Friday, May 13, 2011


Anybody out there?


I'm dying of loneliness here.

I have been blogless for wayyyy too long.

I'd like to tell you that I spent that time completely finishing my tattoo dresser AND finding a cure to world hunger.

However, that would be a big fat lie.

I have no idea what I did with the time I wasn't blogging, but it wasn't much!

Just to prove, though, that my tattoo dresser project is moving right along...

ta..da...'s not even finished because I have no white paint AND I haven't varnished it and antiqued it a little bit...and, of course, I haven't even started painting the front or side...


I did work on it!

I need to try and figure out Alphabe-Thursday and Mr. Linky and a bunch of other messed up blog stuff...


I was thinking...

We are actually really lucky that blogger gives us such amazing places to hang out for FREE.

I'm definitely going to figure out how to back-up my blog, though.

Back to my dresser project and solving the world hunger thing.

Or back to the couch to watch cartoons with our sweet little Mo!

And I hope this doesn't make you feel all weirded out an uncomfortable...




It's lonely without blogland.


post signature


Ames said...

I lost my "D" post. It finally reappeeared today but no comments came back. Blogger is fixing everything. Be patient my friend.

This tattoo chest is turning out to be really REALLY cool Jenny. What are you going to use it for when you're done with it? Store crafts in it? Or are you going to sell it? I bet Mr. Jenny is impressed huh? I am! Like I said in your last fingers are getting itchy. I watch to paint something. ~Ames

Jeanie said...

We should have gotten together because I was working on that world hunger thing too.
Let us know if you figure out how to back-up your blog.

Ms. A said...

Between internet, phone AND blogger issues, I'm ready to pull out my remaining 2 hairs on my head!!! Grrrrrr!

The dresser is looking fabulous!!!

Unknown said...

Man.... I lost all my comments on my D post:-( So sad cause there were some fun ones. I'm happy that I got the posts back I guess & also that we have this ability & that the people of Google/Blogger worked so hard to resolve the issues! I am with you thought Jenny.... I have to figure out a way to back all this stuff out here up so I don't lose it all. Great painting on that dresser, it's gonna be gorgeous when it's done!

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

It was a tad annoying not to be able to get on here, but on the big scope of things, it really wasn't that bad, but then I am not nearly as prolific as some....not naming any names here....ahem! Still loving that dresser Jenny!

Grizzly Bear said...

I was going crazy without it too. I must of checked it about a bazillion times LOL... glad we are back.

Unknown said...

OMG that dresser is already amazingness! Mr Jenny is not allowed to say anything EVER again!

Unknown said...

I was so lonely as well that I composed a little blues tune over at my place! Good to see everyone back!

Anonymous said...

I was beginning to wonder if Blogger was ever going to be back.

Sweet Jenny your dresser is looking amazing. You are doing such a great job on it. It is a work of art in progress for sure. Mo is so cute! Hugs

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Jenny,

Thanks for leaving me a comment on my Alpabe Thursday post that finally showed back up with no comments. {sigh} Yours is showing up. I think we just need to forget this week and start again next week and hopefully blogger will get their act together in the mean time.

I like your dresser project..oh, and no I don't dress in these beautiful tea dresses...wish I had them though!

Have a wonderful week,
Stephanie ♥

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

oh gosh, I forgot to tell you a non-technical easy way to save your posts if you want to...I usually remember but did forget on this latest one.

After publishing your post and seeing that it's it up as if to edit it and click on "html" and copy {highlight} the entire coding.

Open up a word processing program...{ I open up Wordpad} and paste the code into this wordpad page...Create a folder for Blog Posts and save this file with the name of the post.

Then is you need the post later on you can easily retrieve it by copying the code back into a blog post!

Talk to ya later,
Stephanie ♥

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny I'm with you on backing up my blog! It sorta scared me some. I missed D and now it's Friday and well I don't know what to do...???

Jayne Martin said...

Your dresser is completely awesome! I bet you could hire yourself out doing that stuff. It's really, really pretty.

21 Wits said...

Yes it is kind of a scary thing...although when we can't do something naturally our animal instincts kick in and we want it all the more! lol I have that same crazy powerlesswithout my wheels if there are ever car issues...but I too missed Blogger more than FB, which I don't really use much....glad to see us all back on again!

Judie said...

O.k., yeah, well I was pissed, but only a little bit. I reconstructed my post, which was a nuisance for sure, but THEN my son, Keil, picked me up at 3 p.m. and took me to the Hilton El Conquistador resort for the MOST DELICIOUS body scrub, heat wrap, and massage that I have ever had! He works at the resort, so he kinda sorta got a little discount. So for 80 minutes I was in Heaven! Every mother on earth should have a Mother's Day gift like this!!!

Jo said...

awe ... you missed me, you really missed me!!! okay i was channelling Sally Field there a bit, but wow ... i think i almost got my house totally clean i was so bored without blogger ... and yet, i do love the fact that it is free and i don't have to pay $25. bucks a month to blog ... and I missed you too!!! so big hugs to you and get that centus up asap ... i'm eager to post something!!!

Stef said...

Blogger...gotta love it. I didn't love it in Dec when it tried to eat my blog. It was then that I learned that if I followed myself (you know, become your next Follower) then it will go to your google reader. From the time that you follow yourself, you will have all your posts. Plus I slurp the to my book that I will someday know...when I have oodles of when my kids are all out of school this summer. Ha!

Gattina said...

I had the same feeling ! but no tatoo box to finish. I prepared all my posts on a note and when it worked again, I just had to copy and paste ! I also lost all comments and my Friday post had disappeared, now it's back, but useless, because it was the resume of the week !
I have to say that it is the first time that Blogger had a nervous breakdown for such a long time since I started blogging in 2006 ! I wished I could back up my blogs, but don't know how to do it !

Susannah said...

I LOVE what you have done with the dresser so far. Really beautiful. I can't wat to see it finished. :-)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

It's unbelievably gorgeous! Wow, Matlock! I know you'd found artwork you liked, but you still had to envision how you were going to do it and where you were going to put it on the piece. WOW! I am not that kind of person. I bow to your supremacy.

Terra said...

Hey the dresser is looking great and yes we are very lucky that blogger generally makes this very easy for us and backing up your blog is easy...if you want me to show you shoot me a mail!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

The dresser turned out beautiful, Jenny. Maybe we all should have a Wordpress blog or a Type Pad blog to keep us company when Blogger hiccups!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Wowzer! Your dresser looks!!! Love it! And haha had to agree with Pixie's comment. :o)
Thank you so much for coming to comment! It was a bummer to keep checking in and getting the old "Blogger unavailable...."

Blessings & Aloha!

jabblog said...

Your dresser looks wonderful - aren't you clever?
A blogless world is a very frustrating one - I'm glad it's back but where are all the comments? They've stolen lots of them . . . :'(

H said...

It's made me realise how much I would lose if blogger crashed totally. The photos would be ok, but all of that writing... Also, Blogger is the only link most of us have. I'd miss people!

Unknown said...

That is a great looking dresser ... I have one that could use some dressing up, pity I didn't have this inspiration yesterday when I was Blogger-less ... instead I went shopping and bought herbs :) .
One of the neighborhood kids walked past me on his way out of my backyard (which for some reason is filled with other people's children lately) and said casually, "Lavender does not taste good." ... Which now has me pondering putting warning labels on anything not edible ... (sigh).
Have a great weekend dear lady!

Sue said...

I think I spent most of my time checking to see if blogger was back!

When you figure out that backing up the blog thing, let me know how you do it.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you left your comment after the troubles. All the Matlockian comments from Wednesday have disappeared.

J said...

Love the dresser! :D

Susan Anderson said...

Looks great so far, Jenny!


PS. I lost my D post. I guess I'll try to recreate it, but I lost tons of neat comments.

Busy Bee Suz said...

That dresser is looking amazing Jenny!!!!!! I am so impress with your tattoo skills.
I actually used my 'free' time to get some other stuff down. I think I need to take a few days off each week with the ol' blogging thing.

Bonnie said...

I love love that dresser! You are quite the artist.

I had some technical issues with my blog post this week too!

Dapoppins said...

I have come to your from the swamps of suburbia to tell you that I have NOT been struggling to solve the problems of the world. Or even my own problems.

I've just been sitting around wondering when you are going to finish that dresser so you can send it to me via air-mail.

It is going to be so beautiful!


I was so proud of myself this week. I read so many blogs and couldn't make comments. I had no idea how many people use blogspot. So, you will have to take my word for it.....I really did read blogs this week..ha.

Splendid Little Stars said...

HellloooOOOOO to you!!!
Your tattoo chest is looking great!