But before we do, I have two important announcements.
1. I am still having internet issues (Mr. Jenny is replacing the router) and to avoid the strong desire to throw my computer out of the window I am not doing spots 1,2 and 3 this week. I'm sorry about that. Hopefully he will resolve this issue soon before I consider throwing him out of the window.
2. A lot of links to this meme are to really excellent blogs. If you didn't see my post yesterday about promoting your writing would you take a minute and go read it by clicking here? I just want to make sure you see this, I did think of a lot of you when I started the process for myself.
Now, moving onto the regular A-T info...
So that we can distribute comments a bit more evenly, if your first name starts with the letters A - L please start reading the odd posts first starting with link number 1.
If your first name starts with the letters M - Z please start reading the even posts first starting with link number 2.
I also want to let you know that each week I visit every blog. I noticed a blog today where my comment didn't show up. If it appears I haven't visited your blog by Sunday night, please let me know, because it is important to me to make sure you know I've visited you!
If you have any difficulties with your link please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find them otherwise.
If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you.
The McLinkey will be live from 6:00 pm MST time Wednesday night through 8:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog (since there are prizes involved and it makes my life easier that way), PG posts only, and try to visit all the other students according to the letter of your first name! The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
Class is dismissed. You may wander down and link your "W" post now, class!
Hi everyone, I am excited to be reading everyones posts this week! I have missed you all!
I am sorry about your router. Hope it get fixed soon.
I can't wait to dive in...but I have to give my daughter a bath first!
well jenny, it is obvious that you are a woman of fine taste since you are my newest follower.
how exciting that "its you" of the alphabet series...i always think to myself i should link something up. next time i will!
i like your blog background, too, it is something i haven't seen before. that's why i like mine-glad you do, too.
i'm off to look at the w's...
another poem for me, though it is a revised version
If you're going to toss Mr. Jenny out the window, please make sure you capture it with a photo.
I've just visited all your linky-poos and even left comments on a few.
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for posting earlier. I got the whole thing done before my sleeping pills kicked in (just joking)!
Hi Jenny!
Thanks for having me today. I was very excited about posting today as I found lots of lovely pictures of wainscoting!
Best wishes and happy Alpha-be Thursday,
I feel as though I am the prodigal child returning home...
I missed your perky attitude...and deeper insight into life (all with a wickedly witty twist)!
Oooo W's are just rolling :)
This is my first time to link up! Sure hope I did it right. :-) I just found your blog tonight, and I have really enjoyed peeking around a bit!
Happy Thursday.
Hi jenny,
I'm having trouble linking in this week. It's link number 50 and the URL is http://h-little-sealed-packages.blogspot.com/2010/06/w-is-for-wet-week-in-wales.html
Will get to them all soon, promise, if only the hubby would stop staying up for his darn soccer matches and interrupting my sleep when he's done each night...
I need to do this with you one week, Jenny! You are such fun!
Sheila :-)
I'm continuing my June WEDDING theme today so my title is W is for WEDDING WISHES. I hope you've enjoyed all the beautiful brides I've been sharing during this month. It's been fun!
But also this WEEK has been sad with the loss of our beautiful sheltie Carrie. At 13 years old she had lived a great life and we miss her terribly.
I am dreading next week's "X"! Just saying...
Now THIS is a fun party idea! It's my first time here, and I'll be back at lunch to wander through my fellow bloggers' genius, starting with number 2...
I must have missed you post yesterday, but I read it today. Congratulations on writing for Examiner! I have bee doing it about a year and a half and it is tons of fun! (Getting paid ain't too bad either!)
I'm not sure what I did wrong. When you click on my #66 it says it can't be found I tried to fix it by re-entering and it won't let me. My blog spot is http:thepaintsplash.blogspot.com
So long, friend.
I am off line for 2 days or so on blogger, I decide to take part in your meme, I posted, thank you for the time and attention!
Happy Thursday!
The link seems to have sorted itself, so please disregard my earlier comment. 'puters eh!!!
Hi Jenny,
I'm new here and linking up a day late -- hope that's okay. One of my commenters yesterday noted that my post (watermelon) would be great for your Alphabe-Thursday, so I hopped over. This is so fun!
Yea! I sent Graceful over. She's awesome!
Oh...I haven't received my grade yet. Am I in trouble? I know it might be R rated subject matter so if you give me a C or D I understand!
I hope Mr. Jenny is still OK. I worry.
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