Hi! It was too hard to pick from the comments on your lemon posts SO I let Mr. Random Org do the picking. If the lemons last through our next few days of heat, I'll pick two more winners from the giveaway comments on Monday. I have to ship by Wednesday so they don't spoil on their way to you!
He told me the two winners are:
#2 - Kat said...
Artichokes! I'd be doing the happy dance too. And if you send me some lemons, I'll do a happy dance chorus! I would first fill a bowl with them, so the house would be filled with that heavenly scent. Then, on to lemonade. Perhaps a lemon pound cake. Cait's coming to visit, I know she could come up with something fantastic. Now I'm getting hungry. Kat
#11 summersundays-jw said...
First of all, I'd make quacamole. Then I'd make up a big container of my favorite salad dressing and finish up with a big pitcher of lemonade. I love lemons. I'm so jealous of your garden -- we had snow last night. Jan
If you could e-mail me your mailing address to: jennymatlock at cox dot net I will get these in the mail tomorrow morning!
I wrote a little guest post on JDaniels Mom's blog. If you'd like to read it, just click here!
congrats to the winners...
remarkable! congrats to the winners and have I told you how much your apron meant to me? My boyfriend loves it too . He thinks it's sexy :D
Congrats to the winners, thanks for a fun give-away:@)
Yippee!!!!! I love lemons, and I love you! I'm off to send you my mailing address. Can't wait to get my hands on those beauties. I'm telling Cait too, we'll get to cook this weekend! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Hugs, Kat
Congrats to the two winners!! Jenny, that was a FUN giveaway!
How fun for the winners. Not every day you get a box of Lemons in the mail...
I am so excited. I never win -- not to say I'm a loser but just don't win give-aways. Can't wait to get the lemons -- do you have any avocadoes in that wonderful garden of yours????? I've never had fresh lemons. I'm sending an email. Thanks so much! Jan
Loved your reminder on JDaniel Mom's blog! I am starting my list of important events not to miss.
Congratulations to the lucky winners, I could just give 'em a big old 'squeeze' then maybe they'd share some lemonade and lemon bars with the rest of us!!! Heeehehe!
Sorry, I have no self~control!!!
God bless and have a beautiful day!!!
Congratulations to those lucky winners!! What a treat they have coming their way!
Sorry, I've actually had fresh lemons....just not right off someone's tree. thought I should clear that up. Jan
Congrats to the winners! When Jenny gives you lemons... Make something yummy:)
Congrats to all the lemon winners!
And I loved your guest post.
Guess life didn't give me lemons. Now what am I gonna make? Ice water???
Hey, I loved your post over at JDaniel's Mom's blog. I really needed to hear that. Really!
Yea for the winners!
Are you sending people lemons, Jenny? Did you grow them??? WOW!
Hope you are well. Just checking in to say I've been missing you.
Sheila :-)
I just read your blog post at JD4's and I loved it. It was very encouraging to me, in a week where I've been struggling to find the right thing to do and the right way to parent and the right anything.
Darn! I wanted those lemons! But I'm happy for the winners....really I am. haha
PS. I loved what you wrote JDaniels Mom's blog.. this is the comment I left.
I just loved reading this. I love the line about "babies don't keep". This is so true. I used to rush around trying to create perfect moments and take perfect pictures. I realized one day when I was scrap booking the perfect moment that the pictures were great but I really hadn't been present and enjoyed the moment. I've tried to slow down more and enjoy the moment!
Thank you for hosting Jenny and thank you Jenny for writing so beautifully.
I hope they post what they make with the lemons. Love lemon flavor more than chocolate.
Congrats winners!
Congrats to the winners!
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