Thursday, June 17, 2010

V is for Violets

Down behind the old stone wall
The fragrant violets grow
I pick them in a perfect bunch
Because I love them so.
My Grandmothers gnarled and busy hands
Take the bouquet with gentle care
She puts them in the chipped pink glass
To perfume her bedroom air.

Down behind the old stone wall
My tears fell on the flowers
I wept for loss and sought hearts ease
For many sorrowful hours.
My Grandmothers quiet, gnarled hands
Were crossed with perfect care
I kissed her still and silent face
And left a violet in her silver hair.

By: Jenny Matlock
This little poem is dedicated to my Grandmother, Frances and my sister, Elizabeth

This post linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "V". To visit the other "V" posts just click here.

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Kel said...

So beautiful and heart felt. It gave me chills.

Bookie said...

Beautiful, thoughtful...makes us appreciate your feelings.

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful V post. Love the violet.

Theresa said...

Love it, sweet Jenny! Precious words! Have a blessed day! HUGS!

lissa said...

sweet and nostalgic

Unknown said...

A sweet and touching post! Wonderful! A+ for teacher!

Marlene said...

Such a pretty poem. :)

Carol said...

beautiful...very touching...tender & sweet!

Anonymous said...

This post is so pretty. It reminds me of the special things about her grandmother.

Diana said...

Beautiful poem Jenny. The photo too!
Love Di ♥

Amy said...

Oh so pretty! And my son really appreciates the music you have playing on your blog. ;)

Ms. A said...

You did this one, didn't you? You always give credit and I didn't notice any. Regardless, I LOVE IT!!!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

So lovely, Jenny! Straight from the heart and beautifully told. I love this so!

Susan Anderson said...

My mother-in-law loved violets to much. She always had a few around the house.


One Photo said...

Beautiful photo and beautiful poem Jenny, I love it.

Amy said...

Did you write this? Beautiful! Love ya!

LuLu Kellogg said...

How lovely brought a tear to my eye♥

GardenOfDaisies said...

We have little wild violets just like that growing all over our yard. And it's one of my Mom's favorite flowers too. Beautiful poem.

Becca's Dirt said...

Beautiful poem.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a beautiful poem Jenny!!!

Lourie said...

What a beautiful and endearing poem.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such a beautiful, sad, sweet poem, Jenny! Lovely "V" post!

♥ Pat

jeff campbell said...

Wow! I do not know what to say...I am in awe...I guess i can say I love Violets too. Not only the color, but the way in which the stem curls downward into the flower...Peace and blessings

H said...

That was surprisingly painful! Thank you Jenny.

PeggyR said...

That's a lovely poem. My mother loved violets.

Bits-n-Pieces said...

Oh Jenny...what a heartfelt sentiment. (((hugs)))

Amanda Lee said...

This was so beautiful, so sweet.

jen said...

That was beautiful. Very different from your regular posts. So sweet. Thanks.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

that is very beautiful and enlightening v post.
I am thrilled to read you and discover your gifts in poetry...
U Rock!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sweet Jenny, what a lovely, sad and beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing your talents!

Sarah said...

Jenny, what a beautiful poem and tribute to your grandmother and sister. Sweet violet! I planted some this spring. Not sure if they will survive. ~ Sarah

Natasha in Oz said...

What a lovely poem and I love the pretty image of the Violet.

Thanks for letting us know about what is happening for when we reach the letter Z-I was starting to get a bit sad about finishing!

Best wishes and thanks so much for having me and Visiting me each week. You are a Very loVely host!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

It is very beautiful and moving. It deserves to be painted by a PreRaphaelite!

The Words Crafter said...

What a lovely poetic tribute! I worked with a spunky older lady who insisted that purple was created for old ladies! It does go well with silvery hair...I used to pick them behind my grandparents' barn...and I love them still....

(my computer hung up and I clicked publish again...I hope it doesn't post twice! if so, I'm sorry!)

Brittany said...

How beautiful! You're quite the poet missy!

ImagiMeri said...

Dearest Jenny,

You are most certainly "one of a kind" and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your caring and concern. This poem only illustrates a glimpse of your compassion, empathy and love for your family, and your ability to extend your heart to others.

God Bless

Cheryl said...

Lovely and heartfelt. Thanks for sharing a bit of you today.

mrs. c said...

what a lovely and moving poem. It was so sweet! thank you for sharing it with us.

Jo said...

awwwe ... that was wonderful ... and touching ... and sweet ... and well, just touching ...

Viki said...

Beautiful poem, just lovely. We had a violet pop up in our front flower bed this year. Either a squirrel planted it or it came from a bird, who knows, ha. Great V post, Jenny.

Tina said...

Read it three times. Lovely, and so heartfelt, sad, yet loving. Nicely done.

Tina said...

Read it three times. Lovely, and so heartfelt, sad, yet loving. Nicely done.

Angelia Sims said...

Oh my goodness, so sweet and so sad. Beautifully written. I can't imagine how hard it was to write. Great job.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words to match a beautiful photo. Such a vivid colour! I think I can smell that gorgeous scent as well!

Lola said...

Great V poem & post!

Off now on business trip-glad you enjoyed my little advice column!


Kat said...

What a beautiful poem and post Jenny. I love violets too, so old fashioned and unassuming, but so lovely. Kathy

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Such a beautiful, poignant tribute to your Grandmother, Matlock!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful and heart-felt poem, Jenny!

Holly Lefevre said...

Oh my Jenny...this is really amazing. I have goosebumps. It leaves a definite impression.

Red Couch Recipes said...

What a beautiful poem you composed. I have always loved violets. I used to pick them as a young girl from under our bushes and put them in a vinegar bottle. Lovely poem! Joni

cj Schlottman said...

Jenny, Your poem is exquisitely moving, so much so that it brought tears to my eyes. You are truly talented, and I'm so glad I found you. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Beautiful ... violets and poetry!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said... truly have a gift with words and weaving them together so sweetly and with so much imagery.

Blessings & Aloha!
I am sooo happy to have found you, dear blogger friend!

Vicki/Jake said...

Thanks again for sharing your gift of words with us Jenny.
The hands made me think of the Aunt I just lost...

Maddy said...

What a lovely poem! You are very talented. Mum tells me that you will be starting up Alphabe-Thursday again soon, and I hope to join in.

Thank you for following my blog and leaving such a lovely comment! I really appreciate it!

I hope your day is sweet,