Thursday, November 4, 2010

G is for Jog

Do not be fooled by this sweet, little face.

This face charmingly conceals one of the most diabolically stubborn minds in the history of children...or darned close.

This is our youngest Granddaughter.

She is in preschool.

She is learning about the letter:


I was pretty excited about this fact, because this also happens to be the letter "G" week for Alphabe-Thursday. I planned to get her to tell me a word that starts with the letter "G" and you could all say, "Awwww, that is just so sweet...awwwww..."


Sometimes the best laid plans go awry, as indicated by the following conversation when I picked her up on Monday.

Me: Hey you! You were learning about the letter G today, weren't you?
Her: Yep, yep, yep. G! G goes ghe, ghe, ghe. G.
Me: You're right. That's great. So...what words do you know that start with the letter G?
Her: G! ghe, ghe, ghe...giant!
Me: That's great! Do you have any more?
Her: G! ghe, ghe, ghe ...gerbil!
Me: Wow, girl! You are rockin' the G words. How about one more?
Her: OK, Gwamma. G! ghe, ghe, ghe...JOG!
Me: Well, close. Jog really starts with the letter J.
Her: Gwamma! Listen! G! ghe, ghe, ghe...JOG!
Me: I know it sounds like it could be a G, but really that is a J.
Her: Gwamma! Listen. G! ghe, ghe...
Me: I heard you but jog doesn't start with a G, it starts with a J.
Her: Sigh. (eyeroll) Sigh. Gwamma. Jog is when a boy puts on shorts and jogging shoes and goes outside to G! ghe! ghe! ghe! ...JOG!

Me: (I was not, at this point, going to even address the fact that women ghe, ghe, jog, too) I know what jogging is, but sweetie...
Her: GWAMMA! LISTEN! G! ghe, ghe, ghe...
Me: Sweetie? You know what? Ask your Mom if the word jog starts with G or J... OK? Maybe Gwamma is wrong.


I give you...

G! G is for ghe, ghe, ghe...jog.

Please feel free to say 'awwwwww' now while I go find the aspirin bottle.

This post was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter G. To read other rivetting tales such as this simply click here.


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People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Gwamma, surely you ghe ghe ghe jest!!!! Evewyone knows that it's "ghe ghe ghe jog"! Evewyone!


Unknown said...

G is for jogging on a spirited jaunt.

Yeah, I get it. Of course that is what G is for. Because when you start jogging you begin to look GREAT with a GRACEFUL GAIT and you feel GOOD about yourself. Yup. G is for jog.

Gattina said...

Hahaha ! Clever girl ! I can imagine that you always need aspirin in your home pharmacy,with such a granddaughter, lol !

Anonymous said...

Our language is so tricky. She does have the right sound and she is so confident of it.

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

That always makes me mad! Look, I say, spell it however you want, but you are wrong!

paige said...

Awwww...."gwamma" = so cute. She's ghe-ust the cutest!

Jocelyn said...

Oh what a sweet child and what a wonderful relationship you have.....

I think we should just change the word to GOG.....after all if sounds like GHEEEEE!!!

Love you sweet friend...have a Fabulous day!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Some battles are just not worth it I suppose. :)

Sue McPeak said...

This is the stuff 'Forever Stories' are made of....tell it often over the years! She will never forget that she taught you how to spell GheGhe Jog! Grands are Great!

Unknown said...

First I wonder why is G for Jog? now I know...Lol

Anonymous said...

Genny...what do you think she'll come up with for the letter J...or do you have enough aspirin to really go there? Gust kidding :D

aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww :D

Tracy said...

Aw Gwamma your so silly. How could you not know that I wonder what will be suggeted for J

ain't for city gals said...

I think it is the "new" way of teaching...used to drive me nuts...they don't care if they spell it right just so they are writing..they say the spelling comes later...I guess it works niece is in her third (and final...YIPPEE!) year of law school and most of the papers she writes are way beyond me !

RedTedArt said...

Awwwe indeed!! She tried so hard and was so excited. And Jog does have a "G" in it, no?!

Very sweet! And great "G" post!!!!


Unknown said...

So sweet! And so stubborn! Reminds me of my daughter Elisabet.

Keetha Broyles said...

I love stuff like this! And of COURSE at her age, the TEACHER is the smartest person on the planet.

When I was subbing in 2nd grade a few weeks ago, I had to teach some phonics lessons. I had to teach the "unk" special letter sound. The kids were giving me suggestions of words that contained that sound. One said, "PUNKIN!!!"

Well now - - - you'd think so, wouldn't ya????

Jeanie said...

Aaw, Genny, she is gust adorable. That stubborness will serve her well.

Terra said...

Awwwww. the beauty of phonics. Hey, at least she is learning and she is trying and she sticks to her guns and well...that is pretty G(j)olly!

Theresa Plas said...

She's a jenious!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

-chuckle- Can you imagine how the teachers of these little ones, do it?!?

Guess it's good training for the young teachers... To know what's coming at them, when they have their own little ones.

Did someone say Eeeek?


One Photo said...

Love it! So I take it G is for Jenny too now?!?

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh the things we learn from preschoolers!

Viki said...

I could never be a preschool teacher LOL.

Marlene said...

This is exactly why my kids are 20 and 22...and NOT having any kids for a LONG LONG TIME. I'd have pulled out every one of my 442,432 hairs on my head. :)

Susan Anderson said...

G whiz. Better make that an Excedrin!


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

My littlest one's new catch phrase is "Oh Gwamma, you're so funny!". Gotta love them, aspirin or not!

Jackie said...

G is for Gog . haha

G is for God and Grammas are always right :)

Deb said...

love it

Cheryl D. said...

My daughter is constantly correcting me about things. I'll have to remember this for when we start the alphabet again (A is for Annoying). But it does get tough when it comes to phonetics, which oftentimes really do not make sense!

I give you an A+ even if you didn't pick a G word! LOL

Lourie said...


Darn the English language anyway!



The Quintessential Magpie said...

Do you hear the collective awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww??? If not, let me say it again, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


Sheila :-)

H said...

Of course it's ghe, ghe, ghe jog, just like it's cee, cee, cee seasaw and sh, sh, sh, sugar and f, f, f, phone.

Silly gwamma!

Ames said...

G! Ghe, Ghe, Ghe! Gwammaw! Foh cwrying out loud! You just don't get it do you!

Out of the mouths of babes. Too sweet!~Ames

Judie said...

G is for Give it up, Grandma! You can't win, you can only hug and kiss, and wait for the letter J.

La said...

Oh (G)enny. That is (g)ust adorable. ;o} La

genie said...

This is absolutely adorable. My little 5 year old Eloise distorts her mouth terribly when she is sounding out her kindergarten alphabet. Does your little granddaughter do it? I have to control myself when E. is going through the letters or I will fall in the floor in giggles :-)

Christy said...

AWWWWWWW - so stinkin' cute. Every child I have struggles with g's, j's, c's and k's - stupid english language!

Brenda said...

Sometimes it is just easier to agree for the moment. Sweet child.

Splendid Little Stars said...

aawww! There! I said it! I AM fooled by that cute little face! What a lucky Gwamma you are to have such a smart little gwanddaughter!

Anonymous said...

Awwww. How cute.


Tgoette said...

LOL! Great story, Jenny! Gotta love those little kiddos. Here is the requisite response. Wait for it...


This was too funny! Sometimes I feel sorry for little kids and foreigners who try to learn our language. So many rules and exceptions!

Awesome job!

Vicki/Jake said...


Anonymous said...

Silly Granma! Of course 'jog' begins with 'G'! Everyone knows that!

Anonymous said...

What a cutiepie, I don't see how you can even contemplate argueing with her?'ll be interesting to see hwat she tells you when she's at J..will she own up or cover up? :)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said... have patience of a saint, because I would have given in after the first two conversation exchanged..But she is so sweet trying to convince you though..

Bonnie said...

Now there is a girl who sticks to her gggggg guns!

I just love conversations with little ones. I wish I would have written down more of them with my kids.

I wonder if she ever asked her mom?

Jessica B said...

LOL -- that is adorable! Going through the exact same conversations with my littlest, who just started kindergarten. Makes me smile. :)

Amy said...

phonics are rough. Brian Regan is one of our favorite comedians. He did a sketch on phonics. How if we really spoke with phonics, it would sound horrible. "p-honics, wurk-ed fur meh!" type thing. I think it is awesome that she is learning so well. Now excuse me while I go for a ghe ghe ghe jog!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. You said I could :-)

Gosh, how I miss being around small kids and their joy (another G word).

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

And how did I miss this Alphab-Thursday!! Waaaahhhh!!!!

Happy Saturday!!

Did you enter my csntstores giveaway? Great for holiday shopping!!

oh and if you have time to vote for my photo too I'd be so thankful!!!


Cheryl said...

Do not play Boggle with this child. Do not purchase Gunior Scrabble.

Gust sayin...

Cheryl said...



Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Haha!!! LOVE it! C'mon Ghe,ghe, ghe...gwamma!

You leave me weak and wanting to grab my sides from laughing! (thank you for letting me in the classroom door to get my "G" assignment turned in.)

Oh...also picked you for another blog's on Kel's Between the Lines for the blog I would like to "spotlight". :o)

Pondside said...

Aw Gwamma - get with the new spelling!

Tina said...

love how she calls you gwanma bless! and jog .... some letters can be confusing for the little uns and oh yes they are stubborn little characters!


I am just now reading your G post. Awwwwwwwww! Don't you just love Grandchildren? I love that story and that logic. She has much to learn about our illogical language.