is great too! Come say hi :D

Jackie said...

lol @ Mr. Jenny :D

Awww Did he really say all that?

Justine said...

Yay! I loved reading Mr. Jenny's answers. The man is obviously gaga over you!

Justine :o )

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Matlock, I can't wait to hear about the chaos. I can only imagine the fun that ensued!

Steve, you don't seem capable of disappointing! It's refreshing to hear from the sane side of the household! ;)

Anonymous said...

I have trouble getting out of my pajamas too. Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

I love you too, Jenny!
Mr. Jenny is such a loving husband
but again, his wife truly ROCKS his socks too!

Have a great week.


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...




Write 500 times; "I do not have to do everything. Nor do I have to do everything now."
