Thursday, March 31, 2011

I ask you Y?

Our Grandlittle isn't being cast as Baby Rapunzel?


Look at her with this ripply blonde post-braid hair...

PLUS, she knows the book, front to back by heart...

I suppose it would help if I took her to some actual casting agents...

But until she is discovered, I will simply just ask you Y?

This post, obviously, is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Y". To vist other less Grandchild-enhanced posts, just click here.

I'm hoping I can get her to bend into a "Z" shape for next week.


post signature


Splendid Little Stars said...

Now that was a wonderful grandchild-enhanced post! (Would that some others of us would be so blessed!) No need to ask Y. If you can get her to bend into a Z, her fate will be sealed. Discovery, assured!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Awwwwwwwww, I just love the effect of braiding damp hair, and letting it dry, in braids!!!

I also just love it, how your Daughter [or is it your D-I-law?] is having so much fun with her little girl! So happy for both of them. And for you too, of course!

Time will pass so quickly and the day will come when she no longer wants Mommy to do whatever she chooses, with her hair. -sigh-

Yes, that day will come. So I hope her Mommy and her Grandmommy enjoy every bit of the time of "now." When you can play with her beautiful hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susan Anderson said...

Y, indeed?


PS. Wish I had grandkids close-by so I could copy your Alphabe-Thursday techniques!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

I love the post-braid crinkles! My daughter loves doing that but just chopped her hair off short. Is this princess a fan of the new Disney movie about Rapunzel?

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Awwwwwww so cute! Love the Y and crinkly hair! :)

GardenOfDaisies said...

She is a cutie! Her rapunzel hair looks like my daughters hair... long, blond, and crazy curly!! :-)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, that HAIR....she is the cutest ever.
I don't think you need a casting agent, they will FIND her one day.

Lola said...

We're sure Hollywood's on the phone to you as we, er, speak!

XOXO Lola:)

Amy said...

She's getting so big!!

Anonymous said...

"Y"-O-"Y" not!,"y"ou can be her agent,and she would be perfect for the part,she is absolutely beautiful and her hair is lovely.

LazY on LoblollY

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I personally adore your little wavy headed Baby Rapunzel 'Y'!!!

She's just too darn stinkin' cute not to use her and ya know we all just eat it up!!!

God bless and have a terrific day sweetie!!!

Anonymous said...

You know what they used to sing
on the old Mickey Mouse Club ~
Y? because we like YOU :)
gorgeous little homework doer J


fredamans said...

Love seeing the little one back in the posts!

noexcuses said...

What a sweetheart!! Yes, she has the perfect hair for the role! There will be many more roles to come, I'm sure.

Ms. A said...

That's the cutest Y I've ever seen!!!

Jackie said...

y that was interesting and it would be interesting to see her do the letter Z . she does look like she could play rapunzel with beautiful golden locks !

Pat said...

Great "Y" letter!!! And complete with lovely blonde hair...:o)

Even with the flexibility of young ones - that letter Z might be a challenge! We await your next posting!!

Anonymous said...

I bet you could put on your own production!

Jo said...

awwwwwwwwe ... cutie patootie or what??? and she should get a starring role in Rapunzel, the little princess!!!

La Petite Gallery said...

She certainly has beautiful hair and I bet she is her Grandmothers
favorite. looks like she is a real character. yvonne

La Petite Gallery said...

She certainly has beautiful hair and I bet she is her Grandmothers
favorite. looks like she is a real character. yvonne

Sue McPeak said...

I sure don't know Y not! She'd be perfect for the part! Now I want to see her do ZippityDoDah ZZZZZ's! I bet you'll figure that out somehowzer!

Judie said...

Your only recourse is to get that child some hair extensions! That'll make those agents pick her for sure!!!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

The letter Y is a fun one for kids, small and big. I'd grow my hair long just to have braids and crinkles in my hair when I let them out. Hmmm.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Y, she already is Rapunzel, the rest of the world just hasn't figured it out yet....

Annesphamily said...

This little ham is such a cutie! Lpve that hair! Great post Jenny! Anne

Elyse said...

aw, what a little sweetie she is!


Donnie said...

She has beautiful hair and is so sweet to help you with the letter Y.

Anonymous said...

She would certainly be splendid for the part! Beautiful young lady.


Pondside said...

You owe that sweet girl BIG time!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Aw! What a cutie with lovely locks! I love her perfect "Y" pose :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

oops! meant to also say...I can just imagine you telling her "how fun it would be to make a Z pose!" haha

(Silly, but as I sit here, I actually have the impulse to try my hand at a Z post! haha) Don't kow if that would be a smart thing to do, considering it isn't as easy as it used to be to get up after sitting on the floor for a period of time!

Blessings & Aloha!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

She is a doll, Jenny. An absolute doll!


Sheila :-)

Cheryl D. said...

She's so beautiful! I'm sure casting agents would be falling over themselves to have her as their client!

H said...

Your grandlittle looks a real bright spark. I'm sure she's be a great Rapunzel baby. (Mind you, just think how heavy it would be carrying around all that hair! It's perfect as it is.)

Gattina said...

How sweet ! I too read Rapunzel (but in German) when I was little !

Tonya said...

That's GREAT!!! WHAT a cutie and definitely star-worthy!!!

Serline said...

She can certainly have the starring role, if my little Narelle had any say ;-P Have a blessed weekend!

Deborah said...

Aaw wonderful, and what a gorgeous little girl ... she better start practicing for her Z week! :o)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

oh I just love that hair!! She is so cute and very sweet to pose like that for you. they will do anything for their grandmas'

Vicki/Jake said...

And Y not????

Jessica B said...

I love how you always use your litle assistant to help with the letters. She is such a little cutie. :)

Amy said...

Look at her lovely hair! It is just too delicious. Loveliness itself.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your little granddaughter is such a cutie ...just like you!

Thanks so much for the beautiful congratulations card you sent to me for the birth of my grandson, Jenny! That was so sweet of you and made my day! :)

Hugs, Pat

Mari's World said...

Oh best of luck with that Z formation!
She is adorable it's very clear why you are so proud of her.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

what a star she is.
superb Y take,
perfectly made.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Oh my gosh, she's the most fun! I love her letter "Y", but the post braid, rapunzel hair is to die for!


I have missed my Alphabet Thursday bloggers for about 3 weeks! Maybe more. Anyway, I think your granddaughter is WAY prettier than Rapunzel. You may tell her that I said so.

La said...

She knows the book front to back because her BFF reads it to her. :o)

Bonnie said...

She is just adorable and her hair is gorgeous!

Y don't you take her to a casting agent??

Debbiedoos said...

She is just darling Jenny. I always wanted hair like that...never did happen.

Dapoppins said...

I hear that Z shaped grands are great to have around!

As usual, Jenny, you crack me up.

Unknown said...

She is just too precious :) I think she'd also make a great goldilocks with all that beautiful hair of hers!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Her hair is so beautiful and shine in that sun! They don't know what they're missing with talented little one like that.