Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ode to Orange

This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursdays Summer School. To read more "Odes to the color Orange" just click here!

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Lola said...

Totally agree with you - such a problematic colour!


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Orange you glad you don't have to post about orange every week!

Unknown said...

orange: the warmth of ember's heat
or cool as a tasty sherbet's treat!

Loved your prose! You're on your toes!

Okay...I'll stop now. :o)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

cute poem,
well put!

Pondside said...

Cute poem - all the orange in blog land today is YOUR fault! I'm sure it can be seen from outer space.

Dawn said...

Poor Orange it gets such a bad rap!

Chatty Crone said...

I love orange and black - Halloween! sandie

Unknown said...

I wanted to stop by and invite you to my giveaway! (Hopfully I can participate in the next alphabe-thursday!)

Sarah said...

Oh, Jenny, this is a clever poem. I do like the flavor of orange, and don't mind the color when used as an accent. But the thought of reliving the 60s with all the orange, avocado green, and gold kitchen appliances and shag carpet ~ NO THANK YOU!
Thanks for hosting this fun summer school that is filling our hot days with beautiful colors. ~ Sarah

Tina said...

Cute and sweet poem. I still haven't done my was my birthday so I did other things.

Viki said...

Cute poem. I think it would have been easier to come up with orange things if it was fall. Oh well, lol.

Unknown said...

I love orange...I did a post on it during Alphabe Thursday and relinked....kind of a cheat, but kind of not...I liked the post and it about covered it...nuff said.

Lourie said...

This one was a toughie! I loved your poem though. Cute. Especially since nothing rhymes with orange.

Pat Tillett said...

Orange looks good only on oranges and race cars...

Carol said...

open your mind and embrace the orange! lol, cute poem!

Sherri said...

very cute!!

Susan Anderson said...

Love the oral flavor...but not the visual one.

Great poem.


J said...

That poem made me smile.

LemonyRenee' said...

Oh, I disagree. I LOVE the color and that flavor of orange! And it is the favorite color of three of my favorite people: my mother-in-law, my son, and Frank Sinatra! Get with it, sister!

Amy said...

I am loving all the orange poems and photos (of fall leaves and pumpkins and halloween) all over today. Thank you so much for doing this! It makes me too happy.

Deb said...

cute your music..

Cannwin said...

haha! I don't like oranges and chocolate together, but I don't mind oranges by themselves :)

Anonymous said...

This was really fun. You are right about a little orange. It can go a long way.

RNSANE said...

I rarely wear orange but I love eating those wonderful California navel oranges...they are most yummy!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

This is awesome!

I hope my email reaches you...

Cheryl D. said...

I really struggled with writing on orange and maybe what you posted about is why! Great post!

Tracy said...

It is like I said in my blog "is it red or is it orange and then again as I prep for Yellow could it be yellow.? " love your ode

Mary said...

I think orange gets a bad rap...sunsets & pumpkins, what's not to love? Thanks for hosting, I didn't know summer school could be this fun :-)

Jo said...

going through all of the posts i have come to the opinion that orange is just plain misunderstood and underappreciated ... there is so much beauty in orange!

Maude Lynn said...

Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Orange does scream for a poem--it is a hard one to do.


Anonymous said...

Orange does scream for a poem--it is a hard one to do.


Kat said...

Such a cute poem! But I have to disagree, I LOVE orange, especially the flavor. I thought I loved the color, but realized there is not a spot of it in my entire house. So I guess I just love orange colored food LOL Kat

Unknown said...

Yeah! I went to the Country Living Fair last year AND I'm going again this year!! Let me tell ya, my eye balls were exhausted there were so many beautiful things to see!!

Sue said...

Well that was clever...I do love fresh oranges!

easternsparkle said...

Very good!!!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

a problematic color for which (as my sister says) the only rhyme is 'door hinge'.

Terra said...

not that I expected anything less...this was perfect!

Vicki/Jake said...

Cool little ditty teach!

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Very cute poem! I love orange, but usually on to wear, I rarely use in it my decor!

Bits-n-Pieces said...

but orange sherbet sure is good!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love your ode!! Other then Halloween and some fall decorations, just not my favorite!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Adorable poem, Jenny! I love the flavor of oranges and orange flavored sweets. It ranks up high on my list of favorites :)

Christy said...

What a great ode to a wonderful color and flavor - oh how I love orange flavor!


My sentiments exactly. Except, this week I am painting some Indian paintbrushes....and I have been blending various shades of the bitter color. So, this week is an orange week for sure.

Betty said...

You're so's iffy at best.

Is yellow this Thursday? I'm not going away until later this week, but still may not have time.

Susan said...

cute little poem, but I do not know if I like it, LOL!